11 |drunk Justin|

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Justin's POV

he turns around and I saw


"hi there Justin" he said with a raspy voice "dad, I th-thought you're dead" I stutter

"well you thought wrong son, I'm sorry for not showing myself this past years" he said then I got angry

"why didn't you showed up, we thought you're already dead, cause that's what the doctor said" I replied

"you're lucky mom isn't home" I added "where is she?" he ask "it's none of your business" I replied

"you know, you're the one who broke me and Mitch's friendship, look what we are now, enemies.

I got angry at her because she hit you then you're not dead?, what I liar you are" I said and felt tears run down from my eyes

"don't you ever come back to the house" I said and turn around to go home

"I'm not, cause I have a family" he said and I keep walking

"I hate you" I mumble and cry

I can't believe he did that, I don't like him

not because he didn't showed up this past years, but he lied, he lied to us

we thought that he's dead, and that's the reason why I hate Mich

now I regret all the things I did to her

what should I tell to mom? what if she knew about dad?

ugh I'm starting to stress out

I walk in the house and lock it, I then grab a bottle of vodka

I sat on the couch and start to drink it

Jeremy's POV

now he's mad at me, because I lied and I'm the one who broke his and Mitch's friendship

pfftt, I don't care, I don't like mich anyways


I am laying on hospital's bed and I can hear Justin and Jason crying with Pattie

"I'm sorry Mrs bieber but he lost a lot of blood and there's no possibility that he'll live again" the doctor said

"no, it can't be" Pattie mumble "I'm sorry but you may leave" the doctor replied

"no please dad!" Justin shouts "I'm sorry" the doctor said and force them to leave

"they're gone" doctor said then I open my eyes

"thanks babe" I said and she smiles

"you know, Mich is just in perfect timing, now I can live a new life...without them" I said then she nodded

"do you need anything, did you're head still hurts?" she ask

she's not a real doctor she just act so I can stay away from Pattie and Justin because I have a new family that I need to take care of

-»end of flashback«-

yup, I know you hate me but my family needs me, I have 2 kids and they're still kids

Michelle's POV

where the heck is he? it's already 8 in the evening and he didn't even call or text to let me know he's safe.

yes we're enemies but I care about his safety too you know.

you know, I'm going to his place

"thea, I'm going to Justin's place" I said "hey, he said stay here" she repleid

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