15 |beach day|

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Michelle's POV

"Mich wake up" I heard justin said while shaking me "five more minutes" I said and turn to my other side

"no, it's beach time" Justin said (oh btw it's already summer so no classes)

"Justin...five more minutes please" I said "you'll get up or I'll tickle you?" he ask

"you don't know my tickle spot so no" I replied "ha, you'll see" I heard him say and put his hand on my stomach

"stop" I said laughing "get up" he said

"alright alright I'm up" I said and got up

"now take a shower and we're good to go" he said "yes sir" I replied and walk in the bathroom

after a 15 minute shower, I hop out of the bathropm and put my clothes on

after a 15 minute shower, I hop out of the bathropm and put my clothes on

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I then blow-dry my hair and let it fall freely

I slip on my sandles and get my bag and walk down the stairs

"leggo" I yell then they turn to face me and smile "let's go" Pattie said and we all went in the car, me at the back while Justin at the passenger seat

when we arrive at the beach, I went out of the car and run to the beach

"Mich calm down" I heard Justin yell and running after me

Pattie put a blanket on the sand and puts down the basket full of food

"mom we'll just go for a walk" Justin said "alright" she replied and Justin held my hand

"let's go" Justin said and I smiled "this is the same beach where we had our first kiss" Justin said

"yea" I replied "are we still enemies?" he ask "I don't know" I replied

"so...friends?" he ask and give me a hand "friends" I said and let our hands shook

"thank you for taking care of me yesterday" he said "oh no problem" I replied and smiled

thank god we're friends again, I thought we'll stay enemies forever

"kids let's eat" we heard pattie yell and we walk towards her and sat on the blanket

Justin then grab a strawberry and look at me "open your mouth" he said then I look at the strawberry

"you sure?" I ask then he nodded and I smile before he put it in ny mouth (do you know the part in high school musical where troy and gabriela ate strawberries? yea just imagine that;) )

I also grab a strawberry and did what Justin did to me

"aww you look cute" Pattie said and I felt a burn in my cheeks "I wish Jeremy was here" she added

Justin's POV

"I wish Jeremy was here" mom added, then I remember when dad and me met at the park and said he has a family

I clear my throat before speaking "yea, I wish too" I said and mom smiled

"Pattie?" someone behind her say then mom turned around "sally" mom squealed

"oh is this your son?" Sally ask pointing at me "yes and this is his girlfriend" mom replied and point at Mich

oh I wish mom, I wish.

"oh hi" sally said and me and Mich said hi too

"alright, enjoy yourselves there we're just gonna hangout" mom said and we nodded

"so we're all alone, what do we do know?" Mich ask "I don't know" I replied

"wanna go swimming?" I ask "yea, sure let's go" she replied

I then took off my shirt while she take off her dress leaving her with her bathing suit

I bite my lip and look at her body

Michelle's POV

I saw Justin looking at my body and It's so uncomfortable "uhm hello" I said and wave my hand on his face but he kept looking

gosh! this is hard "Justin" I said and he looked at me "uh uhm sorry" he said "c'mon" I said and he held my hand

we walk to the water and Justin splashed a water on my face

"Justin" I said and he laughs I smirk at him and splash him water too

and we ended up splashing water to each other, and I love the feeling of this.

"I'll go" I said and walk towards the blanket, Justin then followed me and sat beside me

"kids let's go" we heard Pattie said "alright" Justin replied

I put on my dress and grab my bag and we went in the car

"mom I'll go sit with Mich" Justin said then Pattie nodded

I then felt my eyes getting heavy so I didn't think twice and close my eyes and fell asleep


I felt two arms scoop me up bridal style and walk inside the house, I wrap my arms around Justin's neck and hide my face on his chest

after like 10 seconds I felt myself lied on my soft bed

"night Mich" Justin whispered and kissed my forehead before hearing the door closed

Justin's POV

"she's sleeping?" mom ask "yup" I replied and sat beside her on the couch "mom" I said

"yes honey?" she ask "I wanna ask Mich on a date but I don't know what every girl likes on a date, can you help me?" I ask then she smiles

"aww, that's so sweet of you" she said "is it okay if we just go to amusement park?" I ask "yea, that would be great, I know she'll have fun" she replied

"alright, I wanna ask her on sunday" I said "alright, go to sleep honey" she replied

"goodnight mom, love you" I said and leck her cheek "love you too" she replied and I walk in my room and take a shower before sleeping

I hope she agree going on a date with me, good luck Justin.


isn't that exciting guys?! Justin's gonna ask Mich on a date wahhh

I'm going crazy I promise 😂😂😂

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