6 |I don't like us being enemies, I like us being friends|

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Michelle's POV

I grab the guitar beside the nightstand and started strumming it

"Whoa, ooh
Well, let me tell you a story
About a girl and a boy
He fell in love with his best friend
When she's around, he feels nothing but joy
But she was already broken, and it made her blind
But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right

Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware?
You're the smile on my face
And ain't going nowhere
I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile
I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let ya
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

Well, I can tell you're afraid of what this might do
Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don't wanna lose
Well, I don't wanna lose it either
I don't think I can stay sitting around while you're hurting babe, so take my hand

Well, did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly?
Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry
Cause I know that a piece of you's gone
Every time he done wrong I'm the shoulder you're crying on
And I hope by the time that I'm done with this song that I figure out

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let ya
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall

But if you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your...
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let ya
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall,

So fall in love (in love)
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all (don't have to be scared, don't have to be scared at all), oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let ya
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall

If you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your... let yourself fall"

I finished the song and I felt a tear slip down my cheek but wiped it away because someone opened the door.

I saw Justin's emotionless face but then turn to a worried one when he saw me

"are you crying?" he ask

oh shoot!

"no, and why would I be?" I replied quickly "and why do you care?" I added

"I don't care, I came here to tell you that mom's leaving in few minutes. you should say your goodbye" he replied then I sigh before nodding

"bye mom, I'll miss you" Justin said crying while hugging her

then I giggle "you're like a baby" I said then he glared at me

"I don't care if I'm like a baby, I'll miss mom" he replied then nodded

"bye pattie" I said hugging her "bye sweetie, please don't fight too much" she rpelied then I nodded

"alright see you after 4 months" she added then we smiled before she leaves the house

Justin sat on the couch and hid his face under the pillow

I playfully rolled my eyes before heading to my room.

*next morning*

I open my eyes and yawn before going downstairs.

when I reach down I saw Justin sleeping on the couch, I walk towards him and wake him up

"Justin" I said shaking him lightly but he didn't move "Justin" I said one more time but this time he groan and open his eyes

"what are you trying to do?" he ask in shock

"you're over reacting, I'm just tryna wake you up so you can continue to sleep in your room" I replied

he breathed heavily and look at me "I can't sleep again if I'm already awake" he said then I nodded

"I'll be making breakfast" I said then he nodded.

I went in the kitchen and started doing the pancake mix

I open the stove and put the pan after, then started cooking the pancake

just as I finish cooking, Justin walk in and sat on the dining

"can you help me set up the table?" I ask trying to be nice "no, do it yourself" he repleid

"fine" I replied and rolled my eyes.

I put the pancakes on the table together with the plates and forks

we started eating in silence but I saw Justin's eyes widen as he chew the pancake

"you like it?" I smirk then he looked at me "no" he replied

"liar" I mumbled "I heard that" he said then he rolled his eyes

"fine, I love it" he replied but he mumble the last part

I grin and grab another pancake.

"wait, wanna ask a question" he said with his mouthful

I chuckle "what?" I ask "I heard you sang a song twice and everytime you finished it you cry, what's wrong?" he ask

"you don't even have to know" I replied "I wanna know, I wanna know why are you so hurt when you sing" he said

"you wanna know? fine, everytime I sing a song, I always remember us, us as friends not enemies,I sang that song because I miss the old you, but I always remind myself that you can't bring that back!" I said as a tear slip down my cheek

"I'm sorry" I said and walk out of the kitchen

I slam my room door and threw myself in bed crying

I can't do this, seeing him hating me, always mad at me, I miss the old him but I know there's no chance to bring him back

I'm the one who ruined our friendhship, if he's father is not dead, maybe I'm so happy that I'm living here.

but no, that's the opposite, I don't like us being enemies, I like us being friends.

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