10 |unknown number|

903 15 1

Justin's POV

jeez, we are about to cancel the fake date but look, mom's so happy that we're together, gosh I don't like that girl why do mom's happy, me being with that bitch? ugh this gonna be a hard work

I head to the kitchen to grab my favorite cereal but my phone vibrated

I opened the message and it's from unkown number

meet me at the park, don't bring anyone

who is this? and why can't I bring anyone, I think it's only Mich who change her number

what time?


wow she replied fast, and why now I'm enjoying myself

why now?

if I said now, NOW!

woah! this is not like Mich, who the f**k is this?

I put my slippers on and ready to go, I don't care if I'm just in my sweats and tank top, it's just some person who wants to meet me in that park

I walk to the nearest park we have and I saw a...a man

I can't figure who is he but he looks familiar

before I call him I grab my phone to text Mich

mich, stay there on Thea's place don't go anywhere else, don't ask just follow what I said

I hope she'll read the text.

I walk closer to the guy and he turn around...

Michelle's POV

I was laughing to the movie we were watching when my phone vibrated from by pocket

I grab it and a I saw a text message from Justin.

mich, stay there on Thea's place don't go anywhere else, don't ask just follow what I said

woah what's wrong? is he okay?!

"Thea look" I said and showed her the message

"what if something wrong going on?" I ask "let's go find him" I said

"the message said that we should stay here, aren't you read it clearly" she replied then I sigh

hope he's okay.


sorry short chapter but I'll try my best to update the next one today too

but wait! who do you think the man is, why is he familiar?

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