soulmate *series* (pp)

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the whole idea of soulmates was fascinating to peter. each person was born with a band around their wrist that would glow gold around the person they were destined to fall in love with. you could meet them at 4 years old or 80 years old, but the world found a way. every day, as he swung around the streets of queens, he would watch the area underneath his suit in case it would suddenly light up, but it never did. most of his class mates had found their soulmates when they started high school but he hadn't discovered his... yet. sometimes, when it was late at night and he couldnt sleep, he would wonder if there was someone out there at all. his mind ran wild at the thought of being alone forever. he'd read a news story of a woman who died without finding her soulmate. so yeah, the whole idea of soulmates was fascinating to peter- but it also provided him with his biggest fear.

the best sandwiches in queens peter smiled, wandering into delmars grocery store. " 'sup mr delmar" he smiled at the owner. ordering his food, he looked around the store. standing in one of the aisles was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. her eyes were bright with joy and confidence, her smile lighting up the whole room. her h/c hair framed her face perfectly. she was gorgeous. "uh, uh. thats my niece parker. stop staring" mr delmar warned jokingly. "y/n! come meet my favourite customer" he yelled to the girl. she whirled around, grinning at him instantly. she bounced over, introducing herself. "hey there, i'm y/n and-" she stopped. her eyes lit up, galaxies of colour swirling around. she nodded towards his wrist. his heart sunk, breath quickening. oh. god. oh. he thought. he chuckled nervously and found the courage to look down. its glowing, its really glowing. his mouth curved into an excited smile. "its you. its really you" he clapped, bubbling with joy. she flung his arms around his shoulders and he pulled her closer. in that moment, his world truly started. he wasn't alone, and he'd been lucky enough to find the most beautiful girl in the world. he saw stars in her eyes and fireworks in her heart. "oi, my NIECE. parker, not too handsy"
short but sweet

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