24 |I forgive you|

364 8 2

Justin's POV

it's been a week since me and Mitch's relationship being ruined by arah and selena and I'm dying to kiss Michelle's lips again but I don't have a choice but to wait till she forgive me or never.

I grab my phone while me and Jason are watching a random show on the tv and open it

I open my instagram and one person liked my photo that I posted lately and saw Michelle's profile

she liked my post?!

"bro look she liked my recent post" I told jason and showed him my phone "nice bro, but that doesn't mean she already forgive you" he replied then I sigh

"man help me find a way to make her forgive me and show her how much I love her" I said "sure lemme think" he said then rubs his chin with his thumb pretending to think

"aha" he said and grin at me "what?" I ask  "how about you set up a picnic in the backyard with lights? even if it's a little thing, trust me she'll love it" he said "yea that's great" I said then we high five each other

"when do you wanna set up?" he ask "tomorrow morning then it'll happen on tomorrow afternoon" I said then he nodded

*next morning*(sorry am I doing
so many skips)

"bro, where's the lights?" I ask jason while I'm setting the blanket "here" he replied and handed me the lights

I then put the lights around the blanket and put some around the tree too

"there all done, I should give her breakfast" I said and ran inside the kitchen

"mom, is the pancake ready?" I ask "yup sweetie here" she said and slid the tray towards me with the pancake and with strawberry syrup with strawberries scattered on the pancake and a pineapple juice.

"thanks mom love you" I said and walk up the stairs.

I then knock on the door but no answer

knock knock knock

still no answer.

"mich" I said but still no answer, is she still sleeping

but it's already 11 in the morning.

I tried to turn the nob and surprisingly it's unlock

I slowly swing the door open and saw her laying in bed, sleeping peacefully.

I'll tell you three words...she's so beautiful

I put the tray beside her and left a note in the tray and walk out of the room.

"how's it bro?" Jason ask while I sat beside him ln the couch

"what do you mean?" I ask "how's it? bringing her breakfast?" he ask "she's still asleep so I just left a note" I replied then he nodded

"so what are you gonna tell her later?" he ask "I'll tell her how much I love her and not that selena girl" I replied

"don't forget the plan okay" I warn him "okay okay" he replied and continue watching

Michelle's POV

I woke up to a strong smell of pancakes...oh my gosh it smells so good

I open my eyes and saw a tray beside me with pancakes and maple syrup, oh and a letter may I add

I grab the letter and read it

good morning beautiful, breakfast in bed? hope you'll eat the pancakes mom made, I was about to give the breakfast to you but you're asleep so I just left it with this note ;D anyways stay beautiful Mich, love you so much ♡

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