27 |trouble|

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Michelle's POV

Me, thea and Jason are currently now in the living room waiting for Justin to go back with the candies and chips....

"here you go guys" Justin said to thea and jason and sat on the matress where I am sitting now which we just set up earlier.

"and here's for us" Justin said and puts the popcorn between us

"let's start the movie?" Justin said "yeaa" we all scream.

we all pick the movie 'beauty and the beast' (the one that is not animated)

the movie starts and I am always taking glance at thea and jason who is sometimes smiling at each other, it's like they're the one I'm watching and not the movie.

until something happens...

"althea" Jason said that made thea look up "yes?" she ask "I've been meaning to tell you this..." he said

I then tap Justin excitedly who is so focus watching the movie "what?" he whisper "listen to the two of them" I said and points at thea and jason.

"I have a huge crush on you thea and everytime we're talking, my heart skip a beat, I don't know but I really like you" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't li-" Jason was cut off by thea captured Jason's lips to hers in a gentle kiss

aww, they're so cute!

"ahh!" I scream happily that made them pull away and look at me "sorry, continue" I said and hid my face on Justin's chest

"it's okay Mich" Justin said chuckling

I then look at jason and thea who are now leaning in again.

"oh my gosh" I whisper "they're so cute" I squeal but in whisper "yea" Justin replied watching them too

once they pulled away, I spoke "soo...what are the two of you?" I ask "just friends, he didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend sooo..." Thea replied

"you're gonna make a cute couple" I said "we wish" Jason said then we all giggle...

Jason's POV


she kissed me, she really kissed me guys, the girl that I have a huge crush on and now that I like!

we are now continuing to watch the movie until I felt a head fall on my chest.

I look down and saw thea asleep and her face burried on my chest.

"sleep well Thea" I whisper and sleep with her too.

Michelle's POV

"Justin" I said and shook him who is now asleep with jason and thea, so...I'm all alone watching the movie but I got bored.

"Justin!" I whisper-yelled as I shook him "what?" he ask annoyed

"I'm bored" I replied "then do something" he replied and turn to the other side so now I'm facing his back

"Justin, can you join me to some walk?" I ask "no, don't think so" he replied

"then I'll go by myself, be right back" I said and got up from the matress.

I slip on my pink puma fur flip flops and didn't bother to bring ny phone with me cause I'm just going for a small walk.

while I'm in the middle of my walking, someone just cover my mouth and bring me to a black van

"ahh!" I try to scream but failed "get off me" I said through the hand and trying to get off his grip "not gonna happen" he replied

we enter the van then the man covered my eyes.

"what do you think you're doing?" I ask angrily but they didn't respond "tell me!" I yell "if you don't shut that mouth of yours, we'll cover that too" he said then I just roll my eyes even though they can't see it.

"we're here" someone whisper then carry me.

at first I can see light through the handkerchief but then it got dark once I was being sat at a chair and my wrist and ankle being tied.

"what are you doing?" I yell angrily "shut up" a girly voice said --- wait, the voice is familiar....

"who are you, and what do you think you're doing?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows

"ohh, didn't heard this voice before....bitch?" she ask then another girl laugh

is it Selena and arah?! no way!!!

"what the heck do you want with me?!" I ask "we want Justin" selena replied

I laugh bitterly "not gonna happen" I said "ohh wait I wanna call someone, wanna join bitch?" arah ask

then I just roll my eyes.

Justin's POV

I woke up by my phone ringing repeatedly..

"ughh" I groan and and grab my phone

I look at the caller id and saw an unknown number....who the heck is this?! and it's freakin' 8 in the evening

*phone call*

me: hello?
unknown: hey babe
me:arah? why are you ca-
unknown: Justin! Justin help m-

someone just screamed in the background but a hand covered it ----is that Mich? that can't be... please don't

me: Mich?
me: what are you doing to my girlfriend?!
arah: oh we're just having a girl time
me: that doesn't sound like you're having one.... she's shouting for help, tell me where are you?! TELL ME?

I'm starting to worry, Mich is now in a bad place with my ex.

arah: not until I win you back babe
me: that will never gonna happen
arah: then I'll never set your girlfriend free
me: I'll do anything, just set her free
arah: alright, we need to talk, meet me at my house
me: okay, on my way

and with that I hung up, I need to save Mich, she can't stay there forever....I'll do anything for her

this is all my fault! if I did get my lazy ass up and join Mich for some walk, all of this will never happen..ugh I'm such a bad boyfriend


uh oh...what do you think will happen next, what do you think Justin will do?!

don't forget to leave a vote and a comment;)  stay cutiesss

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