2 |the fights are on|

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Michelle's POV

"mom I'm nervous" I said before mom could ring the doorbell of Pattie's house

"why are you so nervous? this is gonna be fine" mom said and about to ring the doorbell but I held her wrist to stop.

"Mich, why?" she ask "mom, let me let out a deep breath first" I replied then she nodded.

I let out a deep breath and signal mom that I'm ready for her to ring the doorbell, as she rang the doorbell, the door swung open revealing Pattie.

she smiled at us and hug us "hi Danice, hi Mich" she greeted us with a smile and so do us.

I look at mom and hug her "I'll miss you mom, tell that to dad too" I said and she pulled away from the hug "I'll miss you too sweetheart but now go enjoy your stay here"mom replied then I nod

little did she know...

"let's go?" Pattie ask then I nodded.

I went in the house with my legs shaking.

"feel free, and please if Justin scold you or what don't listen to him alright?" pattie ask then I nodded and smiled at her

"Justin" pattie yelled which nade my legs shake even more.

"yes?" he yelled back "come here" pattie said which made me put my head down.

I heard footsteps coming towards us and I know it's Justin "wha-" he was cut off by seeing me, I guess

"Mich? why are you here?" he ask but I didn't look at him or respond

"mom, why is she here?" he ask "Justin, her mom and dad are out for business trip so her parents decided that it's a good idea if she stay here with us" Pattie replied

"so she didn't tell her parents that I'm mad at her for killing dad?" he ask then I look at him

he looks so different since I last saw him, he's hair is messy but he still handles to look handsome...wait what?!

"I didn't meant to throw the stone to your dad" I replied mad "oh so now you have the guts to get mad at me?" he ask crossing his arms on his chest

"first of all, I didn't meant that okay, and second past is past" I said then he rose his eyebrow

"yea, past is past but it's hard to forget" he said while his voice keep raising in every word he said

"Justin, I didn't call you here to fight with Mich, I called you to ask a favor to show her, her room" Pattie said

"I don't want, and why me?" he ask looking at pattie "don't you dare talk to me like that and you should do the things I tell you to" Pattie said and Justin soon glared at me

he nodded and followed him upstairs.

he then lead me to my room and leave me there but Pattie stopped him

"you're leaving already? go help her with her luggage" Pattie said and he rolled his eyes before getting the luggage and bring it in the room.

once he's done helping me with my lugagge he spoke "no thank you?" he ask then I smiled at him to tease him

"no need" I said and turn around and I heard him groan and I rolled my eyes.

the door finally shut, I sigh and plopped down the bed and stare at the ceiling

"don't worry Mich, you can do this" I said to myself and smile.

I got up from bed and tour myself around the room.

I have suite bathroom, plasma tv, a vanity and a king sized bed.

then there's this other door that is beside the bathroom

I look at it and decided to open it.

"woah" I said as my eyes widen, it's a walk in closet with clothes already, since when do they know the size of my body?

I chuckle at myself and bring my luggage inside

I then heard the door swung open so I went out of the closet and saw Pattie

"Mich, lunch is ready" Pattie said softly then I smiled and nodded.
we both walk out of my room and I saw Justin and we both glare at each other and rolled eyes.

I sat on the chair while Justin sat across me and Pattie sat on the middle.

we glared again at each other and he rolled his eyes

"can you please stop?" he said annoyed then Pattie looked at him

"you're the one who needs to stop here, I just caught you glaring at me that's why" I said as I furrow my eyebrows

he rolled his eyes again and didn't talk.

when we are done eating, I walk to the living room then sat on the couch and grabbed the remote but Justin held the remote too and sat beside me

we look at each other "give it to me" I said "no way, give it to me" he replied trying to steal the remote from me.

"I'm the girl here so give it to me" I said "but you don't live in this house" he replied

"oh guess what? I'm living here for 3 months" I said which made his grip on the remote loosen

"what?! you're staying here for 3 months?!" he ask shooked "yes, so get use to our fights bieber" I replied confidently

he narrow his eyes at me and look away, I turn on the tv and search through the channels until a comedy show popped up.

our distance to each other is so far because hello, I don't want near him

I laugh so hard while watching the show and I can see that Justin is glancing at me while I laugh

"can you not?" he said then I look at him "aren't you enjoying the show?" I ask cuddling.

"no, you know why? cause I'm interrupted by that laugh" he said then I roll my eyes after looking at the tv again.

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