16 |date!!!|

856 14 3

A/N: I'll go skip to the date cause I can't wait 😂

Justin's POV

today's the day, today's gonna be a great day for me and Mich if...she agrees with the date, I wish this day will turn out good.

Mich is at the garden, watering the plants while me thinking of what to ask to Mich

I'm so nervous cause what if she says it's too early for us to go on a date or what if she don't ag-

I was interrupted by a knock on the door "come in" I said then the door swung open and there stood Mich

"hey just wanna ask you if you want something to eat ?" she ask "uhm, nothing" I replied

"oh alright, you sure?"she ask then I nodded making her nod too and about to open the door

"wait, I wanna ask you something" I said then she turns around "come here" I said and she sat in front of me

"what is it?" she ask "wait" I replied then grab my phone and type something...

Michelle's POV

"wait" he replied and grab his phone and type something letting me give him a confuse look

"what are you doing?" I ask "shh" he said and put his index finger on my lips "alright open your phone" he said

"what, what's wrong?" I ask "just open it" he replied then I grab my phone and I got a new messgae from Justin

from Justin
just answer my questions okay?

"okay" I said and he smiles then I recieve another message from Justin

from Justin
1. what is the name of your dog when we were little? 2. what's next after T 3.where did you __? 4. what's the opposit of in? 5. I'm __ her 6. can you spell "me"

"Justin what is this?" I ask "just go answer it...try" he replied then I started typing

To Justin
1. Wil 2. U 3.Go? 4. out 5. with? 6. me

"now what is it?" I ask "read what you sent me" he replied then I read the message I sent him

"wil u go out with me" I read out loud and I widen my eyes "will you?" he ask "like a date?" I ask

"yea" he said "but if you didn't want it's okay" he said then I smiled "yes, I'll go with you" I replied then he smiled

"yes, thank you" he said and I hug him "but where?" I ask pulling away from the hug "it's a surprise, we're going at 6" he said then I nod "well what should I wear?" I ask

"just jeans and some t-shirt, casual outfit" he replied then I nod

"I'll go" I said and left the room

I ran inside my room and check the clock

4:55. still have one more to get ready, here we go

I walk in my closet and find some clothes to wear

it's like 15 minutes since I went in here and I can't still find a good one

"aha, you and you" I said and grab the clothes from the hanger

I walk out of the closet, it's hot in there

I grab my towels and ran into the bathroom, I don't know but I'm so excited going on a date with him, It's not like I like him but....alright I like him ever since when we're kids and it'll never change

but he didn't like me that way so...

I wonder where we're going cause it's a surprise and by suprise it means it's special, what?! I'm not that special

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