fight for me (thor/loki)

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we were celebrating. thor had risen to the challenge once again and brought peace to the nine realms. asgardian parties usually lasted for days on end and i would stay through them all but this time, the mood was different. we threw huge banquets every time a battle was won yet the battles just kept coming, relentless and continuous fighting. and for what? so the next man, woman, child or creature could come along and make a scene. i was bored of fighting, bored of the cycle and beginning to find life arduous and dull. besides, i played no role in these triumphs. i was no warrior, who bravely fought against all kinds of mayhem. i was just the pretty girl, daughter of a rich friend of the king, set to marry a prince, have children and spend the rest of her life wondering what went wrong. i stood up from the table my entire family was crowded around. as the only daughter, i was the family's prized possession. telling my father i needed some air, i got up to leave. that wasn't what girls like me where meant to do, we weren't supposed to disrespect our father like that. but i wasn't like most girls. in my opinion, the whole idea that i was merely a toy to be passed from father to husband was tediously old fashioned and sexist. but thats how the daughters of rich asgardians were forced to live, as they had been for centuries. little old me wasn't enough to break that stereotype- especially not after i was put on a path to marry one of the sons of the great allfather odin. my entire life was planned out as soon as i was born. i made my way out into the gardens where id spent many days with the princes themselves whilst we were children. i was instantly hit with the strong scent of the many flowers covering the ground. "my lady" came a call from behind me. i turned around to be faced with thor, god of thunder and son of odin. "i haven't seen you for a while y/n. how have you been?" he smiled sweetly, ignoring the fact that he had made no attempt to talk to me in the past weeks. he sat beside me on a stone bench. "i've been well thank you" i replied politely. "seems as though you've kept busy, fighting battles and all that" i attempted to lighten the mood. i smiled softly, my hair falling across my face. don't get me wrong, thor is a sweet and caring man, not to mention an extremely handsome one. its just that if he were to marry me, id rather it be for love not just friendship between our fathers. gently, he brushed the h/c strand out of my eye-line. "you look beautiful tonight y/n. i have missed you" he grinned. i blushed violently under his touch. "thor. you needn't sit here with me. go back in and enjoy your party. please, i'm not going anywhere" i sighed, attempting to sound less depressing than i felt. "as you wish love. but you must promise you will visit me tomorrow. meet me in these gardens. we have much to talk about" he waved like an excited child, wandering off into the darkness. i sighed aloud. alone at last. peace. i thought to myself. i brought a yellow flower up to my face, breathing its sweet scent. "good evening" another voice sounded. or not. "loki" i recognised the voice and greeted the other prince. loki, god of mischief. "y/n" he nodded in reply, sitting where his brother had, just moments ago. "i was thinking, do you remember the time when we were children and you visited for the first time. it was whilst our fathers talked. we ran around the gardens for hours and it became the first time of many" he murmured, lost in the memory. "it only took hours because thor refused to give up when he couldn't find us during hide and seek." i chuckled softly. "well we did cheat every now and then" he winked, eyes shining with mischief. i sighed and turned to him. "whats going on loki? you nor your brother have made any effort to talk to me in weeks and now you both make an appearance in the same night? is this what i think its about?" i said disappointed, referring to the marital plans. "yes. yes, i suppose it is. both thor and i were set to marry anyone of a list of beautiful asgardian women. we had a pick of the whole group yet somehow thanks to your beauty, humour, intelligence and wit, we both ended up choosing you. so now, i assume its your decision. which one of us would you like to marry?" he asked hopefully yet bluntly. i knew that one day, a time like this would come yet i was on the spot, speechless. i had no answer for him. they could have chosen anyone from anywhere yet they both wound up choosing me. why me? i wasn't special. my heart hammered against my ribcage as he stared at me intently. i had two princes falling at my feet, what was a girl to do? well, i guess i had to prove if they truly wanted me or not. i smirked, it was my turn to be the mischievous one. "you haven't spoken to me in weeks and then you spring a question like this on me?" i gasped, shaking my head and grinning cheekily. "well! i guess you'll have to fight for me"
continuing with the happy vibe. comment if you want a part two to this. the song doesn't really fit but its what i listened to while i wrote so. enjoy!

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