19 |Justin's birthday|

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Michelle's POV

after we ate our breakfast, the doorbell rang, I think it's jason

"Justin can you get that?" I ask "sure" he replied then open the door

"hi man" Jason greeted then Justin smiled "bro, I thought your staying in florida for 1 year?" he ask

"Mich talked to my parents on the phone and they agree, I will stay here for 2 weeks" he said then Justin looked at me and hug me

"you don't need to do this to me Mich" he said and kiss my forehead

"but I want you to be happy today, in a way of celebrating your birthday us being complete" I replied then his eyes widen

"you mean beyonce is here too?" he ask then I laugh "I can't do that you jerk" I replied

"thank you for this" he said and kiss me "uhm guys, something's between the two of you, tell me" we heard jason said then we pulled away

"oh right, we're bestfriends...with benefits" Justin said then I laugh "seriously?!" Jason ask

"No, we're dating" I replied "oh my gosh, my bestfriends are dating" he said and attack us with a hug

"I can't breathe" I said choking  then they pull away "alright where do you wanna go?" Jason ask

"actually, I have something to show you" I said "what is it?" Justin ask

"you'll see....Pattie where going to you know where" I yelled "alright sweethearts have fun" she yelled back from the kitchen

"c'mon let's go" I said and pull the two of them "where are we going?" Justin ask " I can't tell you birthday boy" I replied and pout

"then atleast tell me" Jason said "nope, I can't tell you either, I know you can't keep secrets so..." I replied then they roll their eyes

"still the michelle we know" They said in unison and sigh "yup, I don't change" I replied and continue pulling them

"hop in the car" I said "wait, you'll drive?" Jason ask then I nodded "yup, anything wrong? c'mon I'm excited" I said then they went in and I started the engine and drove off

"we're here" I said and stop the car "wait this looks familiar" Justin said "yup, you'll see where we're going" I said and went out then they followed

I started walking and we pass by some animals

"ahh!" I heard jason scream, gosh she screams like a girl

I turn around and saw Jason hiding behind Justin while Justin laughs

"what is it?" I ask "a squirrel" Jason said then I laugh along with Justin "your so hilarious" I said in between my laugh

"not funny" he said blankly "it's just a squirrel, gosh" I said

"let's go" I said then they followed again

when we reach where we're going they're jaw drops

"wow Mich, you still remember this?" Justin ask "yup, why wouldn't I" I replied smiling

"so this is the surprise for the birthday boy?" Jason ask "nope, not until we get in" I replied

then they looked at me with confuse face "what do you mean?" Justin ask "let's just go" I said then they nodded

"go first birthday boy" I said "no ladies first, that'll never change" he said then I smile and walk up

I then help Justin and jason before we stood infront of the door

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