4. Keith

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My first class in the morning is World History. Seriously. Such a boring class so early in the morning. The class flies by quickly luckily and I see on my schedule that my next class is Chemistry.

I walk the halls trying to avoid any contact with any people but of course I have to run into someone. Rolo to be exact. "Hey fag! Watch where you're going!" He punches my shoulder, it doesn't hurt but I'm still mad at him though. I walk past him to my class and I hear kids snicker as I storm past them.

In the class there are tables with two chairs at each. They all line up perfectly with each other facing the front of the class where our teacher sits at his desk. I pick a table in the back and out my backpack on the chair next to me. Let's
hope no one sits next to me.

I see Pidge and Hunk are at a table in the front of the class, they wave at me excitedly. I wave back shyly.

The class fills in and the tardy bell rings. The teacher, who has an enviable orange mustache, tells everyone to call him Mr. Coran or just Coran. The class is just introducing themselves when the door bursts open. I quickly look up to see a tall, dark skinned boy run in.

"I'm so sorry sir! I didn't mean to be late!" The boy quickly apologizes to Mr. Coran who strokes his mustache, "Are you our new student this year? We don't get many new students." The boy nods and his curly dark brown hair swishes. I find myself blushing so I look away, out a window.

"Well Mr. how about you go sit in the back there next to Kogane?" I can feel heat rising to my face. I hear the scurry of the boy as he sits next to me. I inhale sharply and can smell a wiff of chocolate. When I curiously look at the boy he smiles a big grin at me and I see his eyes staring right at me. They're beautiful.

Not you're average beautiful light blue or ocean blue. Just deep blue, like sadness. Once he realizes I'm staring he looks away and so do I. I just love making a fool of myself don't I?

I write down the notes on the board and I notice that the boy is just tapping his pencil. He's also tapping his foot. Does he fidget a lot? If so that might get annoying.

I put my mind back into Chemistry and keep writing the notes, with faint little taps drilling into my head.


After a couple more classes it's lunch and we are free to eat wherever we'd like. I meet up with Pidge and Hunk at the tree they sat at this morning.

I find a sandwich packed in my backpack along with an apple, chips, juice and a note from my "mother". I don't know why she even tries. The note reads:


Have a good lunch, I got Cara to make it especially for you. It's tuna, you're favorite! Love you! Have a greeeaaaat day at school baby cakes!

Love Mommy

I want to throw up and die.

First of all, I hate all fish. Second of all my day is going terribly so far and third, you're not my mom and you never will be.

I know I'm harsh but I really dislike her. Is that such a bad thing?

"Dude...Is that your stepmom?" Pidge looks over at my little note and asks me. Pidge and Hunk sit on each side of me and I quickly stuff the note into my pocket. "Yeah, she's a pain." I grumble and take a bite of my sandwich.

It's disgusting.

I set down the sandwich and put in my earbuds. I lean against the tree and just watch people talk and eat. As I scan the courtyard full of people I find one boy that catches my eye.

It's the boy from Chem! The one who sits next to me and is constantly fidgeting. I see the boy scan the courtyard, he holds his backpack but I see no visible lunch with him. I can tell what's going on. It's the new kid lunch panic. You don't know who to sit with or where to go and everyone is staring at you. That used to be me, but now, I'm in my own small group.

I'm about to ask the boy if he'd like to sit with us when Lotor, the hottest boy in school, waves at him and gestures for him to sit with him and his group.

I am a little worried, Lotor's friends aren't bad people but they can be kind of mean. Let's hope they don't tear the new boy apart.

I silently eat my apple while listening to   P!ATD. I know it's basic but I like Brendon Urie a lot. He's hot.

Also his singing is good too....

I see the boy sit with Lotor at a picnic table and shyly say hi to all of them. Everyone smiles back nicely and since all seems well I just look down at my food and ignore the rest of the world.

With the faint hum of my music and the soft summer breeze I fall asleep against the tree. I don't ever sleep well at home. My home just gives me the worst anxiety. My home is my own hell.

The mansion isn't my "home" it's a place I live but it isn't home. I think home is somewhere or something or someone you love and are accepted in. I've yet to find that place.

I've yet to find my home.

The Boy in the Rain//KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now