24 |thank you for being honest|

347 6 1

Justin's POV

I check the clock and it's already 2:30 in the afternoon

gosh I need to get ready, I was about to go to my closet when my phone vibrates

I opened it and saw Selena's name pop up

From Selena
hey Justin, meet me at starbucks?

To Selena
yup, sure, meet you at 3 bye

I wait for any response and went in my closet to find clothes to wear
I put on my blue and black sweatshirt and black pants and put on a maroon beanie

I then look at my mirror to check my outfit "yup, just great" I said to myself, it's not like I want to impress selena

I put on my perfume and head downstairs

"hey where you going?" Mich ask "just gonna go hang out with an old friend" I replied

"alright, drive safe" she said then I peck her lips "bye" I said and went outside and drove off to Starbucks


"hey" selena greeted me and peck my cheek "let's order?" she ask then I nodded.

we line up until it's our turn to order

"good afternoon ma'am and sir, how can I help this two couple?" she ask

"uhm we're just friends" I said "oh sorry, what's your order?" she ask

"I'll have Ice caramel macchiato" Selena replied "and I'll have white chocolate mocha" I said then she nodded and press some buttons on the screen

"alright, please wait your order on the side" she said and point at the side where we can get our drinks.

"wanna go for a walk after this?" Selena ask "yea sure" I replied smiling then our drinks arrived.

we went out of the coffee shop and went for a walk

It didn't took me long to finish my drink so I threw it on the trash can while selena is still drinking hers

while we're walking selena held my hand then I look at her and lift our hands while she hid her face, guess she's blushing

we walked for like 30 minutes while talking to some random stuffs

"selena I think I should go-" I said but she cut me off "uhm do you mind asking you what's the number of your girlfriend so we can hang out to" she said

"uh...uhm sure" I said and gave her Mitch's number

"alright thank you, bye" she said then walk out

I went back in my car and drove off to the house.

I grab my keys and went in then saw Michelle watching a movie on her laptop with a sourpatch kids

"hey" I said then she looks up and smiled "hi, how is it?" she ask "it's great" I replied and sat beside her, joining her to watch the movie she's watching

while we're watching a movie I played with Michelle's hair until her phone vibrated but I didn't bother looking at it

she read a text and look at me "Justin?" she ask...

Michelle's POV

while we're watching a movie my phone vibrated, so I open it and a unknown number pops up on the screen

I then look at the message and saw a picture of Justin and a girl (picture above)

From unknown
he's mine now, he never loved you

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