17. Lance

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My phone rings loudly so I grab it quickly from the nightstand. I look at the screen and it says Keith is calling.

I quickly answer, I've been waiting for him to call!

His voice is clear and familiar, "Lance- Hey." I quickly say hi back to him and go silent, to let him talk. "I need you to drive into the city. It's only a couple hours from our town right? Can you drive here please. Acxa and I need to come home."

I'm confused, "Why do I need to come get you? Is everything okay?" I'm nervous now, what if something happened to Keith?

I hear him sigh through the phone, "Just please. Come up here." I groan too, "Fine but you are sooo going to owe me something for this." I hear him chuckle, "Okay whatever you want.". We say goodbye and I scramble to get out of the room. I put my phone in my pocket and run into the kitchen to see my Mama cooking.

"Mama! Can I borrow the truck for today? Pleaseeee?" I plead and hug her from behind, "Wha- Lance why?" I squeeze her tighter, "Thanks Mama you won't regret it!" I run out of the kitchen and I hear her stutter, "Wha- Why- Where- No!" I grab the keys off of the table and run outside.

Once outside I close the door and run to the truck. I unlock it and hop in the driver's seat. I put the keys in the ignition and feel the rumble of the engine start. I smile and plug my phone into the sound system. Pressing shuffle on my playlist of favorites.

As I pull out of our driveway the song "Desirae" by one of my favorite bands starts playing. I smile as I watch my Mama run out of the door and I sing along with the song.

"I'm famous but not in this town!" I yell to myself, alone in the truck. I drive out of my town and I bang my head to the music.

I'm happy right now. My music is fun and it makes me smile. Of course that's because I'm not playing my feels playlist....

I only feel truly happy when I have my music.

After a couple more songs finish, a song I wasn't expecting turns on. Already the beautiful violin starts and I'm ready for the tears. The song "Lovely" by Billie Eilish and Khalid.

I decide to not skip it and I sing along.

"Thought I'd find a way. Thought I'd found a way out. But you never go away. So I guess I gotta stay now."

I drive onto the highway and merge into the lanes. I watch as cars pass by quickly and I speed up.

"Oh I hope someday I'll make it out of here. Even if it takes all night or a hundred years."

I feel that tug in my chest, in my heart. To open up and cry. But I don't, I sing along instead.

"Need a place to hide but I can't find one near. Wanna feel alive outside. I can't fight my fear."

I stare at the road ahead of me and the rain pours down on it. My windshield has grown foggy and wet with rain.

"Isn't it lovely? All alone. Heart made of glass my mind of stone."

I feel my tears start to pour but I don't swipe at them, I have to keep my hands on the wheel. I have to keep my eyes on the road.

I've stopped singing. I let the beautiful voices take over me and I go into auto drive. I'm not really sure if I'm driving or not because I've completely zoned out. But I'm staying on the road, and I'm safe so I guess I am driving.

I don't feel like I'm driving.

Minutes pass to hours and I only made one stop at a gas station to get a coke. I sip on my coke as I drive. I'm listening to my music and every now and then it's interrupted by the gps giving me directions.

I get back on the highway and I'm driving again. I'm almost there.


I pull up at the address Keith gave me. It's a Starbucks. Yum. I park the truck and get out. I walk to the door and hold it for two young girls who giggle and smile at me, I wink at them and go inside. I scan the shop and look around. I don't see Acxa or Keith...maybe they're on their way?

I go up to the cashier and order a triple mocha. I know it's childish but it's really good. It's around five dollars and I pay in cash. I sit down to wait for my drink to be made.

I tap my fingers on the wooden table, making a fast beat. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was thirteen, my Mama got me meds but my Dad kept saying that ADHD wasn't a real thing and that I didn't need money-stealing medication. My father always thought I was just faking or trying to take his money, one of the reasons he used to get so mad......

"Lance!" I hear my name and pick up my head, I look around expecting it to be Keith but it's just the barista. My drink. Whoops forgot.

I walk up to the bar and as I take my drink from the barista's hand I feel then brush their hands over mine. I look up, shocked at the touch, the barista is a young woman with a short blond ponytail.

She looks a bit older than me by a few years, at most; twenty one. She smiles brightly at me and I smile back. Her name tag says Stacy. I wink and she giggles and blushes.

I swear I'm just such a heartthrob.

Sure Lance. Whatever you want to think to make you feel better.

I gulp and walk quickly to my table. Why is he back? He was just gone for a little bit...

Miss me? I'm here just for you...

"No." I whisper under my breath, "You're going to go away. You're going to leave my alone."

Lance you know I'd never leave you-

"Lance! Hey! We're over here!" I hear a familiar voice cut me away from the other familiar voice. I have a soft smile on my face, I'm good now. The voice will leave me alone. He will leave me alone.

Hey bros.
Get prepared.
Next chapter.

The Boy in the Rain//KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now