Chapter 13: Whats been right in front of me

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It was the next day and I was at Wills dorm with Parker, talking about the dance. " it's been a while since we all hung out, the good old Toppleberry days" Will sings. " We need justin to complete the true Toppleberry vibe" Parker laughs. I could see Will fighting the urge to explode. "We don't need him, he made my life a living hell as a kid" Will said. Suddenly someone storms in the room. " I told you guys, I frickin phsycic" Parker screams.

It was Justin, smiling, thankfully dressed. " I heard my name, I'm here to join the party" he sits down next to me. Will drapes his arm over me and gives me a kiss, " sure Justin" he smiles, " join us". Justin scoffs and scoots over to Parker. " Hey hot stuff" he says to Parker. We all burst out laughing and Justin shoots me a couple glances. I felt awkward because of my vision. "The Dance is tommorow after school" Will mentions. " I can't wait" I lie. Suddenly, I feel something weird under my butt.

I scoot over, revealing that I was sitting on a letter. Will picks it up. " give it to me" I already knew who it was from. " wait, I could be for me" Will answers opening the envelope.  I give Justin a look and he realizes. " Dude, give it" He said. " Chill, I'll read it out loud" Will pushes us away. If anything, I didn't want Will part of the drama. I pluged at him and grab the letter out of his hand before he is about to unfold the paper. " Scarlet!" He exclaims. " it's mine, it must have fell out of my pocket, I got it this morning" I lie. I hope they don't notice that I don't have pockets.  I unravel the paper and read it to myself.
Dear Scarlet,
You like the hallucinations huh? Shows you something that you desperately want, AT YOUr FINGERTIPS! since you refuse to listen to my constant reminders of BE WITH JUSTIN I have decided to challenge you. If you don't break up with Will in the next 6 hours, someone will die.
                                               Love- Thar
I try to stay calm, this is real. I give the letter to Justin, unable to speak. He rips the paper into shreds after reading it and throws it away. " What did it say?" Will asked. " I have to..." I whisper to Justin. " I'll tell you what it said" Justin was tight. It said you hooked up with Stephanie Brooks last night, what a wrong move bro, Scarlet is devestated" Justin exclaimed. " follow along" he whispers. He was giving me a reason to break up, he was there for me. I cried, but it wasnt fake, I was crying about something else, the fact I have to see Tharzius tommorow. " Stephanie Brooks? She's gross" Parker looked at Will. She slapped him in the face."Parker" I yell. " don't you dare harm my best friend" Parker said. " I didn't hook up with her!" Will put his hands up, "Last night, it was football and then to bed". " ya, foot ball and bed, with Stephanie brooks" Justin scowls . "That's it" Will gets up and charges for Justin. I step in front of Justin. " No, Will. Although I would love to see Justin rip you to shreds, no fighting" I cringe at the fact that I said that. " so you really believe in some random letter than your own boyfriend" Will scoffs. "I don't know what to believe" I lie.

Justin and I left the dorm, Parker stayed back to talk to Will about his "wrong decisions" . " Thank you" I said. " not hard, just thought it would be easier on you" Justin said. I open the dorm door." I'm just glad it was fast, but are sure that was your only intention... to make it easier?" I sit on my vanity. " of course not, Scarlet... I will always try" Justin admits. " you show perseverance .  But I love Will" I retold him. " I know, you love him" Justin said, " but you also love your mom, your dad, me". " oh god, not good timing" I told him. Justin was crazy, hitting on me when I basically just broke up.

"What do we do about tharzius?" I change the subject. " kill him" Justin said. I laugh, "A 2000 year old demon that has some evil unbreakable plan, how do we kill him?" I said. " We go to the only one that has no friends so has enough time to research" justin smiles. " Mr.Cheng" i answer.

As Justin and I were getting ready to visit mr.cheng, mr.cheng would have another special visitor. "ring ring" Mr.chengs phone went off. " Its been a while" He said. " I found one, im positive" the man on the other line said, " but I want to have fun with her first, Scarlet Kane, you know her". "Its good to talk to you, Tharzius" Mr.cheng said. " You too, Phillip" the call ended.

"Look, kids, i barley know the ancient story" Mr.cheng said, "do you think you can kill this man?". " how are your sure its a man" I said, " could be a girl" I said. " no, im pretty sure its a guy" Mr.cheng placed a book on the table. " what are Tharzius's intentions?" Justin asks. " well, i guess he would like to find the next generation of Audrianna and Salomon, and then turn Audrianna's double into a moodacashes"Mr. Cheng said. " Well its a long story, its just that it was beleived that tharzius and audrianna loved eachother and the moodacashes was a loop hole to turn audriannna into a demon to live with tharzius" mr.cheng said. " so the story was wrong, Audrianna was a moodacashe" I stated. " but still, why would he want to turn a double into a moodacashe?" i asked. " Maybe to piss off the gods, or maybe he owes it to someone. Or maybe when the moodacashe dies the spirit of audrianna joins tharzius"

"So far, only the males have died. Not one double of audrianna has been killed as a moodacashes." Mr Cheng explained . "but that doesnt make any sense, why would Tharzius go after Scarl-" justin answered his own question. " oh this is just the best, I HAVE AN AUDRIANA DOUBLE IN MY CLASS!" Mr.cheng was jumping up and down.I leave the class room, " need some fresh air".

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