30 |yes?!...yes!|

490 10 3

Michelle's POV

"girl wake up" someone said while shaking me...what do they want in the morning?!

"Mich please, wake up we're going somewhere" they added, still shaking me

it's just thea "what do you want? I'm trying to sleep" I said annoyed

"we're going somwhere and I know you'll love it"thea replied "give me one more hour" I said and put a pillow over my face


"what the heck, don't scream at my ears like that" I said with furrowed eyebrows

"just go get ready, and we'll go" she said "where?" I ask

"just go get ready, we're going shopping" she said

"fine, what time is it?" I ask "3:40, go hurry up" she said

"what the...so I slept that long?" I ask with wide eyes

"no shit sherlock" she replied and rolled her eyes

"just go hurry up, time is ticking" she said then I nodded and went in the bathroom

I then went out of the bathroom and head quickly to my walk in closet...

I put on some white ripped jeans and navy blue halter neck tank top

I then slip on my blue vans and brush my hair and last thing I put a light makeup

"ready girl?" thea ask " where's mom and dad?" I ask looking around

"oh they're out for some bonding" thea said but i can see in her eyes that she's lying

"girl, I know you you're lying, tell me" I said "what?! I'm not lying, go call them then it'll prove that I'm not" she said

"fine let's go" I said then we both went in the car...


"girl I'm just gonna call my mom, be right back" she said and walk away

Justin's POV

we are now at our place with her parents waiting for Thea's call...wait what if she forgot to call us? she's gonna ruin it if she does

I then heard ny phone rang and I grab ut quickly then Thea's name pop up, thank god


*phone call*

me:hello? can we go?
thea: yea, hurry up
me: yea sure, and don't forget to tell her to wear the dress
thea: yea yea, just go make it perfect
me: thank you bye


"we should go" I said then we all grab the flowers and put it in the trunk

"ready?" Joan ask who is gonna drive us to their house

"yes" mom replied then he drove off to their house

I don't know if I'm excited or nervous, same? yea think so, half of me is nervous, what if she says no?! it'll be all ruined but I wish she says yes cause you know this will be the best day, no wait, our wedding is our best day, no wait...having our own family is my best day!

"Justin!" someone interrupted my thoughts

"y-yes?" I stutter "we're here" mom replied

I then look at the window and yea, they're right we're here, I'm so stupid...

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