8. Keith

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We had been texting about simple stuff like what we'd write about and where'd we go. We decided that on Friday we would meet up at a coffee shop in downtown and write. The school days flew by and before I knew it it was Friday.

My parents didn't care when I left the house with Steven. They didn't ask me anything. The only person who remotely cared where I was going was Acxa. She stopped me on my way out the door.

"Dude where are you going on a Friday?" She asked, probably really curious as to why I would have plans. "I actually have a friend. I know that's a surprise to you." She does look surprised so she doesn't argue. She lets me go and I get into the car with Steven.

He drops me off without saying a word besides when he needs to pick me up. I tell him in a couple hours and he nods.

When I step out I feel a light breeze. I'm wearing a red t-shirt today with black jeans. My hair is in a ponytail because I think it's cute? I don't know anymore...I'm standing on the sidewalk just watching people pass by when I realize how long it's been since I went out somewhere. I've either been at school or in my room.

Outside the cafe are little tables and hanging plants. Fairy lights are strung and there is music playing. I faintly hear Katy Perry. Not a big fan of her but I guess she's alright.

I walk into the small cafe and I see there is already a large amount of people ordering or eating. I scan the small shop for Lance. My eyes fall on Lance and I see he's looking at me too. He waves at me and smiles. Woah.

He's wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He has a blue hat on and I can see he's holding a laptop. He walks across the room to me.

"Hey Keith." He says. I smile at him, "Hey." He motions awkwardly towards the counter, "Want to get a coffee?" I laugh and he looks surprised, "I mean we are at a coffee shop." He nods frantically. "You're right!" We get in line and I scan the menu for what I want. Even though I already know what I'm getting. Black coffee and a croissant. I go up to the cashier with Lance in tow, "Could I get a black coffee and a croissant?" I turn to Lance, "What do you want?"

"No no no! I can pay for myself!" He starts but I refuse. "Let me guess he wants a Mocha Frappe and a muffin?" Lance looks at me with lute shock. Guess I was right. I give he cashier a ten dollar and tell him to keep the change. I think that shocks Lance more than me knowing what he wanted.

We try to find a seat but the cafe is crowded as hell. "Let's go somewhere else where we can write in peace." Lance suggests and I agree.

Lance opens a bag slung on his shoulder and he puts his laptop in. He puts his muffin, our coffees and my croissant in the bag too. It looks snug so I hope our coffees don't spill.

As we walk out of the cafe I notice our dilemma, "Where are we going? Are we going to walk there?" Lance shakes his head then points to a bike, "That's mine. We can ride it somewhere." I nod and feel a blush creeping up to my cheeks. We walk towards the bike and Lance hops on.

He pats the ledge on the back of his bike used for bags. "Come on! Get on!" I hesitate. Then I cross my arms, "Do you know what they say about me Lance? I'm gay. They'll think you're gay too if you're seen with me."

I expect him to agree, to leave me right then and there but instead he just laughs. A short and humorless laugh.

"You really think I care wether you're gay or not? Being gay is the least worst thing I could be bullied for right now." He laughs again, "Now are you getting on or what?" I quickly hop onto the bike.

He starts pedaling which almost makes me lose my balance so I have to wrap my arms around him. It's an oddly intimate thing to do after just talking about being gay.

That conversation confused me. Is he gay? I hope so.

We are on the street, dodging cars. We are perfectly on a fine and calm ride until there is a hill ahead. Downhill. Lance whoops and pumps his fist in the air which seems very out of character for him. "Let's go!" And then we pummel down the street. My hair is flying wildly and I see Lance's hat fly away. Trees and cars zoom by us and I feel unstoppable.

I let go of Lance and put my arms out. I feel free and amazing. The best I've felt in a long time. With wind rushing against me and the warm sun beaming on me I feel great. Lance hoots and I do too. This is fun. Who knew being with Lance would be this fun?

When we, unfortunately, reach the end of the hill I remember what world we live in. I remember that there are other people, not just us. I remember that there are other feelings, not just freeness. I remember that our perfect moment is only a moment.

Lance pedals us onto a sidewalk and from there we enter a park. It's shady with trees everywhere and I already like it. "We're here." Lance says as he stops the bike. He lets me get off first and then he does the same. He walks the bike as I walk next to him to find a good tree to sit under. I point at one that's on a bit of a hill and he nods.

We walk up the small hill and drop the bike. Lance opens his bag that contains his laptop and our food and he sits down against the tree. He hands me my food and he pulls out his laptop.

I sit next to him and he smiles at me, "Well let's get some work done!"

The Boy in the Rain//KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now