62. Keith

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"I'm sorry your father isn't here to welcome you home." Aiko says as she holds the door open for me. I walk into the all too familiar modern house. I wave it off and hang my jacket up on the coat hanger, I slip off my shoes and put them with everyone else's. Well not everyone's. My Dad's shoes aren't there.

The faint sound of a video game and people laughing makes me quoriously look into the living room. Shiro and Acxa are sitting on the floor and wildly playing Mario kart. I smile as I watch them yell cuss words at each other. "YOU FLYING FUCK THAT WAS MY MYSTERY BOX!" Acxa's shrill screams wipe the smile off my face, "NO IT WASN'T YOU SLUT!" I watch my siblings with wide eyes. They're so into the game they don't notice I slide onto the couch behind them.

Acxa, who's playing as bowser, is in third place right behind Luigi. Shiro, who's playing as Peach, is in first place. I almost wheeze at the sight of a buff Shiro playing as Peach in Mario Kart. The match ends and Shiro is victorious, Acxa got hit by a red shell and was tossed all the way back into eighth. "I told you I'd win." Shiro says to his sister with a smug grin, she rolls her eyes. "I let that happen to boost your ego." Shiro just keeps smiling until he hears me chuckle.

Both of my siblings' eyes go wide as they look at me. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?" Shiro shrieks and Acxa falls backwards. In the back of Shiro's question I can hear Acxa grumble, "Oh shit my ass." I laugh loudly at my siblings, we never had this sort of relationship when we were younger- I guess they're making up for lost time. "Give me a controller." I tell Acxa who rubs her sore butt.

I join the game and soon, Aiko steps in and demands we let her play as well. She sucks but it's fun to see her shout at random characters on the screen like, "MOVE DONKEY KONG SEVENTH PLACE IS MINE!" or other things like, "MARIO YOU CANT GET A WOMAN WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN GET FIRST PLACE?" It's really refreshing to see such an uptight woman let loose, it makes me feel like I can too. We all end up getting lost in the fun of playing and we're cut of by a loud phone call.

My step mother picks up the phone and puts it to her ear. "Hello?" I see her face light up a bit, she smiles. "No I'm not doing much, just playing a video game with the kids." She laughs, "I'm terrible!" Then she goes quiet for a minute, the person on the other end is saying something. "Shiro is really good I don't think you could beat him-" She's then cut off by a sharp knock on the wall. One of our maids, Selene, is trying to get her attention. Aiko whispers quickly into the phone, "I'll call you back soon sweety bye-" For a minute she seems to be listening to something the person is saying but she hangs up and briskly walks to Selene.

"Yes?" Aiko's perfect figure usually outshines any woman she speaks to but with Selene they're almost evenly matched- maybe Selene is more beautiful. The lean woman has tan chocolate skin and dark eyes even more accentuated with her dark curly eyelashes. She has long flowing dark hair that reaches mid back and such long legs they're almost to Aiko's stomach. Aiko looks up at her angrily. "Mister Kogane has news of his early arrival due to his sons admittance from the hospital." Selene's velvet voice makes me sure she's a singer, and if she's not she definitely should be.

There's a chilly silence in the room except for the Mario Kart loading music light in the background. "Well? Why aren't you getting dinner ready?" Aiko's voice would sound like a sweet question to any outsider but having lived in a house with her for sixteen years, I knew what this voice meant. She was not happy. Selene glares down at my mother before briskly turning on her heels and heading to the kitchen. Aiko mumbles something under her breathe before turning back to us.

"What was that?" Acxa questions and Aiko sighs as she falls onto the couch. "I do not like that woman." I raise an eyebrow, "Why not?" Aiko then glances at her children and her attitude seems to cool. "No reason really, she's just rude sometimes." Shiro shrugs and states the obvious, "Then fire her." My stepmom lets out a humorless laugh that surprises all of us. "If I could I would...." She mumbles under her breath before walking out of the living room completely. Once she was gone from sight she shouted for us to get ready to have dinner with our father. I groan as I stand up from the couch and so do my siblings.

"That was weird..." Shiro comments and Acxa and I both agree. "I've see her being rude to Selene before but not with that much animosity." Shiro and I nod at Acxa's words. This is slightly unusual, maybe she's just stressed about my father coming. I walk out of the living room with a slight wave to my siblings. I walk through the entry way and up the glass steps to the bedroom hall. I turn into my room with a huff, when I get a house in the future it's definitely going to only have one floor. I can't stand walking up and down the stairs all day.

I flop on my bed and pull my phone out of my pocket, I'm a little exhausted from putting so much energy into Mario Kart but it's quickly lit up when I see a text from Lance. With a smile I unlock my phone to read it, but to my dismay it's only a simple "I'm at my aunts. Text you soon 💕" The hearts still make my heart flutter a bit and I'm glad he's made it to his aunts safely. Didn't he mention she lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere? I laugh to myself as I think of Lance cleaning up cow manure.

Arghhhhh I'm sorry. I haven't updated in forever and I've been really unfaithful to you guys :,( I've been more into BTS than Voltron. I need to get back into the rhythm of writing parts of this daily like I used to but I really don't feel up to it right now. I'm sorry this chapter high key sucks but I felt pressured to publish SOMETHING. I love and appreciate you all per usual! Thank you so so so SOOO much for sticking with me throughout my terrible mood swings and wavering determination. Thank you very much. I hope you all have a great day/night. Ciao~~

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