Chaoter 19: HERBavore

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Today i got into the pool in the basement of the lodge, and relaxed in a pool floaty, sipping my cup of tea. It was a peaceful 2 minutes till Justin splashed in the pool followed by Parker and Connor. I put my tea on the ledge of the pool and actually dunk my head in the water. "What is that smell" justin coughed. "I had an idea last night" I tell Justin as I swim back over to the tea, " the bag is filled with those that saved me. If I drink this everyday then I won't turn. " I said. " you don't have enough herbs for that" Justin closed his mouth. "I'll reuse the bags" I said taking a sip, "plus it tastes like strawberries" I smiled. Justin went underwater and swam to Parker . "Wanna go dive" Justin asked. " Sure " Connor answered. " I was talking to Parker" Justin shot me a look. What was he doing? "No I'm good" Parker started to swim towards me." What is Justin doing?" She asked. I shook my head. I didn't know .

He jumped off the diving board and smacked right next to me. Water splashed everywhere but luckily Parker saved herself before she got hit. Connor clapped, "brava". Justin looked at me waiting me f
To fall for him. I got out of the pool and I tot he diving board. I run off of it and do a double flip and a twirl and swiftly cut through the water, "don't flatter your self" I pat him on the shoulder. " stop mad?" Justin touched my hand. I was quick to pull away. "No".
"So then" Justin leaned in. "I have tea breath" i said. " oh, that's right" Justin gagged. " plus I've thought about my options and kissing you or expressing any love for you would only speed the moodacashe transformation" I swim away. as I am swimming closer to Parker a hand grabs my foot. I swim back to get air. "Justin stop" I holler. He turns, "what do you mean" he said clueless. Suddenly the hand reappears on my leg and pulls me through the floor of the pool.
"Scarlet?" They searched for me.

I was outside of the lodge, next to a giant rock. " my sweet Scarlet What am I going to do with you" Tharzius looked stressed. " what did I do?" I got up and brushed the grass off my legs. The y'all man stood, leaning over me, his stubble almost poking my face. " you think your smart front you, you think your an absolute genius" Tharzius chuckles. He didn't seem happy at all. I realized what he was talking about. " ya so found those herbs, and they are helping with the pain" I say. " good for you, but that's not what's making me furious" Tharzius sat in the grass and all the living things 5 inches around him died. " you are supposed to be with Will, Scarlet. That's why this transition is a punishment. You hunky hdibpotion is going to cure you. No it won't. You will turn into a moodacashe and consequences will start to happen because of those herbs" Tharzius explained. "The worst part, I dont know what the consequences are". If what he said was true then I might have just added pain to the pain already givin to me.

"Why can you jus kill me then" I said. "I'm not letting you go till you are a moodacashe" Tharzius said. He got up and kicked the bolder, sending it rolling into the lodge. "No" I run after it. "For extra motivation" he smiled as his body evaporated. The boulder wears headed for the back of the house, the pool. As I caught up to it I realized that I can do nothing, the bolder was 2 times the size of me. But i couldn't do nothing. With all of my strength I push the bolder back from the house. It wasn't hard, at all. I almost collapsed in shook. Taking a look st my hands I realized my strength. I hurry into the house, scared and curious.

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