14 |sick Justin|

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Michelle's POV

I felt a flash on my face, it's like a flash of a camera, what the heck?!

I open my eyes and saw pattie smiling at her phone, I then realize that I'm sleeping on Justin's shoulder

but...but I didn't sleep in this position, what?! did Justin did this?

I sit properly but Justin's head fall on my chest

"I'll keep this picture" Pattie said and walk upstairs still smiling on her phone

I then look at Justin who is sleeping peacefully on my chest, gosh what should I do?

I sigh,maybe, I'll let him sleep on my chest, cause he looks so peaceful

I stroke his hair and grab the remote and watch some shows

I saw spongebob and stay on the channel

"hmm" Justin groan and wrap his arms on my stomach

I gasp and look at him and smile slightly

"I love you Mich, don't leave me" I heard him whisper and I widen my eyes

is he dreaming or what? why did he say he loves me?

I then remember our old memories when we're still friends

"I love you too Justin" I whisper then look at the screen again

I'm getting bored and Justin is still sleeping with the same position

I looked at the clock, it's already 1 in the afternoon, woah the time is so fast

"hmm, ow!" justin groan in pain and held his forehead

"what's wrong?" I ask worried "my head hurts so bad" he replied "stay here, I'll get a medicine" I said and get a medicine in their medicine box

I then grab a glass of water on the kitchen and head back to the living room

"here" I said and gave him the medicine and glass of water

after he drank the water, I put the glass on the coffee table and I notce that he is freezing

"what's wrong with you?" I ask worried and held his forehead

"you have fever" I said but why did he got fever, the last time I check he is all good

"Pattie" I yell "yes?" she yelled back

"please help me with Justin" I yell and she ran downstairs

"what's wrong?" she ask " he has fever, help me walk him to his room" I said and she nodded

"c'mon" I said and grab Justin's arm

Pattie helped me until we reached his room and lay him on the bed

"I'll take care of him you can go Pattie" I said "you sure? if you need any help, I'm just in my room" she said then I nodded

I then put Justin under the duvet covers and sit beside him

"you okay?" I ask him "it's cold" he said and I realize that his air-con is on

I grab the remote of the air-con and turn it off

"come here" I said and pull him to me and he wrapped his arms around my hip

"sleep" I whisper and and stroke his hair "don't leave me" he said

"shh, I'll never leave you, I'll stay here" I replied and he closed his eyes, making me close my eyes too


I felt someone playing with my hair, I fluttered my eyes open and saw Justin smiling but then dropped when he saw me

"uhm sorry did I wake you?" he ask "no it's alright" I replied and we stare at each other

his eyes shining while they look straight into mine and suddenly looked down to my lips and lean in

he then closed his eyes and his lips brushed against mine, gosh are we gonna kiss again?

I closed my eyes and we're 'bout to kiss but the door opens

"oh, sorry for interrupting" Pattie said and closed the door again letting me giggle

"I'm sorry" Justin mumble "for what?" I ask "for almost kissing you, I forgot it's just fake" he replied

"you don't have to be sorry" I said and he smiled "so how are you feeling?" I ask

"I feel better" he replied "good" I said

"want anything?" I ask "you" he mumble something making me difficult to hear it

"what? I didn't hear it" I said "uh, I said...water" he replied and I nodded before standing

Justin's POV

phew! thank god she didn't hear it, cause if she did I don't know what she'll do to me

I really like her but she didn't like me cause we're enemies and I don't like us being enemies

I wanna be with her, I wanna date her for real not this stupid one, I want her to be mine

"here's your water" I was interrupted by Mich walking towards me

"thank you" I said and smiled before drinking the water

"alright, I'll just go to my room" she said "wait, can you stay here?" I ask "uhm, why?" she ask

"no reason just want you to stay" I replied "alright" she said and sat beside me

"so what do you wanna talk about?" she ask "wanna ask you something first" I said "okay...." she said

"who's your first kiss?" I ask looking straight into my eyes

"you" she said "when? when mom ask us to kiss?" I ask "nope, remember when we're five years old and we're at the beach" she replied


"Justin" Mich yelled "what?" I ask "come here let's build a sand castle" she replied

I then ran towards her but then I bump to Mich and I'm on top of her
"you're heavy" she said and giggle, while me just looking to her eyes

"get off m-" I cut her off by pressing my lips on hers

I pulled away and she looked at me with wide eyes

"did that just happened?" she ask "yea" I replied

-»end of flashback«-

"yea, I remember" I said "I can't believe you did that" she said chickling

"yea, I can't believe too" I replied "lovebirds" we heard mom say while knocking

"come in mom" I yelled then she opened the door

"I decided that the three of us will go to the beach tomorrow, is that good?" she ask

"okay" me and Mich said in unison
"alright" mom said and head out of the room

"well, I should go get packing" Mich said then I nodded

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