44. Keith

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It wasn't that long of a drive to his brother's apartment. I've only met Veronica, Marco, Luis and Chloe. Apparently Danny has a little daughter too. Lance hasn't said where Danny's wife went. Not that it's any of my business.

Lance's arms quickly left my sides after I parked in front of the large apartment building. He skipped forward to the door that was labeled "Apartment B" and knocked. He looked back at me and smiled. I walked up to the door with him. Lance grips my hands excitedly, "I haven't seen Nina in what feels like forever, and Danny too!" I smile at him, it's good to see him this happy.

The front door opens to reveal a man. He has curly brown hair, squinted brown eyes, freckles all over his face, a bit of scruff and completely muscle built. I'll admit, he's hot, not as hot as Lance, but hot. Thought here was something different about his eyes, they had a different gleam to them than Lance's eyes had.

"Lance!" The man bellows and practically tackles him. Lance is pulled into a huge hug and I can see his smile is huge. "Hey Danny." He says quietly, Danny ruffles his hair and separates himself from  his little brother. "Come on in you two!" Danny says with a smile, he just noticed I'm here. I walk in behind Lance. Danny shuts the door behind us.

The apartment is small, with the living room right at the front. There are two very soft looking couches pushed against the wall, a TV is playing some Korean drama. I look to see who's watching it- definitely not Danny. Then I see an older woman sitting on a recliner with  a baby girl resting in her arms. Lance sees them too and rushes over.

"Abuelita!" He says with a huge smile on his face. The older woman moves to look at Lance, recognition passed through her aged face. "Mijo..." Lance wraps his arms around his grandmother and neice. I'm just watching them with a smile on my face when Danny taps my shoulder. I look back at him, "Coffee?" He asks outstretchinf a mug of black coffee. I thank him and sit down at a table with him. He sips his coffee while staring at me, it's very unsettling.

"Who are you? His best friend? His lab partner? His boyfriend?" I choke when he says boyfriend and he nods, "So that one." Danny says with a serious look on his face. I slap my hands on the table, "No! He's my best friend!" I say to him, staring right back into his eyes. Danny nods and takes a long sip from his coffee. "Well then, are you two the ones on the motorcycle I heard earlier?" Danny asks me. I nod, "Yup, that was mine." He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, "Nice engine." I nod and say thank you. Then we drink in silence, letting the sounds of an annoying Korean drama, and a little girl playing with her uncle just fill the air. 

We spend a minute like this. Then Danny sets down his drink and sighs, "Okay. Let's cut the crap. Are you the one Lance has been staying with?" I inhale deeply, I knew his whole nice act was just that- an act. "Yes I am." Danny looks me up and down, "When did you two meet?" I sigh and put my coffee down as well. I look over to Lance who's rolling around with Nina in the living room. His Abuelita passed out. "We met at the beginning of the school year." I know it's a lie but I it say while watching Lance. Lance laughs and plays words Nina more, he tickles her and she laughs loudly.

"I'm Keith and we met because we were partners in English. Then we just became close friends and now he's my best friend I've ever had. Granted I don't make friends very easily..." i trail off. Danny looks over at Lance too, "Well if the kid still hasn't changed from when we were little, I know he's really glad to have you. Lance is always with his family, his friends include me and Veronica. But now that you're here...." Danny smiles at me, it's real, "Well now that you're here that just might change." I feel my heart swell. I didn't do anything for Lance except offer him my friendship, now he has more friends than I do.

I clear my throat, "He's uh actually got a girlfriend too." I say, trying to sound casual. Danny eyes me, "Oh really? What's she like?" I grip my hands on my lap. "Her name is Allura. She's nice to Lance but rude to everyone else. Don't tell Lance but she's a complete bitch." Danny watches me talk with hardly veiled amusement. "What about her do you not like?" I shrug, "Everything." Danny hums, "Or maybe it's the fact that she's with Lance that makes you hate her so much." I scowl, he must be great at reading people.

I'm about to reply but out of no where a hand falls onto my shoulder. The figure then just pulls a chair up and sits next to me across from Daniel. Lance smiles at me. I smile back hesitantly, I can feel Danny's eyes watching us. "What are you two talking about?" Lance asks looking between us two. Danny smiles, "Nothing serious." Lance nods and folds his hands in his lap, "Well then I think it's time to talk serious." He then looks me straight in the eyes and I can see hurt and regret forming.

"Keith, thank you so much for letting me stay with you." I raise an eyebrow suspiciously, what is he on about? "Well I think I'm going to move in with Danny." I bite my tongue to keep me from exclaiming something. Danny looks between Lance and I, "Lance you know this apartment is always open but why do you need to leave Keith's house?" Lance sighs, "I'm not very comfortable staying at Keith's house for long. I mean he's a good friend but it's still too hard for his family, I don't want to overstay." I gulp down my hurt and then open my mouth to say something.

He thinks he overstaying? Doesn't he know how much I care about him? He must.

I shut my mouth and stay silent.

Danny's eyes glue onto my face. He looks disappointed, when I look at Lance I see that he looks disappointed too. What does he want me to do? I'm hurt though, why does he want to leave? Does he really not feel comfortable or is there something else? Danny nods, "I'm fine with that Lance, you know you're always welcome. And besides-" Danny gaze turns from a disappointed small smile into a serious and dangerous glare that he directs at Lance, "We have important matters to discuss." I can see Lance's tan skin pale.

Hey hey hey. Sorry this chapter is so much useless dialogue, I'm just trying to get a Danny/Lance/Veronica moment up in here ya know? They need to talk about their dad. Anyway what do you all think about Keith staying silent when Lance said he's going to move out? Hmmm maybe not the best idea. Well anyway have an excellent day/night and thank you so much for reading. As always you all make me smile and feel warm inside with everything you do, sorry this is a short chapter. Thank you~~~

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