26 |swimming|

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Michelle's POV

I am now in my bedroom, getting ready for swimming.

I put on my one piece white bathing suit

I then put my hair in a messy bun and put sun screen.

"babe, you done?" I heard Justin ask while knocking "you're just perfect timing" I replied and open the door.

Justin looked at my body with his jaw dropped "Justin?" I ask waving at his face but it's no use "Justin!" I said then he looked at me "let's go?" I ask "uh...uhm..y-yea..let's go" he stuttered

I giggle and we both went down the stairs.

we then went in the pool then Justin held my waist and whisper "did I already told you that you're so sexy?" he ask then I slap his arm "shut up" I replied chuckling

"oh wait" he said getting up from the pool "where are you going?" I ask "I'm just getting something, be right back" he said and went in the house leaving me here confuse.

after like 1 minute, he came back with two strawberry milshake

"here" he said and gave me the milkshake while he sits on the edge of the pool.

"thank you" I replied and took a sip of the milkshake.

"this is relaxing" he said "yea" I replied "I love you" he said and peck my lips "love you too" I replied

even though it's a quick peck or whatever, he still gives me the electric sparks, and it'll never go away.

"CANNONBALL" someone yelled and before you knew, the water splashed us

"jason" I said laughing "what, that's fun try it sometimes" he replied "I thought you're out with the kids" I said

"we just arrived" he replied then I nodded "where's the kids?" Justin ask "asleep" he replied then we both nodded.

someone then touch my legs that made me scream "ahh!" I scream then the person laugh

I glare at jason "not funny" I said "baa!" Justin said and touch my shoulders and what's worse, I'm ticklish

"Justin!" I said and slap his arm "I'm sorry" he replied laughing

"nice, maybe I should laugh too" I said sarcastically and fake laugh "shut up" I said but they didn't stop.

aha, how about I walk out? great idea Mich

"you're not gonna stop?" I ask then they both shook their heads.

"alright" I said and walk out "Mich, we're just kidding" I heard Justin said then I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Justin then wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder "please don't go babe" he said and pout "you won't stop" I replied

"we're just kidding, please" he said then I shook my head

"please babe, we'll never do it again" he said "fine, if you do that again I'll leave" I said then he nodded and smile

"thank you" he said and peck my lips "hey I'm all alone here" Jason yell then we pulled away

we got back in the pool and talk

"hey, how about we play" Jason said "chicken fight" I said "naw, we're only three" Justin said

"who said we're only three, I'll call thea" I said then Jason's face lit up "really?!" he ask with wide smile "yea, be right back" I said and went inyo the table and grab my phone

I then dialled Thea's number and after like 4 rings she picked up

*phone call*

thea: hey girl, what's up?
me: we're just swimming, wanna join?
thea: yass, be there in 10
me: alright bye

and with that she hung up

"what did she said?" Jason ask "she'll come in 10" I replied

"yess" Jason mumble then I chuckle

*10 minutes later*

"hey their f*ckers" thea greeted that made all of us turn around

"hey Thea" I replied "hey althea" Justin said.

we all look at jason and saw him with his jaw drop and looking at Thea's body

"uhm hi Jason" thea said waving at him "Jason, stop looking" I said with greeted teeth while hitting him with my elbow but he won't stop

"Jason!" I said and hit him hard "ow!" he said and glare at me "stop looking" I said

"alright, CHICKEN FIGHT" i yell then they all laugh

"me and Mich, you and thea" Justin said to Jason

I sat on Justin's shoulders and held my thighs while Jason and thea did the same

"alright ready, get set..." Justin said "GO" we all yell and start to fight

"go babe" Justin cheered "go babe" Jason also cheered to thea

"can you not...I'm focusing boy" thea said "no babe" jason teased "do you want us to lo- ahh!" she screamed and hit the water

yey, we won

"nice job babe" Justin said and gave me a quick peck "hey you okay?" Jason said "yea, I'm alright thanks" she replied smiling.

"so what do we do now?" Jason ask then we all shrug

"how about we..." I said and rub my chin with my thumb and think "aha, how about we watch movies and cuddle?" I ask smirking to Justin

"yea, that would be great, jason? thea?" Justin ask "I agree but i don't know to thea cause there's this word 'cuddle' " he said putting an air quote to the word cuddle.

"yea, sure" she replied "wait, what?! who are you cuddling with?" Jason ask "the ghost...you of course" she replied

"yess" jason mumble "okay then" I said and got out of the pool.


"Mich" thea yelled who is now in the shower "what?" I ask

"can you please bring the towel to me...I forgot it" she replied "alright" I said and went to get her towel.

"thea" I said knocking, she then opens the door but made sure to cover her body using the door

"here" I said giving her the towel "thanks girl" she said and lock the door again.

"I didn't saw that tattoo on your wrist before" she said pointing at my tat while she puts her makeup "yea, I just got it...last week? I don't know" I replied

"oh, did Justin force you?" she ask "what? no, of course not, I'm the one who decided, cause I wanna experience new things" I replied

"so...you and jason?" I ask changing the subject "there's nothing, I swear" she said while brushing her hair

"girl, I know there's something you're not telling me" I said "there's none" she replied

wait... did I just saw a blush on her cheeks

"girl, you're blushing tell me" I said chuckling "what?!" she ask shock

"yea, you're blushing, just admit it you like jason" I said then she rolls her eyes playfully

"okay okay, yea I kinda like jason" she said sitting beside me on my bed

"but the last time you were together, you're not interested with him, how come?" I ask

"well, we met at the park, three times I think and we always talk and of course I'm getting to know him and just this lunch time, he's with the kids so we both play with them, he looks so kind and loving" she replied

"yea, he's caring, loving, kind, I really know the real him, but most of the times he's childish around us" I said chuckling at the last part.

"let's go downstairs, I'm sure the boys are waiting" I added then she nodded...

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