12 |I'll try to make her special|

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Michelle's POV

"girl, why aren't you here last night" thea said while I sit on the couch

"mom and dad are so worried, me too" she scolded

gosh, I'm tired can her mouth shut for a minute

"girl, answer me" she said "Justin is drunk, okay? I need to stay with him for the night cause what if something happens to him" I replied

then she sat beside me "why is he drunk?" she ask then I shrug

"tell me what happened last night" she said excitedly, is she expecting of something?

"nothing, he just call me babe, stuff like that but he's drunk" I replied "thought" she mumble

gosh, yes she's expecting of something

"we arent, promise" I said and she nodded "so you just leaved him today like that?" she ask

"no, he ask me if he can watch a movie with me, and I said yes" I replied then she squeal

"you're gonna make a cute couple" she said then I narrow my eyes at her "that will never happen, N-E-V-E-R" I spelled then she rolled her eyes

"don't say that, cause I know someday, you'll gonna be a couple, trust me" she said then I sigh

I head upatairs to my so called room and threw myself on my fluffy bed

*hours later*

"girllll wake up" I heard thea said while shaking me

"what do you want?" I said with my raspy voice "Justin is waiting downstairs" thea replied

"what does he want, I'm sleeping" I said and she rolles her eyes " I don't know, just go there" tjea rpelied then I groan

I got up from bed and walk downstairs rubbing my eyes

when I reach the last step, I saw Justin sitting on the couch

"hello?" I ask then he looks up and I sat beside him

"what's wrong?" I ask "I have bad news and good news, which one's first?" he ask "good news" I replied then he nodded

"so, mom's coming back tomorrow and the bad news is..." he said "go on" I said "we also need to start that fake date tomorrow" he replied

"oh my gosh I'm nervous" I said and he nodded "yup, me too" he replied

"so what is it?" thea ask sitting on the other couch

"uhm, so Pattie is coming back tomorrow and we need to start the fake date"I said then she squeals

"let's practice so no awkwardness tomorrow" she said then I look at Justin "okay" Justin said then I nodded and sigh

"okay, I'm Pattie and let's say the three of us are talking about your realtionship" she said then we nod

"okay, here it goes" thea said and I breath heavily "okay, so how's your relationship going on?" thea ask acting like Pattie

"uhm, well we're doing good so far" I replied "oh, since when did you start dating?" she ask

"uhm, last 2 months" Justin replied

"boy, you don't look like dating" thea said " cause it's fake duh" I replied

"make it look real" she said "how, I'm not good in relationship" I said

"so no boyfriend since birth?" Justin ask "no, I have a boyfriend last year but it came out horrible so I broke up with him" I replied

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