23 |coffee?|

366 8 4

Justin's POV

*next day*

I woke up by the sun shining through the whole room, jeez I forgot to close the curtains.

anyways I got up from bed and look at my clock

12:54 nn

oh shit, I forgot I am going to go grocery today

I went in my en suit bathroom and take a quick shower

I then wrap a towel around ny waist and hop out of the bathroom

I put on my boxers and put on my pants and a white v neck t shirt

I blow dry my hair and put gel on it (Justin Bieber still have the quiff hair here and no tats just a few, just telling so you can imagine :) )

I then walk down the stairs and saw Mich watching tv

"going to the grocery store?" she ask standing up and wrap her arms around my waist

"yup, gotta go I'll be back soon" I said and kiss her forehead

"alright drive safe" she replied and let go of my waist

I went in my car and drove off to the grocery store


"where's the captain crunch?" I ask myself looking for the cereal

I roam my eyes around and saw the cereal

"there" I said and ran to the aisle but then I bump into some girl

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump-" I said but she cut me off "you spoke to much" she said chuckling

I'll admit, she's beautiful and her chuckle is cute...wait? Justin you have a girlfriend

"I'm sorry" I said "it's okay, selena by the way" she said and offers me a hand "Justin" I said and shook hand with her

"so why are you running?" she ask "I uh...looking for captain crunch" I said rubbing the back of my head

"oh, alright wanna hang out sometime?" she ask "uhm sorry but I have a girlfriend" I replied

"oh okay" she said "but if you want to, okay we can" I replied then she smiled

"here's my number, call me if you have time" she said and wink before walking out

"wait" I said making her stop "yes?" she ask "coffee? I'm available" I said

"yea sure, now?" she ask "yea I'll just pay all of this" I said

oh shit why did I ask her for some coffee

I walk to the cashier with her and pay all the goodies

after paying all of it we went out of the store and went in the car


"oh my gosh you did that?" she ask laughing about me pranking a girl in school when I was 12 years old

"yup" I said laughing with her then her phone vibrates and she looked at it "I'm sorry, my friend wants me home" she said then I nodded

"nice meeting you, remember call me if you want a person to hang out" she reminded then I nodded

I sip my coffee one last time and threw on the garbage before going in the car and drive to the house

I parked my car on the driveway and grab the paper bags and went in the house

"I'm home" I yell then Mich walk down the stairs

"hey what took you so long?" she ask

oh no, should I tell her that I hang out with another girl, no! she'll get mad, find excuse

"hey you hear me?" she ask interrupting my thoughts "uh..just stuck in traffic" I replied

gosh I hate lying to her.

"alright I'll just go in my room" she said then I nodded....

Arah's POV

while I'm watching tv, I heard the doorbell rang

I open the door and roll my eyes "what took you so long?" I ask "I just went out to grab a coffee with a handsome stranger" she smirked

"who is it?" I ask while we sat on the couch "he's handsome" she said "what's his name gosh?" I ask

"Justin" she replied then I widen my eyes

selena just met Justin, my ex boyfriend...and she didn't know that I'm his ex

"oh, well...I wanna tell you something" I said "what is it?" she ask

"well, Justin's my ex" I replied "what the heck? he is?" she ask

"no duh sherlock" I said and rolled my eyes "and I have a plan" I smirk "what is it?" she ask

"well, I'm sure that he told you he has a girlfriend" I said

yup, I'm a stalker of social medias (what the😂)

"yea" she said "well I want you to make his girlfriend jealous by being with him and make him fall inlove with you, so he can be mine again" I said then she smiles

"I like that, I'll do it" she replied "good" I said and smirk

Justin Bieber, you'll be mine again...soon and Michelle...well bye bitch

"so when should I start?" she ask "tomorrow" I replied then she nodded

Selena's phone vibrated then she squeals and type something

"what's that?" I ask trying to look at her phone "look, Justin text me" she replied then I steal her phone from her and read the text

From Justin
hey, it's Justin

To Justin
oh hi Justin, you have plans tomorrow, can we go hang out?

From Justin
no plans, so sure let's hang out, what time?

To Justin
afternoon, like 3 maybe

From Justin
oh alright, bye

after reading the text I gave her the phone back.

"nice job" I said and high five her "alright good luck tomorrow, I'll go to my room" I said and went up the stairs....

Justin's POV

yes I'll hang out with selena tomorrow, why you getting angry with me? it's alright if I hang out with her right, nothings wrong, I'm sure Mich can understand that...


oh my gosh guys, be ready for the next chapter

anyways, don't forget to vote and comment;)

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