22 |first time getting a tattoo|

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Michelle's POV

"Mich" I heard Justin said with a raspy voice while I'm still watching the movie

"yes?" I ask "I'll go somewhere, wanna come?" he ask getting up from me

"where?" I ask "somewhere" he replied "alright, what time?" I ask pouting

"now" he replied "but the movie isn't finish yet" I said "it's okay if you don't wanna come" he said

"alright, I'll just gonna take a bath" I replied then he leaves the room.

I then went in my walk in closet and pick an outfit for me to wear on to who knows where we're going.

after picking clothes, I grab my towel and went in the bathroom and take a quick shower.

I then wrapped the towel around my body and the other towel around my hair before walking out of the bathroom.

I put lotion on my arms and legs and put on my clothes, I decided to put on a blue t shirt and white shorts and also my white converse (pic below)

I put lotion on my arms and legs and put on my clothes, I decided to put on a blue t shirt and white shorts and also my white converse (pic below)

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I blow dry my hair after and put on a light make up which is just lip gloss and mascara

I grab my phone and purse after heading downstairs.

"damn Mich" Justin said once I walk on the last step on the stairs

"you look...beautiful" he said and wrap his arms around my waist "well thank you Justin" I replied and giggle

"let's go" he said and held my hand "where are we going?" I ask " just gonna get a new tat" he replied then I glare at him

"but you already had two" I said "I know, I want another one" he replied "Justin please don't fill your arms with tats, I don't like that" I pleaded

"no, I won't, promise" he said "promise me that" I said "yea, let's go" he said and pull me to the car

we went in the car, me on the passenger's seat while Justin on the driver's seat and drove off

when we reach the place, Justin park the car on the parking lot and we both went in

"hi there" the boy said with full of tats on his arms once we enter

oh gosh, I hope Justin will never do this, him being filled with tats is...no..I just don't like him filled with tats

"hey bro" Justin replied and they did this bro kind of hug

"rom, this is Mich, my girlfriend" guess rom is his name

"hi there beautiful" he said and kiss my hand "hello rom" I replied

"so, new tat Justin?" he ask "yup, decided to go with forgive word in here" he replied and lifted up his shirt and points at the his lower hip bone (guys I know its not his third tatoo but it's fiction, so nothing's real)

gosh, isn't it painful? "oh alright, let's start"

"wait" I said making them turn around and look at me "yes?" Justin ask

"I'll...get a tat too" I said then Justin looked at me surprised "you sure?" he ask then I smiled and nodded

"sure, what design?" rom ask "flowers around the wrist please" I said then Justin came closer to me with worried eyes

"Mich, think of it, are you sure it's a little painful" he said "Justin, I'm sure, I wanna try new things" I replied then he nodded

Justin sat on the chair and took off his shirt leaving him shirtless and his abs showing...damn that's sexy

soon enough, rom start doing the tattoo while Justin close his eyes while I'm just sitting here watching them

I think, for him, it's not painful cause look at his face, he looks so damn normal

after like 1 hour, the tattoo is done and rom did some few steps before Justin can take his shirt on

" Mich, your turn" rom said then I look at Justin

"you can do this just hold my hand" Justin whispers then I sat on the chair and held Justin's hand

I'm so nervous...then suddenly I felt the needle on my wrist

"ouch"I groan and close my hand while I squeez Justin's hand

Justin then rub my hand with his thumb to comfort me

I bite my lip to keep from groaning in pain but in the middle of time, it's not painful

after like 1 hour, the tattoo is done and I looked at my wrist and its so red but the tat is so beautiful (picture above)

"it's beautiful" I said then Justin wraps his arms around my waist

"but not as beautiful as you" he said then I look at him and smiled "I wish that's also your reaction when I propose to you" he said then I laugh

"we didn't know our future" I replied chuckling "I'll always love you" he said and kiss my forehead

"love you" Justin said "love you too" I replied then he lean in and press his lips on mine

we pulled away and pay rom then head to the car


"so where do you wanna go?" he ask "Just go back home, wait where's jason, I didn't saw him all day?" I ask

"he's lock in his room, playing videogames or what so ever" he replied then I nodded

Justin parked his Audi on the driveway and we both went in the house and saw Jason eating chocolate

"hey guys, where were you?" Jason ask "we just got a tat" Justin replied then he nodded focusing on the tv screen

Justin then walk in the kitchen while I sat beaide Jason

"hey bro, where's some sour patch kids?" Justin ask "I don't know, I think there's no more sour patch" he replied

"what?! I'm craving for sour patch right now" he said and I let out a giggle

"I guess I'll go grocery tomorrow" he said and sat beside me

he then rest his head on my shoulder and close his eyes "I'm sleepy" he said "you're always sleepy" I replied and chuckle

then suddenly I heard light snores, gosh he's already asleep? and may I remind you that his a heavy sleeper

"what's that noise?" Jason ask "Justin's sleeping, that's snores" I replied then he chuckle
"can I have some of your chocolate?" I ask

"sure" he replied and gave it to me so I can grab a piece

" I didn't even know that you're still Justin's friend until you came here to play some stupid video game" I said "but you're still my friend also" he replied

"he loves you so much, didn't he?" he ask "yup" I replied popping the 'p'

"where did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" he ask "at the ferris wheel" I replied

"oh, I wish I can do that to thea too" he said the. I laugh loudly "hmm shut up" Justin said annoyed then I chuckle and shake my head slowly...


boring chapter, sorry but hope you still enjoy my story ;)

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