Chapter 15: Don't turn, don't die

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" Ill stay there like you stayed there for me" I whispered. " i want to talk about last night" he sat up in his bed. " Ill find a way to deal with tharzius, but i want you to rest" I told him. " Not about tharzius" he whispered. I gulp, " oh". " so,  you go first" He said. " I dont know how i felt. it was kind of in the moment but then again, ive wanted to do that for a long time" I admitted. His eyes were pained," Then why push me away? ". " Because... I still love Will" I tell him. " of course" he scoffs, " Will always gets the girl". How can he know that? He was gone to boarding school.

" But im not worried about him, Im worried about you" I hold Justins hand. he pushes it away. " Im not your toy" he mumbles. " What?"  I could barley hear him. Justin responded, " I said, im not your toy, stop loving me then pushing me away then loving me and then pushing. make a choice" Justin stated. " And dont wait for me to fuck things up for you to make your choice, you need to choose based on what you feel, not whats most conveinent" Justin was angry, "Your not just hurting me, but Will, too".

I didnt know how to counter what he just said. I just got up from his desk chair and grabbed my bag. I was still dressed in my gown from the dance that failed to make me happy. " Heal well" I am about to leave the room. I was debating what to say, " I .. love... no, um ill see you later" I run out the door. I feel like crying, because i knew he was right. I was living in my fantasy and not looking at reality.

After a long, well needed shower, i head to Mr. Cheng to investigate. He leads me to some books and i begin my reading.  If i couldn't contact my subconscious and tell it to stop loving Justin, i better study what i would become. Everything was horendous, and no good things came out of it. Of course there was nothing good, it was a punishment after all. " thanks a lot " I mumble to the sky. I was outside of the green building, flipping though the endless pages of why every moodacashe will die terribly and live a horrible life.

Will, passing by, decides to sit next to me on the grass. " its beautiful, the sky today" Will looked up at the sky and then to me. I knew that someone else would die if I did talk to him. " go away, Will" It hurt me to say. Will was the kind of guy I was going to keep for a long time, and now that's gone.

" I didn't do it" Will explained. I look away, knowing that if i look at him, i will cry. I pick my stuff up and leave. " Scar.." Will caught up with me. I went the other way, he followed. I start to run and this time, he finally doesnt follow. I abandoned him, yet again, and felt terible. If justin was right, I would have to pick one of them, and right now and evil witch demon might be making the choice for me.

I heard from Connor that Justin was feeling ok. " Is he attending classes now?" I asked connor while waiting for my coffee to be made. " I dont know" Connor replied. " I should give him some space" I said.

                                                         3 days later

It had been many lonely days full of lectures from mr. Cheng, memorials for amanda, and slience from me. i was going through a lot, and my dreams were so bad that somedays i couldnt go to school. justin was recovered, and coming to school next week, since it was a five day weekend before school went back. I hadnt bothered to see Justin, because i didnt have an answer to his request and i didnt think he even wanted to see me. " we got mail?" Parker exclaimed puzzled as she hands me a very fancy invitation. I was hesitant to open it considering the past notes i had gotten were... harsh.

To: Scarlet Bree kane

This is from Justin. I'm sorry. I was really pissed when we last spoke, and thats why i lashed out. but, all the things i said i still stand by. I want to take you away on this lovely fall weekend to further convince you to chose me. My family has a place, a beautiful place, that i would like to bring you to. I invited Connor who invited parker, becasue apparently they hit it off. want in?                                                                                                                                     Answer soon , Justin

Oh god. I take out my phone and call his number. " I just read your letter, are you sure its time to go, with everything going on" I asked. " Perfect time" Justin responds, " and hello to you too". " I think im in" I questioned. Im not sure this was the best idea, but not going means that i picked Will, and i dont think i want to pick will.

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