28 |I'm scared, what if they come back...|

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Justin's POV

once  I hung up the call with arah, I shake Jason and thea to wake them up.

"guys" I said and shake them but it's no use, gosh they're heavy sleepers

"Guys!" I said then Jason eyes flutter open

"what the hell do you want in freakin 8?" he ask annoyed

"you didn't even let me explain why I woke you before you get angry" I said and roll my eyes

"what do you want?" he ask

"Mich is in a bad place right now, she's kidnapped by arah and selena" I replied then he widen his eyes

"what?! thea....*shake*....thea wake up" jason said then soon enough Thea's eyes flutter open

"what's wrong with the two of you?" she ask annoyed

"Mich is kidnapped we need to hurry" he replied then thea sat up shocked

"I'll call the cops, go get ready" I said and dial the number of the police station


*phone call*

cop: hello, police speaking
me: excuse me, uhm I want to report something
cop: yes?
me: my girlfriend is kidnapped by my ex and she wants me to meet her in her house
cop: what's the adress please?
me: block 8 lot 5, oak street, sweet village (it's no real)
cop: alright we'll be there in any minute
me:alright thank you


after that I hung up and got back inside

"let's go before anything happens to her" I said and went in the car with them

we drove off to Arah's place and when we arrived, Jason and thea was about to hop out of the car but i stopped them

"no, stay here, only you can go out when the cops arrived okay" I said then they both nodded

"bro be safe" Jason said then I smiled

"I'll be good, this is nothing" and with that I hop out of the car and went into her front porch

"who are you?" the man ask who is in charge of the door to make sure someone will never walk in

"I'm here to talk to arah, so can you please move out of my way" I said and try to pass him bit he blocked me

"I'm sorry but she didn't want any person to walk in" he said

"I called her and she said to meet her here so please back off" I said

"no sir, I'm just tryna do our job" he said

"can you please move out of the way and let me in!" I said pissed

"sir, I'm just doi--" "go let him in" someone said from behind

of course that voice came fron arah, who else?

the man nodded and move out of the way while I glare at him.

"where's Mich?" I ask walking through the house trying to find Mich

"oh babe, she's not here and you can't find her if she's" she replied pouting

"tell me where is she!?" I yelled

"oh I'm scared" she replied and pretend to be scared

"you came here to talk to me, not to ask me about your girlfriend" she said disgusted

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