25 |stop calling me babe!|

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Michelle's POV

after eating in the picnic, we all went inside the house and sat on the couch.

"who's up for movie?" Jason ask "me" I replied "me" Justin replied too

"alright" Jason said and scroll through netflix until he found the movie 'pitch perfect'

"wait I'll get a blanket" Jason said and ran upstairs

after like 5 seconds he came back with two puffy blankets

"here, that's for the two of you" he said and threw the blanket on us

Jason was about to start the movie when Justin spoke "wait, I'll get popcorn...oh and who wants Ice cream?" he ask standing up

"me" Jason and I replied in unison making me chuckle "alright" he said and went in the kitchen

soon enough, Justin went out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and...two Ice creams? why not three?

he place the popcorn on the coffee table and gave Jason the Ice cream

"thanks bro, let's start the movie...no interruption this time" he warn then we both nodded chuckling

"you don't want Ice cream?" I ask Justin in whisper "am I not allowed to share an Ice cream with you?" he ask then I smile

"sure" I replied and open the cap of Ben and Jerry's ice cream

Justin then grab a big scoop and put it in his mouth "ow it's cold" he said making me laugh

I then grab a scoop and watch the movie but then I felt a cold thingy on my left cheek

Ice cream.

I look at Justin and saw him biting his lip to keep from laughing

I glare at him "why did you do that?" I whisper-yelled then he lets out a laugh "not funny you're waisting my Ice cream" I said like a baby and cross my arms across my chest making him laugh more loudly

"shut up" Jason said still facing the screen

"here I'll take it" Justin said and licks my cheek where the ice cream is.

"you're disgusting" I said "but you love me" he smirk "yea yea" I replied and continued to watch the movie

at the middle of the movie, I felt my eyes getting heavy "Mich what's wrong?" Justin ask "I'm sleepy" I said and rest my head on Justin's shoulder

"go sleep" he whisper then I close my eyes

"good night my princess" he added and peck my forehead


I felt someone stroking my hair and singing a song


"wise men say only fools rush in" he sang softly not to wake me up

actually I'm up but I don't want to open my eyes, I love it when I hear Justin sing near my ear

"but I can't help, falling inlove with you" he sang "shall I stay? would it be a sin, if I can't help falling inlove with you" he added and whisper in my ear "babe, wake up"

I smile and didn't open my eyes "baby, wake up my princess" he whisper again "chelly, wake up" he said then I giggle but still my eyes close

"chelly?" I ask "yup" he replied then I open my eyes "I heard you sing" I said smiling "oh so you're up before I tell you to wake up?" he ask chuckling

"yea" I replied and peck his lips "stop that and eat breakfast" we heard Jason said that made us pull away

"shut up we're coming" Justin said and continue to peck my lips making me giggle "eww" Jason said

"I said shut up" Justin said through the kiss "alright, eat breakfast" he said and with that he left the living room

"I love you babe" he said as we pulled away "love you too"  I replied "let's eat?" he ask then I nodded

we enter the kitchen and sat with pattie, Jason and the kids

"alright before we eat, who wants to lead the prayer?" Pattie ask "I'll lead" Justin said then Pattie nodded

we all hold hands, Justin on my right while jazzy on my left

"lord, thank you for the food we'll be eating today and please whatever we do today, guide us and protect us, amen" Justin said then we all open our eyes

"alright let's eat" Jason said then we all dug on our foods but Jason is not eating in normal mode (Idk,lol), I can tell he's so hungry.

"jaswon, calm down" Jazzy said making us all laugh "what?" Jason ask with mouthful of bacon and eggs

"you're a pig" I said laughing then he glared at me "shut up, I'm trying to eat" he said making us all laugh even more...

after eating, Pattie washed the dishes, the kids played in their room while me and Justin are going out to get some sourpatch and chips cause chips and candies are nowhere to be seen in this house anymore.

"ready?" Justin ask "yes" I replied then we both went in the car and drove off to the store

once we reached the store, we parked the car in front of the store and went out.


Justin's POV

while me and Mich are roaming the store trying to find chips and candies, someone patted my shoulder that made me turn around

"hey babe" selena said "what the heck are you doing in here? stalking me?" I ask "no, I didn't even know you're here until I saw you" she replied then I rolled my eyes

I try to walk past her but failed. she blocked my way "where you going babe?" she ask pouting "to my girlfriend" I simply replied "oh your girlfriend is here? you mean me, I'm in front of you" she said looking around

this girl is crazy "you're not my girlfriend, so may I excuse myself" I said and try to walk past her again but she blocked me

"stay please babe" she said pouting "stop calling me babe!" I yelled making all the people in the store stare at me

Michelle then ran towards me and looked at me with worried eyes

"can you back off we're having our babe time" selena said annoyed then Mich glared at her

"excuse me but there's no babe in the two of you" she said narrowing her eyes at Selena "oh yea, well let me show you we have" she said and lean in quickly to kiss me but I cover her lips so we can't kiss

"stop telling her that we're having our babe time cause I'm not yours" I said then I saw a hurt in her face but I don't care

"Mich let's get this pay" I said and walk past selena and into the cashier

after paying all the foods, we both went in the car and sigh "what did she do there that made you yell?" she ask

"she keeps calling me babe" I replied "oh" was all she said

"let's go home" I said and start the engine...

"mom we're home" I yell once we enter the house and put the bags on the counter

"what did you brought?" mom ask "just chips and candies" I shrug then mom nodded

"so what do you wanna do?" Michelle ask "I don't know" I replied

"how about we ho swimming and relax cause I know you're still stress with that selena" she said chuckling "yea let's ask the kids if they wanna come" I said and drag her to their room

"kids" I yell but they're nowhere to be seen "where's the kids?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows

"mom" I yell "yes sweetie?" mom ask "where's the kids?" I ask "oh they're out with jason" she replied and left

I then look at Mich and she shrugged "guess we're the only one's" I said

"yea" she replied giggling "go get change" I said then she nodded before going in her room....

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