26. Keith

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Acxa pulls me into the kitchen quickly. I had to awkwardly lay Marco in Lance's lap. I was blushing the entire time.

"First of all who are those kids? Second of all why is Ezor here? Third why is Veronica here?" I can hear her voice drip with anger.

"The kids are Lance and Veronica's siblings. There was a family emergency. Ezor was with Veronica when it happened." Acxa looks at me with a hurt expression, "Ezor was with Veronica?" I cock an eyebrow, "Yes? Why what's wrong?"

Acxa waves her hands dismissively , "Nothing, just wondering." I stare at her and even though she's put up a mask I can see hurt in her eyes. "How long are they going to be here?" I shrug, "I don't know, Aiko is making food for us though so if you want to eat with us you can."

Acxa nods, "Yes I want to keep an eye on Ez- on the kids." Acxa looks away, flustered, "Let's uh hope they don't break anything." I nod even though I can tell she's lying.

"Hey Kiddos! I've got food! Sorry it's sandwiches in the morning but I can't cook much and Sandra isn't cooking today." Aiko is setting the table with many plates with sandwiches, chips and juice. I thank her quietly and she beams at me.

Acxa glares at her.

"Well um—Keith! Could you go tell your friends food is ready?" I nod and go back into the living room. Lance is laying on one of the couches with Marco laying on his chest. He has his eyes closed and I think he's asleep. Veronica and Ezor sit on a couch fully engrossed in each other and the two gremlins already smelt food and now they're running into the living room.

I walk over to Lance's couch silently. His lips are parted slightly and I can hear him quietly breathing. Marco raises up and down
on Lance's chest with because of his breathing.

I kneel on the floor next to the couch and look over at Lance. He looks so peaceful. He doesn't look like he was just crying. I lean over him and my face is right above his. I know I'm blushing hard and I feel his breath hot on my lips.

I'm about to bring my lips down on his softly so he wouldn't notice when

His blue eyes open wide.

I fall back and he's staring at me. I'm sitting on the floor, scrambling away from the couch and he's staring at me. I'm a blushing mess and he's staring at me.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me Lance. Wait what the actual fuck no. Shit. I'm an idiot.

"FOOD IS READY SO GO EAT OKAY?!" I yell and run out of the living room. Lance was just staring at me with his mouth and eyes wide open.

I run into the dining room and take a seat in between Acxa and Chloe so that Lance can't sit next to me. Luis sits next to Chloe and the two have already started eating. Veronica and Ezor walk in with their hands held together. Acxa stares at their conjoined hands until she notices me staring at her.

She glares at me and looks away.

Veronica and Ezor sit in front of Chloe and Luis. Then the one and only walks in slowly while he rubs his eyes. Lance sits across from me.

"Lance! Guess what happened when you were trying to sleep." Luis is trying to whisper across the table. Lance cocks his head, it's really cute and he's not looking at me. I can feel him trying to not even glance at me. Veronica and Ezor aren't paying attention to Luis and Lance. It seems only I am.

"What happened Luis?" Lance asks his little brother. Luis leans over the table and stares at me then looks back at his brother. I can tell he's trying to whisper but there's an emphasis on the word "trying".

"The guy with the girl hair tried to kiss you!"

The table goes silent.

"He tried to what?"
"Lance when did this happen?"
"Wait WHAT?!"

Lance laughs without looking at me, he ruffles Luis's hair, "Buddy that never happened."

"It did though I saw it-"

"It. Never. Happened." Lance says so sternly to his brother it surprises everyone. He has a smile on his face but his eyes show no humor.

Luis looks dejected and I can tell Lance feels bad. Luis eats his sandwich while Chloe glares at Lance, "Lance you don't need to be angry at Luis too, just cause you're mad at Mama."

Lance looks down at his plate and I stare at him. I can tell he doesn't want to be strict on his siblings, but I can also tell he doesn't want people to think I like him.

Is he really that embarrassed of me?

Lance stands up and leaves the dining room. I can tell everyone is watching him but all I'm staring at is his plate full of food. No bites taken out of anything.

I stand up and push my chair away.

"Where are you going?"
"Don't follow him."
"He's just mad at Mama."
"Leave him be, Keith."

I run up the stairs to see him curled up against the wall. With someone unexpected rubbing his back.

I see a Shiro rubbing Lance's back and saying something quietly to him. I step quietly to the side, behind a bookshelf, so I can see them but they can't see me.

Lance lifts his head up from his knees and looks right at Shiro. Shiro softly smiles and says something. I can see Lance smile too and then Shiro pulls Lance in for a—

wElL that's a lil unexpected.

How does Lance know Shiro?

Why are they so comfortable with each other?

What does Shiro do?

Well you'll have to stay tuned and wait until the next chapter. Mwahahahah! I'm enjoying this.

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