5 |Pattie is leaving|

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Michelle's POV

I went out of my room and head downstairs for school

I saw Justin in the living room and we both look at each other but quickly look away.

I head to the kitchen to grab a granola bar and say goodbye to Pattie

"bye Pattie" I said "bye" she replied then I peck her cheek before leaving

*at school*

while I'm getting my books at my locker I heard a familiar voice.

"Michelle" someone says but that someone is so familiar, I turn around and saw

thea?! (she is Michelle's friend)

"thea?" I ask while she's smiling "girl, remember me?" she ask then I grin

I ran towards her and attack her a hug "oh my gosh, it's you" I said happily

we pulled away from the hug "I thought you move to new york" I said

"I'll be staying here for 5 months" she replied "and decided to continue school here" she added then I nod

"oh can I come to your house later after school?" she ask and my smile dropped

"what's wrong?" she ask worried "I'm not living in the house for 3 months" I replied

"what why?" she ask shocked "my parents are in a business trip and I'm staying at my enemies house" I replied

"oh you have an enemy?" she ask "yup" I replied popping the 'p'

"oh what's her name? I'm gonna kill that bi-" she said but I cut her off "girl, she's not a girl, he's a boy" I replied then her eyes widen

"oh my gosh tell me who is it" she said "his name is Justin and yes you don't know him, cause we're childhood friends but I accidentally hit his father with a rock and he died that's why he hated me" I replied

"I miss him" I added "but you said you're staying at his house" she replied

"I mean the old him, I miss the old him not the new him who hates me so much" I said and sigh

"that's okay girl, maybe he'll change, you just didn't know when" she said

"that's impossible, alright see you later I'm heading to class" I said and walk away

I don't want her seeing me sad just because of him.

*after school*

"girl" I heard thea while I'm walking.

I turn around and she breathed heavily, I guess she's trying to chase me

"what's wrong?" I ask "can...I come...with you" she said trying to catch her breath

"going back home?" I ask then she just nodded

"alright" I said then we started walking again

I rang the doorbell and the door swung open revealing Justin

he looks at me and rolled his eyes before heading to the living room again

we walk in the house and thea can't keep her eyes away from Justin

"hey" thea said walking towards Justin then Justin smiled slightly

"thea, come on" I said pulling her to the stairs "but" she said "come on" I said and she nodded and sigh

we went in the room and I sat on my bed while thea sat on my bean bag

"what's wrong with you? that boy is so hot" she said daydreaming "oh yea, what if I tell you he's the one I'm telling you my enemy" I replied

"oh shoot"she mumble " is he the Justin you told me?" she ask with wide eyes

"yea" I replied "but girl, he's too cute and handsome and hot and-" she said but I cut her off

"that's enough" I said "to be your enemy" she finished her sentence

"do you once liked him when you're still friends?" she ask

"no" I replied shooked "come on, don't lie to me" she said

that's what I hate about her, she knows when I'm lying or not

"fine, yes but that's when we're still kids" I replied then she squeal

"I knew it" she said then I rolled my eyes and chuckle.

the door opens and there stood Justin

"mom is calling you" he said with no emotion

"since when do you care about me?" I ask then thea laughed silently

we both looked at her "what so funny?" we both said in unison

"nothing" she replied ending her laugh

then we look at each other again, "what are you looking at? I said mom is calling you" he said then I roll my eyes

"stay there" I said to thea then she nodded.

I went downstairs where Pattie is

"yes Pattie?" I ask then Justin was about to go upstairs but Pattie stopped her

"Justin, you too" Pattie said the Justin stood beside me

"okay, a doctor called me and he said that farron is at the hospital with coma" Pattie said then Justin's eyes widen

"who is he?" I ask "my brother and he's at new york so I need to fly and stay there for 4 months I think" Pattie said then me and Justin widen our eyes.

"mom, are you serious?" Justin ask then Pattie nodded

"can I come with you?" Justin ask "no honey, you need to stay here with Mich" Pattie replied

"why?" Justin ask "cause you need to take care of her" Pattie replied

"but she's too old to take care of" Justin said and I just stood there listening to them

this is great! note my sarcasm

"no, you're not coming with me" Pattie said and walk away

Justin glared at me and I glared back "don't you expect that I'll take care of you once mom is gone" Justin said

"I'm not expecting" I replied then he walked away

I went in my room and saw thea playing with her phone

I sat on my same spot and she looked at me

"now my life is even worse than it really is" I said then she looked at me confuse

"what do you mean?" she ask

"Justin's mom is going to fly to new york for her brother for 4 months and me and Justin are the only people left in this house" I replied and sigh

"oh shoot girl, goodluck" she said "yea" I said sarcastically

"I'll be going, my mom's gonna kill me" she said then I chuckle and nodded

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