18 |dad's not dead|

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Michelle's POV

"jazzy, jaxon let's go" Justin yell to signal the kids to come down

"I can't tie my hair, Mich" jazzy said and walk towards me holding her hair "come here, I'll fix it" I replied and held her hair to tie it in a ponytail

"alright let's go" Justin said and we all walk to the park

"jaxon, let's play to the seesaw" jazzy shouted then they ran to the seesaw and started playing

I then took a glance at Justin and he looks like he's thingking deep

"hey what's wrong?" I ask "just thinking" he replied "then what are you thinking?" I ask

"uhm can I tell you something but please just keep it to the two of us?" he ask "of course go ahead" I replied

"uhm, dad's..." he said "what about your dad, you miss him?" I ask

"no, dad's..." he said "what about your dad, what's wrong?" I ask "dad's not dead" he replied then I widen my eyes

"what, how?" I ask confuse "we met here, remember when I text you to stay inside Thea's house? that's when he text me to meet him here and I don't know who texted me" he explained

"did your mom know?" I ask then he shook his head "please just keep it to the two of us?" he ask then I nodded

"after that I regret all the hate I gave you" he said "it's okay, I understand, it's my fault I didn't mean to hit your father's head a rock" I replied "it's not your fault Mich, it's no one's fault" he said then I just nodded

"I love you" he said and I just smile, I can't say it in return cause it's a strong word and I think it's too early

his smile dropped "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that" he said "it's okay, I know you love me, I just can't say it in return, it's too early for me" I replied and he nodded

I need to make him happy, he looks so sad and let's say also angry

"hey look, it's Beyonce" I said and point behind him and he turns around and I started running

"where?" he ask then I started laughing "Mich! come here!" he said and chase me and I started running faster

"I'll catch you" he said from behind, gosh he's getting closer

"no you're n-" I was cut off by his arms wrapped around me and spins me around "I told you, I'll catch you" he said

"stop, I'm getting dizzy" I said laughing then he stops and kissed my cheek

"why are you so beautiful?" he ask "don't know" I replied

"I've never been told that I'm beautiful" I said "then I'll tell you...you look so beautiful, so so beautiful" he replied then I chuckle

"thanks" I said "let's go to the kids it's getting dark" he said then I nodded


we went in the house and saw Pattie doing her work on the living room

"hey guys, where did you go?" she ask "we just let the kids play at the park" Justin said

"oh okay, well I'll just cook dinner" Pattie said then we nodded

"let's watch spongebob" Justin said like a kid "yea" jazzy and Jaxon replied then I chuckle

we all sat on the couch, jaxon on my lap, while jazzy on Justin's lap

while we are watching spongebob Justin is already asleep, woah tired much?

"Michwelle, I'm sleepy" jaxon said "go sleep" I whisper and he hid his face on my chest and sleep

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