20 |Justin's B-Day part 2|

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Justin's POV

we hop out of the car once we reached the restaurant, the best retaurant here in toronto (idk)

I always love eating here whenever mom and I passed by

me and Mich went in the restaurant hand in hand

"reservation for bieber?" mom ask the lady wearing her uniform

she checked something and smiled at us "oh yes, please follow me ma'am" she replied then we followed her

we sat on the chairs, Mich beside me while mom's across us together with the kids, and Jason and thea sitting beside each other

"look at thea and Jason" Mich whisper, I looked at the two and the two of us laugh

Jason is still flirting with thea while she look at him disgusted

"can you stop?" Thea ask "what? no one ever stop me from flirting because of this handsomeness" he said smirking

"yea handsome, sure whatever makes you sleep at night" she said sarcastically "can you please talk to me nicely?" Jason ask pouting

"nope, what are you, a king?" she ask then me and Mich laugh and they look at us

"what's so funny?" Jason ask "nothing, you two are cute" I replied in between my laughs

"see, we're cute" Jason said to thea then she rolled her eyes "if that mouth didn't shut, I'll transfer seat" she said then his smile dropped

"I'm so happy that you're mine" I whisper in her ear making her smile "and I'm lucky that you love me just the way I love you" I added and look at her smiling

"I will always love you" she s
replied resting her head on my shoulder

"I never felt so happy like this" I said "how about arah, didn't you felt happy with her, I'm sure you do" she replied

oh gosh! arah? no way

"nope, not as happy as I'm feeling right now while I'm with you" I said then she just nodded

-skip the eating part ≧∇≦-

Michelle's POV

after eating, we went in the car and drove off to the house but I told Pattie that Justin and I will go somewhere after.....alone


when all of them went in the house, I drive to the tree house

"where are we going?" Justin ask "just going to the three house, I need us some alone time" I replied

"thank god this time it isn't a surprise" he said making me chuckle "yea" I replied

just after a 15 minute drive, we went out the car and walk to the tree house hand in hand

when we reach the house we went up and just stand in front of the railing

Justin the held my hand and look at the view "so why do you want us to have alone time?" he ask

"no reason, I just want" I replied then he nodded

"I remember the first day you live in the house, I'm so mad at you and when we fought at that stupid remote" he said and burried his face on my neck

"I love the feeling of us loving each other, it's the best feeling I've ever felt" he added "yea, can't you believe from friends to enemies to friends to couple" I said laughing

"that's so many" he said laughing " I know right" I replied

"I love you" he said "I love you too" I replied then he pressed his lips on mine

then suddenly the kiss gets deeper so I wrapped my arms around his neck while he rub my sides with his thumbs and pull me closer

we're so close, even a piece of paper can't fit between us

he licks my lips asking for entrance that I gladly let him enter

I let out a moan and we fought and obviously, he wins

he then kiss my jaw line and my neck, and guess what? he founds my sweet spot letting me let out a moan

he kissed my cheek and kiss my lips one more time before looking at me

"that's amazing" he said then I chuckle and nodded "wait, did your parents know about us?" he ask

"nope, I think I'll tell them when they get back cause I don't feel like telling it on the phone" I replied then he nodded

"thank you" he said "for what?" I ask "for all of this, you made my birthday special and thank you..." he replied and attach our foreheads

"for always being there for me" he completed and kiss my lips

"you're welcome" I said once we pulled away

"I'm tired" I said and yawn "want to go home?" he ask "no, I want here" I replied

"but you look sleepy, c'mon we have to go home" he said and scoop me up bridal style

we went in the car and I lean my head on the window of my car door and closed my eyes


I then felt that I'm being lifted bridal style, I think we're home

after like some few seconds, I felt my soft bed, ahh it's so comfy, weird right?

"thank you for today Mich, love you, goodnight" he whisper and kissed my forehead

Justin's POV

I never felt this happy, especially it's my birthday

I'm so lucky that Mich went into my life, she's just so perfect and I'm so happy that she's mine

yea, I hated her but that's the past, I should face the present where I love Michelle so much and she loves me too

I went in my room and saw Jason playing videogame

"hey bro" Jason said "hey" I said and threw myself on the bean bag next to jason

"how's the alone time?" he ask smirking even though he's facing the screen

"it's nice" I replied "nice, that's all no make out?" he ask "shut up, but yes we have our little make out" I replied

"but why did you came home so early?" he ask "she's already tired" I replied watching what he's playing

"want to play?" he ask passing me another controller

I grab it and started playing until mom came in

"boys go down and eat" she said then we nodded before pausing the game...

"did you have fun today Justin?" mom ask while we're eating "yup" I said

"mom thank you" I said "for what?" she ask "I know that you helped Mich, so thank you" I replied

"oh, I helped but not much cause Mich planned all of this" she said "really?" I ask "yea" she replied

when we're done eating, mom washed the dishes while Jason went in his so called room while I'm fixing myself for bed

after washing my face and all, I plopped down my bed and sleep

happiest day ever.


so here's the part 2 guys, hope you like it

don't forget to vote and comment, feel free.

-yana ≧ω≦

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