39. Lance

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I left Hunk's house with a wave back towards the door. Keith texted me earlier, causing my sudden exit, "I'm outside. Come outside." Hunk told me to go for it.

I see Keith's familiar form on his bike. His leg is tapping, something he got from me, and he keeps checking his phone. He doesn't seem to notice me so I yell out to him, "HEY MULLET!" He turns sharply and our eyes meet in the dark.

I jog over to his bike. "You know I hate it when you call me that." Keith grumbles. I shrug it off, "What's up?" He looks down at his hands then back up at me. "Can we talk Lance? Like really talk?" I eye him carefully. What does he want to talk about..."What do you want to talk about?" I ask suspiciously. He groans, "Just sleep over at my house. Tell Hunk you'll hangout with him again soon. This is important." I roll my eyes but I do text Hunk.

If Keith says it's important then it's most definitely important.

I slide onto the bike and let myself fall onto Keith's back. He grunts under my weight and shifts so he can start the motorcycle. I wrap my arms around him and the loud sound of the engine blares. I'm mentally apologizing to all of Hunk's -trying to sleep- neighbors.

We drive fast through night until we reach Keith's mansion. He puts a code into the gate and we drive up his driveway. After parking we get off and he shows me to the door.

Once he opens it and we step in we're met with a woman, sitting at the dinner table, with a hand holding her head up and talking into a phone. Her face is full of concern and I recognize who it is. Aiko, Keith's stepmother.

"I know- I'm sorry! He just ran out! I couldn't stop him-" she's cut off when she sees us. Her eyes go wide, "I'm going to have to call you back honey-" I hear the man on the other end start yelling but she hangs up. Aiko stands up and stares at Keith in bewilderment. Keith glares with confidence at his stepmother. I stare at Keith in confusion. What did he do?

It feels like forever and I'm wondering if we're just going to stand here staring at each other forever.

Aiko rushes to us, I expect her to slap Keith but instead she stretches out her arms and grabs him tightly. She pulls him in to her, but since she's so short she's just barely able to rest her head on his shoulders.

"Keith you worried me so much."

"Please don't do that ever again."

"Where did you go?"

"Did you go to get this boy from the other day?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Don't do that ever again. You scared me sweetie."

Aiko frets into Keith's neck. She lovingly ruffles his hair and pulls back. Her eyes are red from crying now that I see her clearer. She has many expressions on her face but it's mostly relief. Keith, on the other hand, is completely confused.

"You? Worried for me?" He puts emphasis on the "You" and the "Me". Aiko looks down at the floor, dejected. "I know I've been a terrible mother....." Aiko holds Keith's hands in front of him. Keith scoffs at that.

"I haven't ever been there for you, or Acxa. I only ever paid attention to Shiro. I treated you so cruelly, I haven't given you any love or affection all of your childhood. I know it's too late but I'm sorry Keith." Aiko raises her hand and cups it around her son's cheek. His eyes grow wide with surprise and he just stares and lets his stepmother keep talking.

"Ever since you went to look for your real mother...well I've just wished you didn't have to. I saw the disappointment in you when you returned and how long it stayed after that. I saw how much you just wanted a mother-" Aiko's voice cracks and I can see tears threatening to pour, "-to love you." The tears were released and her once beautiful face crumpled in sadness and anguish. Keith put his hand over his stepmothers to try and comfort her. He held her hand close to his cheek and I could see his thumb stroking the back of his hand.

"I just realized now how absent I've been. But it's too late now." Aiko pulls her hand away so she can rub her eyes, "I mean look at you. You're sneaking out and bringing boys home." Aiko laughs but it's sad and humorless, "I feel like I've missed out on everything for you Keith." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly and try to inch away from the scene before me. I hope Aiko isn't too embarrassed....I know I am.

"Hon, if you and Keith are ever going to get married you'll need to have seen all sides of your mother in-law. Especially-" she gestures to her crying self, "-the ugly sides." Keith blushes hard and scowls at his stepmother, but I can see the pain in his eyes when he looks at her. I feel heat all over my face and neck, no doubt I'm red too.

"I mean Keith you never even came out to me! I'm terrible! I'm so terrible you think it won't matter if you run off because I won't care or that I won't care if you're gay! I do care! I care about you Keith! I want you to know that too! I care about you so much Keith, I love you!" His stepmother yells the last words of hers. They catch Keith by surprise I can tell. Not many people tell him they love him.

He could hear it every day from you. Every morning when you wake up. Every night as you lay in each other's arms. He wouldn't be surprised, it would be the normal. He would know that you love him and you'd know he loves you.

What a perfect dream.

But it can't come true. It wouldn't ever come true.

Sooo~ I know you guys will probably comment and like make fun of me for making Lance just awkwardly stand there but I really didn't know what else to do!!! He he he... *awkward laugh* well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and by the way:

The end is near.

Have a nice day! :)

The Boy in the Rain//KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now