7 | familiar guy|

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Michelle's POV

after crying for like an hour, I decided to walk downstairs.

I saw justin with that girl who said I'm a bitch and they're watching a movie

I glance at them before walking out of the door but Justin stopped m

"where are you going?" he ask "you don't have to know where" I replied continuing my walk, not wanting to hear his voice.

I went for a walk but suddenly stop seeing someone so familiar

he's back is facing me so I can't see his face

but he looks so familiar, he's like from the past.

I can't find out who is it but urgh..

I walk towards him and decided to pat his shoulder so he can turn but I'm too late, someone closed my mouth with his hand and wrapp his arm in my hips

I scream but he hid me

I look at the guy and furrow my eyebrows

"what do you think you're doing?" I ask "I'm gonna ask the same question, he's a stranger" Justin replied

"he doesn't look like a stranger he seems so familiar" I said

"whatever" he replied

"and why are you here, you're watching a movie with that bitc-- girl right?" I ask

"I followed you cause you didn't tell me where you're going" he said
"but your girl said I'm a bitch, why does she allow you to follow me?" I ask

"I found an excuse" he replied "what excuse?" I ask

"can you please stop asking questions" he said as his eyebrows furrowed

"fine" I replied "go home, I don't want you to be hurt" he said

" since when do you care?" I ask crossing my arms on my chest

"since you told me you miss the old me" he replied and I froze

"go home" he reminded again then I nodded nervously.

woah, he cares? is that the Justin I know these days, the Justin who is careless, and hates me?


I started following him until we reached the house.

we both went in when we saw his girlfriend is no longer to be seen.

"where's your girlfriend?" I ask "isn't it obvious, she leaves" he replied then rolled his eyes

the Justin is back, he's like bipolar

I walk to my room and stare at my window to think.

I can't get over that man, he looks very familiar, I was about to know who's it but Justin stopped me urgh.

I heard a knock on the door so I opened it and saw thea

my eyes lit up and gave her a big smile

"thea" I squealed "hey girl, miss me?" she ask then I nodded quickly

she sat on my bean bag and I sat on my bed

"so how are you and Justin?" she ask

"just this past few minutes I saw a familiar man and he stopped me from knowing who is it, so i ask him since when did he care and he said since I told him I miss the old him which is just this breakfast" I replied

"oh so now he cares?" she ask then I nodded

"but when we got home he's back, the careless justin is back" I said

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