Chapter 30: "this Is the second time you ended up in my arms"

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Parke sat on the couch, rocking herself back and forth. " no I can clean this up" I tried to mop the floors but the blood just smeared. Parker ran outside and threw up all over the grass. Tharzius watched me from the balcony. He threw me some bleach. "That'll help" he told me. I wondered where Justin went, but I needed to clean this up before I came back. " I need to change too, I'm covered in blood" I wiped it off my shirt in disgust. Tharzius cocked his head. Suddenly he realized something. "Where did you wings go!" He asked trotting down the stairs. "I...I don't know" I felt my back, nothing. Tharzius ran behind me but saw nothing.Suddenly they grew back and slapped his face. But then my horns were gone. "What the hell" I patt my head.

I had a crazy thought, and maybe this was a side effect of my most recent dose of the herbs. I closed my eyes and imagined myself days again, with not horns and wings. When I opened my eyes they were both gone and I was smiling at Tharzius. "You can... control this!" Tharzius took a step back, unbalanced. I shrugged and kept mopping. This was amazing, I could go back to school. But it was only a matter of time till the consequence came along. But what so bad that it's not worth this? Oh how wrong I was.

I was...still am very curious. I'm a very bold person, and when I want to know things I strive to figure them out. Much like a detective. But with this, with this plan, I couldn't predict anything, I didn't know what would happen next. Even after I cleaned up the guts and prices of skull, Parker was still throwing up. She threw up a lot, and Tharzius held up her heai. It should've been me doing that, but she would go near me. " Tharzius has done worse" I yelled with my arms crossed. Justin pulled up to the lodge. " he ran out of the car and ran to us. " I was there. There are these people. In like armour Looking for mr cheng, they are coming here". Justin looked at my change of clothes. "I left some here and I found them"I told him. "No.. not that, why are you wearing them" he asked.

I pointed to the side, where a hole was dug into the yard. "Mr Cheng?" He said noticing the hair. I nodded my head. "You did this?" He asked. I nodded my head again in shame. " Justin he was trying to kill me and I was angry. I obviously didn't mean it to be this.. violent" I told him. He ran to me and gave me a hug I hugged him hard and layed my head on his chest. He didn't need to say something, sometimes the best thing to do is to be quiet and be there with someone. Parker has stopped throwing up. And Tharzius let go of her hair. "Now we must go" Tharzius took my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away, " What... no! I can take them whoever they are" I told Tharzius. They are wearing royal armoire, you can't penetrate them. And if they are following ancient tradition for killing you, they bath themselves in that poppy. So, you need to fly" Tharzius said. "People will see me when I'm up there" I told him. "You'll look like a bird, now let go!" He grabbed my hand again. Justin slapped Tharzius's hand. " don't touch her" he stood in front of me. "Justin stop" I walk around him. " Tharzius I can still take them, I will heal from the poppy" I said. "How many were there" Tharzius asked me. " about 30" Justin answered. "Scarlet, as much as I hate it he is right. You need to go".

I scoffed as Parker agreed with Justin. "And I can't help you if they come, I'm not allowed to touch them" Tharzius took my hand for the last time. "Now all you have to do is push and your in the air" Tharzius said. "I will be there with you". Wings larger than mine sprouted in his back, they were red and scaly, like hell itself. "What about Parker? Justin?" I said as my wing revealed. "We will take the car" Parker said. I Hugged her, " I know you don't want to be with me right now but I love you" I told her. I love you too, the you that didn't kill people" Parker said. Then I turned to justin, " see you at Rubitha" I layed a kiss on his lips and the pushed off from the porch. Tharzius swiftly followed. " i cant keep putting them in this position" i told tharzius as i not so smoothly glided through the air. " why no? if they love you then they will protect you" tharzius said. " but they cant help" i told him. why did i feel like telling him all my problems. he was my enemy not my therapist. I quit talking and focus on not falling to my death. " you are so caring, why. why don't your just let go ad not care. I makes you so much more free" tharzius asked. " I couldn't, and I may have to do it agains tmy ill so I need charish these moments of love" I explained. tharzius laughed " if only you loved Justin back" he said.

"I'm sorry what?" I turned to him. " you dot love Justin" he repeated. " that's not true"i counterd. he smiled " admit it, tell me you love him" tharzius said. I couldn't lie, but I thought I loved Justin. I wouldn't let him mamipulate me. I was worried to much about answer that my wings went wonky and I started to fall. "ahhh" I screamed as I tried to keep flyig. I plummeted to the ground but tharzius was a bullet, and scooped me up before I hit the hard grey cement. he went up to the sky before anyone could see. " the second time you end up n my arms" he said annoyingly. " lets not make it a third" my wings started to flutter. I flew up ahead of tharzius to avoid another conversation. but there was ssomehting different. he was tense and shielded and mean, like always. but right now there was something in his eyes, I don't know what It is, but your eyes lead to your soul, and his soul was changing.

we landed in the bushes and disguised my wings. " get in the dark, now" he ran to the shaded tree. " they will be here soon. and when they arrive the SO's will be here too" tharzius said. I sat under the tree. " is this how its gonna be, them coming and then we leave and then over and over again" I asked. he picked me up, " not for long, ill kill you soon" he corrected me. " oh yeah, forgot about that" I scoffed. he was still holding my hands.i tried to let free but her just stood there staring at me. " what is It about you" he questioned. he finally let go and scrabling, I ran inside the dorm. tharzius was experiencing something that he hadn't felt in a while. "I'm going to kill her" tharzius said. " I'm going to kill her' he repeated to himself.

there was no exchange of conversation for the multiple hour drive. " how did one bus manage to take her here? its so far away!" Justin tried to make small talk. " can we not?" parker asked and then went back to silence. Justin roled his eyes. " I'm only being nice to you for scrlet. your guys are close. and I want you to know if scarlet wasn't your friend I would push you out of this car?" Justin exclaimed. parke looked shocled and threatnd. " oh face it Justin, shell never love you. ever. she only kisses you so you don't go off the rails" parker threatened Justin. Justin rolled his eyes again. " as if" he replied. " your scared because you know its true. she did love you, back at the dance. but not now. now she loves no one. and you think that if you help her then she will love you, but it wouldn't work like that"parker explained. " your just jealous because you love me" Justin yelled. " that couldn't be further from the truth parker yelled back, " just drive you prick" parker explained. Justin parked on the side of the road. " we need to make this even" he said turning to parker. he put his hand behind parker and pulled her to him. he kissed her and then turned around to the wheel. " now we are even" justin started the car. " you idiot" parker grunted as the car started to move. parker felt nothing about Justin felt everything. " what did I just do?" his brain told him.

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