chapter 32:

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parker and will walked quietly to class the next day, knowing well that mr.cheng wasnt going to be there. " justin won the deal, i have to leave scarlet" will told parker. " shut up, justin and scarlet arent talking at all. they had a whole ending break up kind of thing" parker told him. " but i wouldnt make a move right now, i think being there as a friend is all she needs" parker concluded, trotting to class. " where is she" will looked around. " um, she needed the day off. she said she would join us later" parker answered, walkinging into class. " ill talk to you later" she waved. Will walked away happily. parker was jealous. ow could he just forget about everything and act like everything was cool. how can he be so, calm. parker peered out the window, and with the binoculars she specifically brought, she saw the SO's she ate her bags of chips and watched the Sos, she thought of Scarlet.

no one else was in the classroom, so parker flew over to mr.chengs desk to find out some stuff on these so called SO's.

Justin was silent but deadly. Will walked up to justin sitting at the parker bench. "go away" justin made no eye contact with him . Will knew that Justin was a sitting volcano, but still went for it anyway. " do you know there are people chasing scarlet" will said. "Why do you bring her up" justin got up from the bench. Will held Justin back. Fire in his eyes, justin threw a huge punch. Will had taken a massive blow, and grabbed his chin. Justin walked off, maybe to return to class.

Justin got to the dorms, shoving and pushing people out of the way to his dorm. I was walking out, clothes packed, letters written. I would meet parker in school. Justin wasnt focused and pushed everyone in his path, including me. He turned around, shocked because he didn't see me there. I stumbled but got to my feet. He said nothing. I said nothing. I didn't know what to say. "Jus-" he walked off before I could finish.i knew he would be fine eventually. Because I was leaving.

" get over it Justin" he said. he said it again, and again. but saying is different from doing. He still loved me, and a one way realationship wasn't working. I ran back up the stairs and slid the letter under his dorm door. I knew he was in there, I could hear his breathing. "please open the door" I said. no response. I cried, a lot, but I hid it. "Bye.Justin" I walked away, already missing his perfect face. I couldn't go up to parker and will like this so I slid their letters under their doors, too. I walked out the dorm and onto the street. I met tharzius in the parking lot. " did your do it?" he asked. " No.. um can we go now" I iwiped y tears away. " so you know those doors to heaven and hell In the diner" tharzius said. " those are real?" I asked. he nodded, " don't worry they have more but anyway, we need to get farthest from that " he said. I nodded and we hoped in my car. parker was walking out of the work building and saw me. she tried to catche up, but I started the engline. noticing my stress, tharzius snapped his fingers and we went poof.

Parker ran out of breath and raced into the dorm rooms, calling will at the same time. She checked our dorm and just like she thought, a leter was waiting for. she threw the letter on the floor and broke down in tears. will ran to his room when he heard and founf the same thing. He was quick to open the letter

Dear Will,

Im so sorry I had to go. to do this to you is hard. but your safety is more important than my attendance. I remember how every frieday through elementary school we had swing Saturdays where we would go to your backyard and swing for hours talking about random stuff every Saturday. I remember your understanding voice in middle school when I had boy drama. I remember your loving embrace when I was sad in highschool, how oyou ad eme feellike hot coco in a bowl of ice water. I love you, and though I tmight not be the exact way you wanted it, it is still love. I know I was with Justin, and made your life a whole lot harder. I know this is for the best and I wish your the best. I can tell you where im going because franckly I don't know. but you and me talked about traveling to so many places I might explore all of them. Don't come looking for me. I hope I see you again.

Love, Scar

Will collapsed on the floor and ran to justins room, who was reading his letter. " No.." he started to say. "NO" he screamed running to will, pshing him up against the wall. " hey Justin stop" will pushed jsutin. " push me harder you pig!" Justin was egging him on. " DO IT YOU CHICKEN PUNCH ME. PLEASE" Justin became a savage, pushing will while he pulled him back. Parker entered, eyes puffy. " JUSTIN STOP" PArker yelled. Justin ran to parker and hugged her, hard. he cried on her tall shoulder. "Did you know she was going?" He asked. Parker was surprised. Justin has never shown this much emotion before. " we knew that she was going, but we thought there would be a proper goodbye" she responded. Parker has stopped tearing up and was now healing the two boys. She knew I had done the right decision, whether it ended in her favor or not. Will still didn't understand how quick it all went by. Will peered through Justin's tiny window in his dorm and saw that there were no more SO's outside the campus. Just a vast grassland covered in frost.

"Is scarlet a moodacashe now" Will asked himself.

Justin knew it was wills fault. He thought Will was a terrible boyfriend to me and that's why I didn't love him. Then he realized it was his fault for making me love him, which I did for an amount of time.

To me, no matter if Justin was there or not things still would have been the same. I loved him, with passion that overwhelmed me. Almost, to overwhelming. He was sweet and made me feel like I was always standing on Mount Everest with my hand sprawled out. I felt like I sitting at the edge of the grand canyon, and he would catch me if I fell. But now, I don't know what happened, but that's gone. His hand let go and I fell into the grandcanyon, and our realationship died with it.

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