Chapter 1: Why am i going to college when i want to eat EVERYTHING!!

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Just a quick note from the author: PLEASE leave comments! Also, my spellcheck is not perfect.

" scarlet" the trees whispered. They made me feel lonely, and when i speak no one will here me, my voice would just echo across the forest. I had an abnormal amount of hunger yet i wasn't starving, i was strong, very strong.I expected that in a forest, i would see birds flying high, or wolves growling into the starless night, but it was silent. The only thing i could hear were the trees humming my name, i hated it.

    I suddenly woke up in an uncomfortable position in the car. " we will be there in five minutes" Will says as his hands grip on the steering wheel. " ok " I rub my eyes and sit up in the passenger's seat. All was my boyfriend, and he and i were driving to Rubitha, the new college i am attending. Unfortunately, the summer was about to end, and my first year in a rundown college was about to start. I was exited but i was not in the mindset. The dream i had was getting to my head. I have had the same one for almost the whole summer I always sent a shiver down my spine. 

As Will pulls up into Rubitha i study my surroundings.I had already been here yesterday to get settled and me and will drove back to say our final goodbyes last night. Now, we are here to stay. Although there were many building here and there, there were three that were the biggest. The first one was the student dorms, where we are headed now. The second building was the sports center and foods place. The last building was the studying area. Each building was decorated in one of the three colors of Rubitha, grey, green, and maroon. While Will was pulling into the parking lot i notice a patch of flowers next to the study building. They were poppies. I have never seen them in such a number, and i hadn't noticed them the day before. Wills follows my eyes, " they are beautiful". I nod my head.

 I stepped out of his well aged Honda Civic and get a breath of fresh air. Together we walk into the student dorms. " Im starving" he complains. " I think i saw a restaurant close here, give me 10 minutes to relax in my dorm and then we can go"i say. " totally, i've been crunched up in that car for three hours, i think i need a stretch" Will responds. We smile and he kisses me. I was happy, or at least on the way there. Ipull away and smile, and then i start to walk towards the girls wing. I grab the railing and start to climb up the stairs only to see a familiar face in the lobby. It was a man, fit with pale olive skin, and black hair. " couldn't be" i whisper. I blink and when i open my eyes, he had vanished. I look around in confusion but i decide to walk upstairs and ignore what i thought I saw. 

My dorm room was number 186 and i had to walk up many flights of stairs to get there. I finally get up the never ending spiral and stand in front of my dorm. I scramble through my satchel and find my rusty keys. The door squeaks and creak as i open it. Parker, my roomate, was laying on her bed watching something on her phone. She takes off her headphones hearing the creak of the door. " Scarlet... shut the door" she whines as she places her hot pink headphones back on her ears. Parker was my best friend and came with us to rubitha from our small town. I elbow her a little but soon flop onto my bed. I wasnt going to lie, our dorm was not small. There were two queen beds, a set of desks, two dressers and a vanity, and a bathroom. There was also a closet where we keep brooms and cleaning supplies.Bored, Parker throws her phone across the bed. " Is will downstairs?" she asks. " I am meeting him downstairs for lunch in a few, wanna join?" i respond. ' where are you all going?" she asked again. " hmm, somewhere i have no idea" i tell her. " I think i'll pass, plus i want to explore the campus" Parker says. She starts to talk but i suddenly get this weird feeling. I think about my vision, and how i thought i saw Wills brother, who i hope not to see here. I decide whether to tell parker my hallucination but I eventually decide not to. 

" I think it's time for me to go down" i groan and i get off my bed. Although my bed was hard to leave, the hunger inside me overpowered my urge to sleep. I gallop down the stairs quickly to find myself back in the dull, gray lobby. I spectate the people walking bye, their boxes in their hand and besties at their sides. A familiar faces pokes me from behind. I swiftly turn around and smile " Im hungry". He laughs and we walk out of the door. As I push open the jail-like metal doors I look back and admire the place I will be living for my college life, I recognize the same guy, wills brother, staring at me from across the room...

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