21 |just a nightmare|

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Michelle's POV

"honey we're home" I heard my mom yell from downstairs

a smile formed in my lips, I then run downstairs and saw my mom and dad

"mom, dad" I said and attacked them with a hug "honey, we miss you" mom said

"why did you came home so early?" I ask pulling away from the hug "oh, our business there got finished early" dad replied

"uhm mom, dad I'll tell you something" I said then they sat on the couch

"what is it?" mom ask "uhm you know Justin's my friend right?" I ask "yea"  they replied

"uhm, well... he's... my boyfriend now" I said then they look at each other, like they're talking using their eyes

"uhm sweetie?" mom ask "yes?" I ask "we think that you and Justin are not good together" dad said

"what? we're so happy together, what do you mean?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows

"Mich, you should break up" dad replied "no, why should I do that? I love him and he loves me" I replied
what are they're talking about, I can't break up with Justin

"we don't like you together" mom said "but mom, dad-" I said but I was cut off  by mom

"no sweetie, you need to break up" mom said , now I'm mad at them

"you know, if you don't have that stupid business trip, all of this will never happen, but you force me to live with him, now who's fault? the two of you" I said crying

"don't talk to us like that, were your parents" dad said "yea, sure" I replied sarcastically before leaving the house

"where are you going?" dad said but I ignore and try to run

I then reached Justin's house and knock on their door

" Mich?" Justin ask "why are you crying, come here" he added and pull me in a hug

"what's wrong?" he ask sitting the two of us in the couch "mom...and dad said we should break...up but...I don't wanna" I said sniffling

"why would they say that?" he ask "I don't...know" I replied "uhm Mich" he said "I think we should" he added then I pulled away from the hug and look at him confuse

"what do you mean?" I ask "we should break up" he said "no...you love me right?" I ask

what the heck is going on?!

"we should, you're parents are right" he said "noooo" I scream

I sit up on my bed and breathed heavily...

what's going on? I'm sweating and tears going down my eyes

Justin's POV

"nooo" I heard a scream while I'm sleeping, it came on Mitch's room

I got up quickly and run quickly to Mitch's room

I open the door and saw her sweating and crying while breathing heavily

she then looked at me but looked away quickly

"Mich? what's wrong?" I ask and sat beside her and held her tight

"don't touch me" she said

why is she scared at me "hey, it's me Justin what's wrong?" I ask but she didn't respond

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