hogwarts houses

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gryffindor- bravery, courageous, daring, self-righteous, stubborn, chivalrous

• steve rogers (deputy/ head of gryffindor house)
• thor odinson
• sam wilson
• t'challa udaku
• okoye
•peter quill

slytherin- cunning, ambitious, determined, resourceful

stephen strange (head of slytherin house)
• pietro maximoff
• wanda maximoff
• m'baku
• loki odinson
• gamora zen whoberi

hufflepuff- hardworking, loyal, friendly, patience.

bucky barnes (head of hufflepuff house)
• peter parker
• clint barton
• scott lang
• maria hill

ravenclaw- wisdom, intelligence, self-reliant, knowledgeable.

natasha romanoff (head of ravenclaw house)
• bruce banner
• tony stark (headteacher)
• james rhodes

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