3 |Jason|

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Michelle's POV

we heard the doorbell rang and Justin quickly stood up and opened it.

I look at the door and there stood...Jason?

woah, he's more handsome than the last time we saw each other, his hair is a bit curly but still managed to get that quiff style.

I wonder if he's also mad at me as much as how mad Justin is.

wow, if he's too, we are like animals that they combine in a cave.

"Mich?" Jason ask looking at me surprise, I stood up and said "yup that's me"

he grinned "oh my gosh long time no see" he said and I chuckle.

he hugged me tight and lifted me up, woah, I thought he'll get mad at me being in this house.

we pulled away from the hug and I saw Justin just watching us "Jas, we are going to play a videogame right, leave Mich there" Justin said.

"oh, so you're still mad at her?" Jason ask "duh, what did you expect" Justin said

"wait, why are you here?" Jason ask me "my parents are in a business trip" I replied then he nodded

"see you later cupcake" Jason said

Jason used to call me that since we first met and he still do call me that.

I smiled at him and they both went in Justin's room.

I decided to go to the kitchen to talk to pattie.

I head to the kitchen and there stood Pattie, washing the dishes.

"do you mind if I help?" I ask then she looked at me and smiled

"sure, sweetie" she said then I stood beside her and start washing the dishes

"I'm sorry about the incident" I said then she smiles

"it's okay sweetie" she replied

"but honestly what's weird is your always nice to me even though I'm the reason why Jeremy died" I said
"I can't just be mad at you like that, cause I know your only a kid when that happened" Pattie replied

"mom, we want cookies" Justin interrupted

then I glare at him "then go bake, your mom is not a robot that can do anything" I said then he glared at me

"but I want cookies now" Justin said "I said go bake some for yourself" I said

"you know this is my and mom's problem so back off" he said angrily

I walk towards him and he just stood there looking at me

"you know, the Justin I know, always respect others, what's wrong with you nowadays?" I ask

"I'm not always the person who I am, people change and I can change whenever I want" he replied

"I don't know if you can be my friend again, you changed so much" I said walking out of the kitchen

Justin's POV

wow, now she can talk to me like that?! nice Mich, nice

I can't believe she can say those words to me

yes I love her, but that's when we're still friends, but after dad died, I dont know if I can forgive her.

"Justin, go apologize to her" mom said "why, I'm not the one who caused that" I replied

"you are, and Mich was right, I'm not a robot that can do anything" mom said

"go apologize" she added "but mo-" I said but she cut me off

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