8 |I'll leave this house, don't you ever stop me|

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Michelle's POV

I heard a hard bang on the floor

I open my eyes quickly and walk downstairs but no one is in there


I quickly ran up from his room and he's groaning in pain because he fell from his bed

I bite my lip so I can't laugh

"what's wrong?" I ask "can't you see? I fell from my bed and it really hurts" he replied

I try not to laugh but I can't, I laughed so hard and saw him glaring at me

"what's so funny?" he ask "nothing" I replied

he stood up and sat on his bed

"want breakfast?" I ask "no thanks, I can eat cereal" he replied

"come on, I know you love my pancakes" I said then he rolled his eyes playfully

"what, you want or...but I don't force you to eat the pancakes I'll be making today" I said then walk away but he held my wrist

"alright I want" he said then I smiled

"wanna help me?" I ask then he smiled "sure" he replied

"come on" I squeal and we ran downstairs and head to the kitchen

while we are making the pancake mix I decide to speak

"one question" I said then Justin looked at me "what's it?" he ask

"uhm, why are you acting like this?" I ask nervously

"what?" he ask "you're acting like we're not enemies" I said

"you miss the old me right?" he ask then I nodded "then I'm trying my best to bring back the old me" he said

a huge grin appeared on my lips "really?" I squealed then he nodded chuckling

my eyes lit up and attack him with a hug.

then I realized what my and Justin's position right now, then I quickly pulled away

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to hug you like-" I said but he cut me off

"no, it's okay, I like it anyways" he said which made me blush.

"want to hug me again?" he ask and I nodded shyly

he spread his arms and I hug him

"I miss this" I said through the hug then I felt the hug got more tighter

"me too" he replied then we pulled away

"let's talk about us" justin said then I looked at him confuse

"us? we don't have that word 'us'" I replied making a quote sign on the word us

"when we're still friends" he said and I nodded

"remember when we got bored one time and you said we can play a tea party?" he ask and I think for a while before laughing

"I...remember..that" I said in between my laughs

"you force us to wear a dress and a bow" he said then I laugh harder

"but you know you look cute in a dress" I replied then he smiles

"I miss those days, just playing, having fun, no problems" I said then he nodded in agreement

"oh oh oh and when we played fake wedding then Jas is the priest?" I ask then he nodded

"I remember that and I almost kissed you on the lips" he replied then I nodded

"wait, about jas, where is he?" I ask
"he told me that he's out with his family" he replied then I nodded

"Justin" I said "yes?" he ask "thanks for trying your best to be friendly to me again" I said then he smiled

"anything for you" he said and I froze at his words "a-anything f-for me?" I ask then he nodded

"yea" he said "are you hearing yourself?" I ask still can't believe that he said that

"Mich, stop, I heard what I said and I'm sure that I heard it" he said chuckling

I smiled at him as a tear slip down my cheek

"hey why are you crying?" he ask "I'm just happy, I thought we'll be enemies forever" I replied

"but I'm sorry about your dad honestly" I added then he nodded

"shh don't cry" he said wiping the tears that are still falling from ny eyes

he hug me and I hug back, he then lean in and I got nervoue, he closed his eyes and our lips brushed then our lips attac-

"Mich!" I heard Justin said, I open my eyes quickly and sat

I look at Justin who is looking at me with furrowed eyebrows

"I thought something happened to you" he said

"what do you mean?" I ask "it's already 3:23 in the afternoon" he replied

I widen my eyes, school...I'm late for school!

"oh shit schoo-" I was cut off by Justin holding my wrist "there's no school today, it's saturday" he said

I nodded then he left the room

jeez, that's only a dream? but it looks real, urgh I wish it's real

I left the room and head to the kitchen

I saw Justin eating a cereal shirtless as I enter the kitchen

he looked at me and smirk "like what you see?" he ask then I rolled my eyes

"can you please put a shirt on" I said then he rolled his eyes

"what if I don't want?" he teased "can you not" I replied disgusted

I grab the cereal and a bowl, i then grab the milk from the fridge and poured ut on the bowl together with the cereal

"oh, later me and arah are going out" he said "then go....I don't care about that slut" I mumble the last part hoping he didn't heard it

"what did you say?" he ask "I said go" I replied

"no the last part" he said

he's gonna kill me I promise "I said I don't care" I replied

"about that slut, huh?" he ask "why would I say that?" I ask

"bitch please, arah is not a slut, you are" he said then I rose my eyebrow

"oh yea?, I think she is, she f***ed you so many times" I said then he glared at me

"you don't know our relationship, so back off" he said angrily

"then I'll leave this house, don't you ever stop me" I said walking upstairs

"do whatever you want" I heard him yell

I pack all my clothes in my lugagge and if you're asking why am I not crying

no, why would I cry over that jerk, did he do something special to me that can make me stop from leaving here? none

I grab my phone and dialed Thea's number

*phone call*

thea: hey girl
me: can I stay to your house?
thea: what, why?!
me: I'm leaving this house, I can't do this anymore
thea: s-sure, I'll go there
me: thanks

I hung up and grab my luggage to bring it downstairs

I promise it took my like one hour just to bring all my luggage down, it's harder than I think

I sat on the couch where Justin is and keep my distance

"so you're leaving?" he ask "yea, you happy? cause you can't see your enemy ever again" I replied

he didn't respond, then I heard a honk outside

I stood up and open the door then back at the living room to grab my lugagge

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