chapter 11: deal with it

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Authors note:filler chapter with some juice

" why do you hate me,brain" i tremble as i wake up shivering. Parker is beside me in the next bed watching her favorite show. " its 3:00am" parker reads my mind, " Wanna chip" she passes me sourcream and onion chip that scented the whole room. " No, thank you. You look very yourself" i rub my eyes. " this is the only time i can be myself, before amanda comes" Parker says. i slump back into my bed. can she not hear the words that are coming out of her mouth.  I couldnt gop back to sleep, not after the worst dream i have had. I decided to call will, talk tohim about moving in.

Ring ring. the phone buzzed and someone talked on the phone. "you have reached William Wellington who is not here, obiviously, leave message bye". Wills voice was soothing, but i need to talk to someone. i see the first contact on my list, Justin. "he wont be awake" i whisper, "try?". BUZZ. " hello" Justin picks up the phone. I was shaking, i expected a voicemail. " Hi" i cough. " I decided to talk to him about the only thing i was thinking of. " I got more notes" i said. " they are getting more creepy and more belivable" i said. Justin yawned, " dont worry, its a prank it will pass" he said. " No, it isnt. yesterday i took a shower and when i came out there was a note on the mirror" I said. A smile appeared on Justin's face. He laughed, " shower". "Shut the hell up" I snap. " can't I just talk to you like a friend". " that's the problem Scarlet" he tells me, " I don't want to talk to you as a friend, I want to talk to you as something more". I knew it was coming out sooner or later, but I certainty wasn't ready to hear it now. "Be that as it may, I want to talk to you as a friend. Plus it's 3am can we not have this conversation now!" I say quietly.

" Fine, but can I have at least one dance at the masquerade with you?" He asks. At first I laugh but then I remember what tharzius had told me. " I'm going to be ocupied" I said. " will" Justin groans. "Tharzius" I whisper. "No way, if you think your going to meet him alone" he said in a strong tone. " I'll be fine, he won't do anything in a public place" I said. " how can you be sure" his strong tone over powering mine. " Justin, you can't interfere, I need to ask him something" I said. " about what?" He said. " about......" I was deciding whether to tell him or not. " my dreams" I said. " dreams? Really, scar" he said. " dreams about, moodacashes. I don't expect you to understand but maybe...... maybe there's a connection". Parker pulls her head phones out of her and listens in. " that's bull, you really think a little fantasy story that we heard on the first day of school could mean anything?" I could almost see his eyes roll. " I knew you wouldn' understand" I was ready to hang up. " but.." he began to say. I take my hand away from the "end call" button. " are you sure" his strong tone disappeared. " I'm not sure, that's why I want to confront Tharzius" I explain. " does Will know" the strong tone came back. " ugh, JUSTIN" I yell as I end the call. It was a mistake to talk to him.
I stay awake the rest of the night, watching " Family fued" with Parker. She didn't ask me what the problem was or why I called Justin, and frankly I was glad that she didn't want to talk about it.

I woke up, brushed my teeth and combed my hair, changed and went out the door. " today will be normal" I tell myself. I have to keep myself calm till the dance, in case of any information that could and probably will change me forever. " hey" Will is waiting for me bye the door. His constant desire for me to be safe made me feel comfortable, and protected which was just what I wanted. " hey" I walk towards him. He slings his arm over my shoulder and Iowa the door with his other hand. I didn't realize, like his brother, Will was getting starred at by all the girls. " can wait to we your game tommorow night" the girls chanted. I gave him a weird look. " a game" . " ya, first football game of the season"
He told me. " and you didn't tell me?" I asked. " well you don't really like-" I closed his mouth. " of course I'll go" I said. " so you not mad" he was puzzled. " nope" I kissed him and we began walking again. That was the first time I went in for the kiss, and I didn't mind it.

"Bye" will had dropped me off in supernatural studies where yet again, mr.cheng was waiting. " nothing yet " I lie and walk to my desk. When Justin enters the room I debate whether to move to a different seat. Before I get the chance Justin finds his way to me. " are you.... ok?" He asks. " am I ok" I forget about keeping my calm," am I the fuck okay?? No, Justin, I'm not." His eyes went blank. " did I do something?". " were you drunk or did you just forget our conversation" I snap. He touches my shoulder and I tense. " I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't myself. But aI don't think I did anything wrong. I can't change the way I think about you" he said.

" no, do we HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN" I push his hand away. "I don't want to choose between you two. I will always choose Will. You left me when I was young, and we never got along. You can't come back into my life and make everything better" I say. "Im not saying that, but dont you dare say that you dont feel something for me too" justin admitted. he put all this presure on me and my stomach was churning. "thats it" i pick up my stuff and moved to the front. " going to the game" parker takes her stuff and moves towards me. " go alpacas" i say with my eys to my feet. " whats wrong" parker said, " i noticed it a long time ago". " its hard to explain" i admit. " tell me later" he voice synched with the bell.

" good morning class" mr.cheng was shuffling through some papers. " today we are going to be working more on our poppies. get out your lab from a couple classes and begin working. Parker and the rest of class had eyes on me." im ok" i said. parker got out her paper and mr.cheng tarted to pass out their poppies. " mr.cheng" I sneezed. Justin got out of his seat. "sit down" i prayed. " we dont want her in the hospital again, she needs to leave" Justin states. the class nods their heads. " Oh i had not forgotten. Me and Mrs.Kane will be outside in the hallway, discussing some missed work" Mr.cheng lied. " im actually good. If i could just do the sheet of work ill be ok. I am sure i can find some reaseach on the poppies that can help me complete the assignment" i ask. I knew exactly what mr. Cheng wanted to talk about, but i wasnt ready. "scarlet....." he urged. "please" i speak calmly. Mr.cheng tosses me a sheet of paper, " begin working, mrs Kane" he said.

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