1 |living with my enemy|

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Michelle's POV

"Mich, come here we need to talk to you" mom yell from downstairs.

I sigh and went downstairs to the living room where mom and dad are.

I sat on the couch and look at them "we have something to tell you" dad said

"what is it?" I ask then they look at each other first before telling me

"me and your mom are going on a business trip for 3 months" mom said then my eyes widen

"what?! again, mom dad, we didn't have time together because you're always on a business trip"I said raising my voice

"sweetie I'm sorry but we need to" mom said "now I'm all alone again, no company no everything" I said

then dad furrows his eyebrows "who said that you'll be all alone while we are on a business trip?" dad ask

"why, is there someone who can keep me company?" I ask raising my eyebrow

me, mom and dad don't have a good relationship like other family have, they're always on a business trip and when they're free from work we still couldn't have the time for bonding cause they still face their laptop.

"thea, she can keep you company" mom said "mom, she just flew to new york last year" I replied

then they think for a second

"aha, Justin, you'll stay to Justin's place while we are out of country" dad said then I my eyes widen again

shoot, why Justin? oh yea, they didn't know that we are enemies, what they knew that we are great friends.

"what, dad are you serious?" I ask angry "what, he's your friend right?" mom ask

"yea sure" I said sarcastically "what's wrong with Justin?" mom ask

"nothing" I replied and stood up from my seat and went in my room angry.

I slam the door of my room and sat on my couch and think


"Justin, here I am" I yell and threw a rock on him but the rock land on his Father's head and it bleed

Justin and Jason looked at me shooked and my eyes widen "Mich what did you do?" Justin ask angrily then a tear slip on ny cheek

"I'm sorry" I said and run away "I don't want you on my life ever again" Justin yells as I run more faster.

I run inside our house and my mom saw me crying.

"sweetie what's wrong?" mom ask worried "mom, I hit Justin's father a rock" I said sniffling "why did you do that?" she ask

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean it I was suppose to throw it to Justin" I replied

"don't do it again, go to your room" mom said then I nodded.

then after all of that, me and Justin didn't see each other anymore.

end of flashback

it hurts so much, Justin saying he don't want me in his life ever again.

guess what, I'll be in his life again tomorrow, and I know how it's gonna go, he'll never talk to me and we will become enemies instead of friends.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I open my phone and Pattie's name pop up

I'm starting to freak out, should I pick up, what if mom told her about tomorrow, she's the only one that knew me and Justin are enemies, oh my gosh.

*phone call*

me: h-hello
Pattie: Hi Mich, your mom told me that you'll be staying here starting tomorrow
me: uhm y-yea
Pattie: are you excit-oh yea, i see
me: I'm sorry pattie but wish me and Justin luck
Pattie: don't worry I can handle it *chuckle*
me:alright bye

I hung up and threw myself on bed until I fell into a deep sleep.


"Mich, wake up you need to pack your clothes" I heard mom said and I groan.

"wake up sweetie" mom whisper and shook my body.

"I'm up" I said as I open my eyes and rub it

"go pack, we'll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow" she said and I got up from bed.

she leaves the room and I pick up my two luggage and put my clothes in.

once I'm done packing I sigh and went in the bathroom to be ready for bed.

Justin's POV

"honey I have a surprise for you tomorrow" mom said smiling which made me confuse

"what? surprise? is there something going tomorrow?" I ask "no, I just have a surprise" she replied

"okay" I replied "oh, mom jason will come here tomorrow" I added then she nodded.

what's the surprise though? and why did mom need to surprise me? let's just see tomorrow.

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