chapter 12:Football is my spirit animal

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Parker was hosting a sleepover with the girls, and of course, they kicked me out." ill just sleep while you guys play your games" i explain. " well, just stay at your hunk of a boyfriends dorm. I know i would" amanda laughs. i didnt understand why i couldnt just sleep on the floor, or in the closet, but i decided to sleep at Wills dorm.

"Are you sure your cool?" i asked. " ya, totally. i like it when you sleep over" will opens the door wide for me. " just like in toppleberry" i said. Will's dorm was a single, so i didnt have to worry about anyone. before getting settled in i asked will, " wheres the bathroom, i want to brush my teeth and stuff" i said. " down the hall to the right" Will answered. please dont tell me he shared a bathroom with the other boys on this floor. the door creaks as i open it and walk down the hall with my stuff. Boys were walking back from the showers and staring at me. It was very awkward as I shuffled my way to the bathroom. "  come to see the show" a boy whistles. i find a free sink and try to block out all the boys surrounding me. " what are you doing here," a familiar voice holers. " here to see me?" he turns me around. It was Justin, half naked and steamy from the shower. " Nope, im not doing this" i said exiting the bathroom. I will wash up tommorow morning.

" did you find it" Will asked as i entered the room again. " ya, lots of naked people, im good" i close the door. before i can fully close it someone pushes open the door. " hello, brother and Scarlet" his eyes twinkle when he looks at me. " Justin, go away and get changed" i cover my eyes. " Hey, leave her alone" Will stands in front of me. " Will, not now" I told him. " youll never learn" Will tells justin not considering what i said. " Justins fine, just a friend, if even that" i open my eyes and push Will from in front of me. " Dont lie, Scarlet, this is the best thing youve seen all year" Justin started to drop his towel. My eyes shut again. Will covers his eyes and feels for the towel on the ground. he chucks a towel at Justin and says, " go get dressed, ill deal with you later. I open my eyes when i hear the door shut. I lock the door and say, " Maybe i should stay in my dorm" i suggest. " no, stay" Will places his hand on my cheeks and stares into my eyes. " what can i expect, college" i said.

Sleeping at Wills place wasnt weird at all, and as i walked out i wished him well on his games. " see ya tonight" i say. The halls were flooded with boys waiting for Will. " Scoot " i yell. " what are you all doing around the room" i asked. " he is the quarterback, we got to tackle him its tradition" connor says from the front of the line. Smiling, i make way for the boys to invaded the room. Walking back to my dorm Justin catches my eyes. " scarlet" he tried to catch up to me. " No" i said. he walked closer. " STOP" i demand. he stands in fornt of me now. " How can you do that, be all cocky in Wills room last night" i complain. " I get... jealous" He admits. " i can tell. do you know how many chances i have given you to be friends" i tell him, " I love Will. Stop trying to change that" i said. " Im not changing anything" he reached for me. " Leave me alone" i start to walk to the girls section. he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. I can feel his breath. We were 4 inches apart, 3 inches. I could feel the engery vibrating and bouncing off our bodies. " Stop" i whisper. " Why" he answers. " i already told you" i break off and leave him stranded. he stood there, watching me run away, wishing he had me in his arms for just a second longer.

Amanda had left with all her gal pals and the room was flooded with jelly beans and playing cards. " No alchohol" i ask. Parker shakes her head. " How was Wills?" she asked. "different" i tell her.

BEEP. the scaner beeps when they scan my wristband. I hear the roar of the crowd as i enter the feild. i find an aisle seat, perfect view of the football feild. "hot dogs?" a man appraches me. " no, thank you" i answer. the man shruggs and moves up the aisle. Looking down i notice he dropped somehting. " sir" i say. he was already to far away. I examine the note and suddenly realize.. Its tharzius.

Dear Scarlet. Will is going to go away, Justin is always there. be with HIM. bleachers, 9:00 love-T

No, i refuse to love him. Tharzius can go to hell. Well, i guess hes already there, hes a demon. " I broought cotton candy" Justin appears in the aisle. how could he remember, cotton candy is my favorite. " Cotton candy will not change how i fell about you, but ill consider it" i snatch the cotton fluff from Justins hand. he takes a seat next to me. I roll my eyes. " what?" he asked. " nothing" i respond, " I just thought, with all the girls giving you looks you might go sit with them. Plus I thought you would also be in the football team" I told him. " football is not my thing" Justin admits. " some people have to work hard to be handsome but i am just a natural". Sure" i roll my eyes again." but can you like leave me alone" i pop a peice of cotton candy in my mouth. " I cant" he says. " fine" i give up, " im just here to support my BOYFRIEND on the feild" i smile. " that burns" he touches his shoudler. we laugh and then he looks at me in that creepy way again. " your eyes, they are so grey" he explains. " thanks?" i respond. "Wait shush, the game is starting" i tell him. Justin notices a white note on my lap. " what is this" he pulls it away from me and reads it. " Its nothing" i explain. " why does tharzius want us together?" Justin asks. " I dont know. for all i know is that you could be writing these letters" I tell him. he touches my shoulder, " no, i wouldn't" he looks into my eyes again. I though he was going to kiss me, and for a second, a second, i was going to kiss him back, but then i saw Will come on the feild, and i pushed Justin away.

It was an hour into the game when a rattle hit the bleachers. i look down under my seat and notice a red figure. " what?" i whisper. Following my eyes Jusitn examines the figure. I check my phone, 9:00. " thar-" Justin shushes me. " lets check it out" he leads me down under the bleachers. I hear the muffling cheers of the school. " go alpacas!" they cheered. the red figure was gone. " nevermind then" Justin starts to walk back. suddenly, i am the one holding him back. " lets wait" i say. " Its nice and dark down here, perfect make out spot" Justin comments. " oh, well, gues you should have brought parker here" i laughed. " Parker?" Justin said, " shes super hot, dont get me wrong, but I love someone else" he said. i felt like he was speaking in another language when he said the " i love-" i cut him off. " no one" i say. he steps closer to me. " we could wait here, if thats what you want. option 1: we can wait here like bosos or option 2: we can have fun" Justin said. " thank you for giving me options" i laughed. we stare directly in each others eyes but im not looking away. i study physics, and in that moment, he was a south pole and i was the north. the ground was pushing me to him. " Tharzius is gone" i push him away, " will is out there, I should get back to him" i fix my hair and start to walk out under the bleachers. Justin runs up to me, grabs my hand, and kisses me. It felt like this was what I've been waiting for. Almost like a perfect movie, I kissed him back, and we embraced each other. He picked me up and swung me around, and I wanted nothing more than what was in front of me. " Scarlet" He said, " Scarlet!".

I was shaking, and I woke up to Justin, shaking me frantically under the bleachers. Noticing my confusion Justin says. " you blanked out for a little while". " did you, did we.." I start. " we were waiting here, for tharzius, I guess he was a no show. He gets up, brushes off, and gives me his hand. He helps me up and I check my surrounding one more time. " what is the last thing I said" I gulp. " thanks for the options" Justin stated, " Then we sat down and you went Zzzzz". I rub my forehead. How could I have that thought. " Tharzius wasn't a no show" I respond, " I think he was in my head".

"TOUCHDOWN" I hear the crowd roaring. " I came here for Will, we should go back to him" I said. Justin nods, but gives me a smirk.

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