Chapter 6: the patch of poppies that killed me

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It was day two of college and i was relived i made it through day one. Parker was passed out on her bed with a bag of BBQ chips by her side. why was i not surprised? i wake her up and she rolls off her bed and puts a pair of sweatpants on, grabs a croissant and backpack and is ready to go.  I wore shorts today. As we frolicked downstairs i asked her, " please don't leave me for Amanda, i don't want to have to see Justin alone" i said. Yesterday was an emotional reunion between the opposite brothers, whether there were tears or not. " I don't understand how you can love someone like that" i said. " i don't love him" Parker said, " hes just like, extremely hot". i roll my eyes and walk out the door, our arms locked. Little did i know Justin was listening to everything from the lobby. Hes a silent storm. I went back to supernatural studies, where Mr. Cheng was awaiting us. " why the glum faces" he questioned. " nothing" i force a smile. No more Justin, get him out of your head, you hate him. hearing myself say that made me feel better.Parker and i discussed girl things when Justin enters the room.he puts his stuff next to mine and then turns to me, " you left me yesterday, what gives?"." you left me ten years ago, and here is the difference, i didnt miss you" i snap. " what did i do scar" he says. Before i answer, Justins picks up a book and starts to read. call of the wild. I've read that once. "Class is in session" Mr.cheng syncs with the bell. " our first unit this year is to learn about supernatural herbs. this unit is short but presice so pay attection and you wont fail you exam". People start looking around the room. " i want you to pair up with a partner and folow me outside."mr.cheng motions us towards him. Before i got the words to escape through my mouth, amanda asked Parker to be partners . " ya, sure" Parker sighed. " im sorry"she mouthed. i ended up pairing with another girl named Morgan. Mr. Cheng lead us outside to bass meadow filled with poppies. They were vibrant, but made me sneeze. " bless you, Ms. Kane. Ok class so today I want one of your partners to run out into the fields and collect 1 poppy. Long ago settlers planted some poppies that could kill a supernatural being or someone who posses that gene. Now, not all of these are supernatural, so , I will give the other partner a monitor and they will follow you around and whoever finds a supernatural flower first wins. Every team needs to find at least 1 supernatural flower because when we get back to class we will dissect them. And, don't worry about plucking flowers, these poppies regenerate fast" Mr. Cheng got out his whistle. " the competition start in 3.. 2....". Before he gets to three I tell Morgan "I can be the monitor person". Morgan nods and then mr Cheng says " go". The class and I rush over to the side of the building to grab a monitor. I grab the red one and follow Morgan into the meadow. For some reason I can't stop sneezing and my throat closes up. " you got an allergen or something?" She asked. " I gues so" I were. I started to get very uncomforstable but I still followed Megan. We examined almost all the flowers but nothing. " found one!" Justin says from across the field. All of the student rush over to him to see how it looks. I stay standing in my spot on the field and then suddenly I start to cough up some blood. " what?" I whisper. I wipe my mouth with my hand and shake my head, " don't ruin the fun, Scarlet, what is wrong with you" . " hey, so the magical one have an off green, realism tinted stem" Morgan says as she approaches me. " let's go" I smile. I kept coughing but I was ok. It was really hot out today, I might be just getting a heat stroke. Plus, multiple kids were going into the school to get water." Scarlet, what is wrong are you ok?" Morgan asks me. I nod my head again. Ignoring my answer Morgan yells, " mr. Cheng I think we need some help". I see mr Cheng shooing Justin over to us. " what is it?" Justin asks. " I think Scarlet over here needs some help over here, she coughing and wheezing" Morgan complains. " nah, I'm good" I cough, "just go Justin, I can handle myself" I said. " do you need water or something?" Justin asked. " I've been in Rubitha longer than you, I know how hot it gets". " go" I said. " he's only trying to help" Morgan said. My eyes feel as though they have weights on them and my vision started getting blurry. " I'm fine" I say. " I'm fi-" and I don't remember anything else .

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