Chapter 26:they know and now im litteraly dead

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Authors note: many religions have their interpretations of gods. Honestly, I don't know if I'm I'm reading off one, so disclaimer if this god is not what you believe. This is just fiction.

Tharzius shut the lights off and returned to next to the bed. I was still laying there, trying to proses everything that happened. "The gods cant see darkness, their only weakness, litteraly their ONLY weakness" Tharzius scratches his head, "what did I fuck up". "Wait, but why would they kill me they are... god. Jesus, hallelujah!" I tried to act ok, but I was crumbling inside. "This isn't Jesús, never met the dude, but we are dealing with another section of god. They have never had to deal with a female moodacashe, your the first. And you drank the potion. Giving you strength and who knows what but your an abomination. Not only that, but they want power too" Tharzius touched my horns again. I've never seen him this worried. He was shaking, and I was set free, able to move my limbs. "Power?" I sat up in my bed . " every moodacashe that is killed gives whoever the killer is, power. Maybe more respect, or strength, something"Tharzius shakes even more. "I'm guessing the gods want to see us and hear us in the dark" I told him. He nodded his head. I got a hold of my phone and texted Parker. I forgot that means that Justin would be joining us.

Justin and Parker had been sitting at the lunch table when they got the text. "I love her, I really do. If anything happened to her I will litteraly kill someone. I need to protect her" justin told her. Parker smiled, "I'm glad you care so much but.. wouldn't it be better that you not talk so passionately about another woman when we are trying to pull off a realationship". "Oh ya"justin took a sip of his milkshake. "I haven't had one of these in forever, usually beer or something" justin changed the subject. Even if I didn't realize it, Justin's heart was pure. Even though he was a bad boy with rebel friends and a bad background, he was still pure.

Parker saw the text on her phone. "Oh my god, we have to go" she quickly ripped out of her chair, justin followed. "What is it?" He asked while storming out of the cafeteria. " it's scar, she's being hunted" Parker gave him the phone witht he text. "Hunted? Already? She's not even a demon yet though" he said while running.

" you need to hide, I need to hide you" Tharzius took my arm. "No" I shrug it off, "your gonna kill me anyways so why wait, why not give the gods an offering instead of a demon" I got up from the bed.
"If I'm doing anything, going anywhere, then you have to answer something" I thought of this moment as good leverage. "What" he replied annoyed yet curious. "Phillip Cheng, who... what is he?" I asked. Tharzius looked surprised, but not willing to give me my answer. "I can't tell you that" Tharzius took my arm again. With my strength I pushed it off. "Bad idea, don't wanna pick a fight with a demon" Tharzius smiled deviantly. I took a deep breath.

"Tell me"I folded my arms. He rolled his eyes, "humans I tell you. Fine, I'll tell you". I clapped my hands. "You have always known, Scarlet, he's not just a curious supernatural studies teacher, he, like the rest of the world, is trying to kill you" Tharzius told me.

Parker and Justin got to dorm only to be stopped by a distressed face, Will. "Will?" Parker asked him, "are you ok?". "No, what happened at the hospital", Will asked, noticing Justin and Parker were holding hands. " it's not my secret to tell, now we have to go" Parker tried to get past him. "I need answers"Will begged. Justin gave Will a look, "tell him Parker" justin said. Will focused to every word Parker said but the expression in his face when he knew everything was well.... different. "I thought Tharzius drugged you, I thought you forgot" Parker said. " no, it was milk" Will said, " i passed out because I was scared".

"There is an ancient creature much like you and me, but more human than the both of us. They have one purpose in life, to rid the world of monsters that escaped hell. After salomon and audrianna happened then the creatures got a new task, to take out moodacashes, that would give them power. These creatures were called the So's (the Salomon Officials). It's a stupid name really" Tharzius explained. Mr. Cheng... out to kill me? It made sense, another stupid mistake made by me. "why don't you kill them, so you can have the power?" I asked. " sweetie I made the spell, I know everything, if I tell the so's where you are then they can take you down and they give me some power. I help them to help me.

Tharzius steps closer to me. "And your part of that" he smiles. "You told him, you prick" I step closer to him. My maroon hoodie is almost touching his black blazer. He was very tall, and talking to him hurt my neck. Tharzius leaned down, lips puckered. He gives my horns a little kiss,"oh look how they have grown since the beginning of the conversation!" He squealed. Parker and Justin rushed into the room and switched on the light to see me, eyes bright green, looking disgusted by a man in front of me. "Ah, Parker!" Tharzius straightens his jacket. "Justin" I said. "Are you ok?" Parker runs towards me but Tharzius stops her.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he held he back forcefully. " you can't, the god will know your part of this, pretend you know nothing, and switch off the lights. Tharzius demanded. Parker switcher off the lights and gave me a huge hug. "Oops" she said sarcastically to Tharzius. " you have horns" she whispered in my ear. " I know" I told her. " almost time for the wings to form" Tharzius laughed. "Wings?" I asked hopeless.will peaks his head through the dorm door. He couldn't see my horns. " I know everything" Will said. "Good" I said uncaringly, " just don't say anything I have to work out problems" I said. " I have a plan" Will said. " Will, you just came into this mess you don't know what we are dealing with, if you could just.. go" I was embarrassed, I knew what he was going to say.

"This proves it, scar. We were born for each other, look at this. Without me your will turn into..." Will starts. "Into what, into what? This is me, I am still me, now it's not my fault that I don't  have feelings for you like that anymore" I think the tears might be coming out. " we can fix this, you can love me again" Will took a step into the dorm to face me. He held my sweaty and shivering hands. " Will... " I said. Justin and Parker stood there in shock. Will leaned in and kissed me. It was beautiful, and flowers seemed to bounce around. Tharzius couldn't do anything, the gods would detect his magic. Although I know who would do something, and didn't need powers. I kept kissing him, hoping there could be a spark, but he's like a best friend, there's nothing.

"Ok that's enough squirt" justin pulled Will from me, " it obviously doesn't work like that" . Will grunted and shook Justin from him. " I need to talk to you justin" Will said. "Ha, I knew it, you aren't dating Parker" Tharzius interrupted the brotherly quarrel. "You saved scarlet, your not dating Parker because you were jealous" Tharzius admits. "Really?" Parker said. She went to Justin's hand, turned him around, and gave him a kiss. On the lips. " woah, Parker I don't like you like that" justin said, "this was all fun and stuff but don't kiss me, that's another level that I'm not taking with you, these lips are reserved for someone else" justin said. " Justin I'm sorry" Parker's plan was failing, and she screwed things up. " ya I bet you are sorry" justin opened the dorm door and barged out.

"It's just a kiss" Will said. " no it's not" I went after Justin. "Justin wait" I ran down the spiral stairs to catch up with him. There was a grey lobby and I sat down on a couch next to justin. It was the same couch we reunited on. " imagine just a couple months ago, you hated me" justin rubbed the couch feeling the memories. " ya things haven't really changed" I laughed. He puts his arm around me. I laughed. Wait.. I laughed? Oh my god I laughed! I do have emotions!

I knew they were only temporary because I kissed Will and it was fabulous but I wanted to do somehting. I turned to Justin and layed a kiss on his pink lips. I wrote on a napkin and gave it to him. He kissed me back . We kept kissing till I couldn't smile anymore. "Now I'm angry" I said, "at Parker". She did this. Justin cocked his head. "I'm sorry, I'm very confusing" I got up and ran back upstairs. Justin, very confused, unraveled the napkin.

It's becoming worse. I can't feel any emotion except for hate. And I don't hate you. I... like you, a lot. Maybe love I'm not sure yet. And if this doesn't go away I want you and Parker and Will to know I love you all.

When Justin thought "I love you" as love by a realationship was finally happening, it was ruined by some sideffect from my stupid addiction to tea

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