Chapter 17: the little cottage in the tree

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I explained to Parker about everything, tharzius, the curse, the reason I broke up with Will. I knew she wouldn't look at me the same way but she had to know. "And the pain?" She asked. " I think so" I respond. She took deep breaths and I hope I didn't regret my desicion of telling her. " Don't tell" I remind her. "I'm your best friend, of course not" Parker replies cheerfully. "Pancakes!" Connor explains as he brings a tray full of syrup, pancakes, and orange juice to the living room. Parker and I were on the couch, and connor took a seat next to Parker. Justin was in his room, and I wasn't in a rush to wake him.

                             In Justin's room
Justin was awake, and ready to come downstairs when his phone rings from the night stand. Turning around, Justin slowly makes his way to the beeping phone. Unknown. "Tharzius" justin was not hesitant in picking up the phone. " what do you want now, you leave my girlfriend alone" justin is quick to say. "It's will" a guy on the other line answers, "and who is girlfriend?". Justin's eyes widen and he responds, "um, I was expecting another caller". " where are you" Will is straight forward, "actually I don't care about you, where's Scarlet". "How my little brother" Justin's douche bag came out under his thin good guy skin, " why would I tell you". " Where is she, with you?" Will demands an answer. "Ya she's with me" justin laughs, "Aw, you jelly. Oh well". " is she the girlfriend your referring to?" Will gasped, "She would never".

" why do you need to know where she is at all times?" Justin asked. " I want to know she's safe, I saw her outside int he grass yesterday, she seemed troubled" Will admitted. "I'm taking care of that"Justin was ready to hang up. " I swear if you hurt her.." Will kept going but Justin pressed the end call button and proceeded downstairs.

                     Back downstairs
"Hello" justin slams himself next to me. I scoot an inch closer to Parker and take a sip my orange juice. " I told her" I tell justin. " everything?" Justin sat up in the couch. Parker nods her head. "Hmm?" Connor said. " nothing" I answered. "Oh it's a couple secret that Parker listened in on" Connor nodded his head. " we..." I pointed at me and Justin, "are not a couple". Justin's eyes were confused. " what about that make out session we had at the dance?" Justin said. "You kissed him!" Parker yelled. "You asshole" I got up from the couch and slapped him in the face. "Oh my god" Connor got up from the couch. I stomped out the door and made my way to the forest
were I could be alone.

"That stupid guy" I mumble, "messing up everything in my life" I didn't bother to track my way into the forest so I could get out, I wasn't intending on going back for a while. " Scarlet" a familiar voice filled the air. "Scarlet, COME BACK" He screamed. "Go away Justin" I yelled back. He tracked my voice. I kept walking and suddenly stopped. There was a clearing in the woods, filled with the same poppies from school, I would never forget. I gasped and Justin heard. He eagerly search through the pads for me. "Scarlet, what's wrong, are you ok?" I hear him rustling through the woods. He unfortunately finds me. He gasps at the poppies. " what the hell" he gasped as he yanked me back from the edge of the poppies. I kicked him off me then noticed something in the clearing. The poppies started to disappear and a tree grew from the center of the clearing. I was stunned. But went through the path of no poppies and touched the tree. Like instinct, I knocked on it. A door appeared and it swung open. Justin quickly followed behind me into the little cottage in the tree. It was old, and the language written on the wall I didn't understand.

The was only one word on the wall that I could understand, moodacashes. Hay scattered the floor and dust filled the room. "What is this" I observed the room. I found another word I knew, Audrianna. Another one, Tharzius. "Holy shit" I touched the writing over the well worn wall, " this is Audriannas house". Justin turned to me, "Maybe, but i think its her safe haven, to protect her from something". Justin could be right. "Hold on" I walked out of the house and shut the door. I heard nothing. I opened the door and Justin was up against it almost tumbling out. " I thought you were going to lock me in there" he grunted. " I thought about it, but that's not the point. Did you scream?" I asked. " of course I did, I yelled at you for locking me in here" he explained. " I didn't hear a thing, this thing is soundproof, so no one could here her screams" I said. I walked back into the hut. " Wait? Mr Cheng said she was in love with Tharzius. But she died before she turned, because a double of Audrianna hasn't been killed" I restated. I noticed something in the house I didnt notice before, a half empty bottle of herbs in the corner of the room.I carefully open the jar. I took a sniff. "Oh it smells so good, smell" I put it up to Justin's face. " oh that smells like old gym uniforms, now I know why your attracted to Will" Justin coughs. " it smells like flowers and cinnamon and fresh mint and" I stopped. "What does that say, its English" Justin points at the label on the bottle. " it says..
For: my sweet Audrianna
to help with transition. Love-T
" I read.
"So mr. Cheng was right" justin said, " They did have a fling...just like us". I scoffed and walked out of the house, taking the herbs in the lodge. Parker was somewhere with Connor.

"Hey.... Scarlet" Justin follows me into the bedroom. I Ignored him. " HEY SCARLET" he turns me over to face him. "What do you want, another 'make out session" I snap, . " NO" he said, "I'm sorry". "About the hundredth damn time" I answered, " No matter the urge i feel inside of me to love you, no matter your charm and need to protect me, right now all i know is that you're a jerk. and i want to leave this bedroom NOW". I looked away, but his hands were locked on my arms. "Look at me" he says. I refused. I try I unlock my hands but he doesn't budge. "I'm sorry" he was soft, " I want you to know that". " I know that your sorry" I said, " but a word is a word, justin".

" ya but you don't understand" he was shaking," every time I see you every nerve in my body shivers, and every muscle pulls me towards you. i get jealous, as you can tell, so i gloat, because being with you has been the bast thing that has ever happened to me. When you kissed me I couldn't control myself, and when you say it's nothing then that means it meant nothing. It meant that my vulnerability meant nothing. I mean nothing to you". " that's not true" I explain. " you say that, but what you say here is different from you say out there" Justin grips my arms even harder. " you always make these paragraph long apologies, and i get youre sorry But you make so many apologies because you always mess thing up with us, how can i trust you?" I my blood boiled. "Scarlet, I need you to make up your mind, Will needs you to make up your mind" Justin responds.

"It's not an easy decision, Justin" I gulp " but the douche of you is making it a whole lot easier" I finally unlock my arms and head for the door. He grabs my hand. " Justin stop" I look back. I was going to say what I needed to say, " I choose Wi-" before I could finish my answer to his never ending question he swung me around and our lips lock. Im so angry, and he could feel the heat of rage placed on my lips, but his cold heart needed warmth. i unhook our kiss and we stare into each others eyes for a good two minutes. Most of it was me debating whether i should kiss him again or walk away.

It wa shard till I remember exactly his words. We were so close I basically was kissing him. Next to a guy that wants to kiss you, bed, why not? Because he was being an ass. I walk out of the bed room, and thinking of what it would be like if I didn't walk away. He didn't follow me this time, he just stood, there, waiting for me to come back.

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