9 |fake date|

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Michelle's POV

I was in the guest room which thea has in their house, sitting on the bed with thea.

my phone began to ring and I widen my eyes in the name


"girl, Pattie's calling" I said "then go answer it" she replied like it's not a big deal at all

"thea, what should I say?" I ask "talk to her duh" she replied

I breathed heavily before sliding the green button

*phone call*

Pattie: Hi sweetie!
me: hi pattie, what's up?
Pattie: can I talk to Justin, he is not answering my calls
me: oh, he's sleeping * then I swallow the lump on my throat*
Pattie: oh okay, how are you and Justin?
me: we're doing good

"put it in a loud speaker" I heard thea whisper "what?" I ask "just put it" she said then I put it in a loud speaker

Pattie: oh no fights?
thea: actually they're dating
Pattie: I gotta g- you what?
thea: they're dating
Pattie: who's that?
me: just a friend of mine, alright bye pattie

I hung up fast not wanting Pattie to reply

"what the hell is that for?" I ask "you're dating right?" thea ask

"who the hell told you that?" I ask "you're not?" she ask with widen eyes

"we're not" I replied then she covered her mouth which is now "o" shape

"I'm sorry, what should we d-" she was cut off by my phone ringing

I saw Justin's name pop up and I rolled my eyes

*phone call*

me: what do you want...jerk
Justin: first of all I'm not a jerk-
me: oh yea?
Justin: yes and second, why the heck mom told me we're dating?
me: I didn't tell her and I'll never in a billion years, Thea's the one who told her
Justin: the heck, why?
me: I don't know, she told me that she thought we are
Justin: what should we do now?
me: I'm going to call her again
Justin: no
me: what do you mean no?
Justin: look, what if we fake date
me: what?! you serious jerk?
Justin: I said I'm not a jerk you bitch
me:and I'm not a bitch, jerk
Justin: bitch
me: jerk
Justin: bitch

"guys, can you stop" thea shouted for Justin to hear it too

me: and what about that arah?
Justin: I'll tell her, I don't want to keep secrets from her
me: wow, no secrets? did you told her when you stop me from that familiar guy?
Justin: shut up!
me: yea, fine *note the sarcasm*
Justin: bye

he hang up and I sigh

"so what's that all about?" thea ask " he said we should fake date" I replied

then her eyes widen "is he serious?! I mean you're enemies and it'll be a hard work" she said then I just nodded

"I'm sorry, you're going to do this because of me" she said "it's okay, we'll get through this" I replied


*next morning*

"thea, I'm going to Justin" I said then she nodded

I left the house and walk to Justin's house which is just 10 minutes away from Thea's

when I reach the front porch, I knock on his door.

it took like 5 minutes for him to open the door, gosh!

"what took you so long?" I ask "jeez, you're knocking on my door at 8:00" he said

"I just wanna talk to you" I replied "then talk to the phone" he said annoyed

"can I come in? and let's talk?" I ask then he rolled his eyes before stepping aside

we both sat on the couch and look at each other

"so about yesterday..you know about the date?" I ask then he nodded "go on" he said

"why do you want us to fake date?" I ask "first of all mom always tell me to find the right girlfriend an-" I cute him off "but you have a girlfriend right?" I ask

"yea, but she doesn't like arah, she always tell me how bitchy she were like you always tell me too" he said

"that's why I decided us to fake date so mom can be happy with me having the right girl" he said

wow, user, great Justin.

"oh so you're just gonna use me?" I ask "yea, what else? we're enemies and we'll never make the date real" he said then I rolled my eyes

"we'll never make the date real, ew" I said then he rolled his eyes

"so what do we do about the fake date?" I ask "act like we're on relationship duh" he replied

"bruh, I know but do we have to kiss, stuff like that?" I ask "no off course not, and plus I don't want to kiss that chap lips of yours" he replied

"excuse me, this lips? my lips are the kind of lips every boy wants to kiss" I said "in your dreams Quin" he said

"yea, I'm a queen " I said "your surname, bitch" he mumble the last word

"I said I'm not a bi-" I was cut off by arah entering the house

"can you learn how to knock" I said annoyed

"excuse me but I'm his girlfriend so no need to knock, and why are you here?" she ask with her arms cross across her chest

"talking about the fak-" I was cut off by Justin covered my mouth

"arah, can we talk?" Justin ask then she nodded

they both went in the kitchen and while later I can hear arah yelling at Justin

"I can't take this anymore, I knew it you like Mich" I heard her yell

"I don't like her, and I'll never, we're enemies" I heard Justin yell

"we're done!" she yelled then left the house

justin sat on the couch crying

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault" I said softly looking at my lap

"if that thea don't tell mom that we're dating, all of this will not happen!" he yelled at me making me gasp

"why did she needs to ruin my life? you too!" he yell again

"then let's don't do that stupid fake date" I said grabbing my phone to call Pattie

I was about to dial her number but her name pop up on the screen and my phone is vibrating

*phone call*

me: nice timi-
Pattie: Hey sweetie I just want to congratulate you and Justin being in a relationship, finally you two love each other
me: uh..we...uh uhm...thanks
Pattie: I wanna talk to Justin

I gave the phone to Justin and he put it on his ears

Justin:hi mom
Pattie: oh my gosh Justin, Justin thank god you already picked the right girl
Justin: yea mom
Pattie: I'm so happy for the two of you, anyways I gotta go

she hung up and he give it to me

"we need to continue the date" he said before sighing

"what?!" I ask schocked "can't you see, she looks happy being us in a replationship and we are the reason of that happiness if we tell her that it's not true then we are also the one behind that sadness of hers" he replied

"ugh now this is more difficult" I said and put my hand on my face

"we have no choice but to do it" he said softly then I just nodded

"but we don't need to kiss and that stuff, I don't like you" I said then he nodded

"but what if she ask for us to kiss?" he ask "then we need to find an excuse and make sure she buy it" I replied

"I'm going" I said and left the house.

wish me luck.

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