Chapter 27: coffee, napkins, and talking

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"I'm sorry" Parker told him, trying harder and harder to convince him it was genuine.
"You made her worse Parker, even Will made a better impact" justin shower her the napkin. "This is not a clarification, this is a goodbye. A goodbye Parker, I'm not ready to say goodbye. Justin banged the wall. "I didn't mean to- "
"Mean to what. You knew this wasn't going to work.. why do it?" Justin wasn't going to be a douche to Parker, he wasn't going to bug her on how irisistable he was. That's a first. Parker wipes her tears away. "Don't cry, seriously, no one is sorry for you" justin said. "It was just a.... kiss" Parker realized what she did but it was harder than expected to make amends.

"Justin, please" she breathed, "it was just a kiss, you get those a lot, get over it" Parker said. "You used me, your not the victim here, just... ugh, you were my friend. Parker you were my friend. My friend" Justin resorted those words. " get out" Parker whispered. "What?" Justin asked. Parker blowed her nose and threw the tissue in the trash. " if you gonna make me feel like crap then just go, I'm not gonna hear you complain about how wrong I did you when I'm well aware. I tried to apologize but I failed so leave.. now" Parker opened the door. "Fine by me" justin yelled as he went through the door. I was waiting outside for Justin. "Scarlet" he walked to me. I shrugged him and walked into my dorm room. " what did I do?" Justin turned around to see me walk threw the door. "I don't know, but ya made her cry" I shut the door. Justin clenched the napkin in his hand. "I like you, a lot" he re read from the note. Soon he would meet Will for coffee, and would explain the note.

"Are you um.. good" I asked while hanging my jacket up. "I'm so sorry" Parker admitted,"I was caught up and stupid and I jus twist a friend I don't wanna lose you too". "Oh that" I said, "honestly I don't care. If you want him take him cuz it's not a problem" I sat by the bed next to her. "The napkin" she mumbled. She had to act cool, because she wasn't supposed to know about it. I didn't feel the need to cry. I didn't feel the need to do that, just anger, but since I don't love justin, I wasn't angry at her.

"Hello, my demon of a brother" Will invited Justin to the diner table. Two hot chocoltes were brought over to them. "Like when we were kids" justin stirred the whipped cream and chocolate sauce. " you need to leave" Will was blunt. "Excuse me" justin took a sip of his hot chocolate. " you need to leave" Will spoke again. " I know I'm new to this but it doesn't take a genius to understand how to stop this. She's better with me. She lives me" Will stated. " Oh brother, how you wish your childhood best friend loves you back but.. love is a strong word and it's not meant for you" justin patted his brother in the back. " I still hate you" Will pushed his brother off. Justin sat back in his chair, " id like to hear your theory". "Ok" Will adjusted himself". She needs me, I make her better. That's a known fact. But even with  me she will somehow still be drawn to you. You need to leave her, dramatically, so she can't never love you ever again. She will begin to love me because I will be there for her. You'll be calateral damage" Will explained. "No, I'm not gonna just leave, I'm not gonna just leave her. I couldn't" justin explained. " I know that" Will seemed to know his brother better than anyone after not seeing him for 10 years. " that will be a shock for her too" Will sat up . They were surrounded by empty seats and waitresses staring at them. " it won't work" justin said, "her emotions have disappeared". Will nodded his head and processed. " she loves you, it's weird but true, and you will be able to get her emotions back on, and then you'll leave, seriously. Her life is more important than yours" Will said. It was something they could both agree on, me. From opposite ends of the track but started in the same spot.

I can't imagine this for will, he hated him, and now he's sitting down actually having a conversation. He had come a long way. He was controlling himself, just for me.

Will started devising the plan while Justin stated across the diner to 2 doors on opposite sides of the hallway leading to the kitchen. One was glowing with a blinding light, how could someone work In that? And then it clicked for Justin. He slowly glanced at the other door. It was well worn, but didn't show the inside. " Will?" He asked his brother. Will nodded his head, mouth open at the doors. "It's like I see the light" Will said. "It's the same kind of light" Justin replied. "That's why this place is so fucked up, because there is a door, to heaven. Why is it a coincidence scarlet came here" justin got up and ran out of the diner, will layed and quickly followed.

"It makes sense" I said as will and Justin were done speaking. "But so what?".
"But so what? If you stay here the gods will find you. That door is the portal to heaven and that's how they get here. They are so close to you they could taste you!" Justin said. "So, sounds like a personal problem" I started walking. "Ya, your personal problem" Will ran after me. "Fine, I'll go with Tharzius" I told them. " Tharzius? No way he's the last person to be with you right now" justin said. "And how do you know, your not going through this" I told him. " well he wants to kill you" justin states. "I'll work my way around that. And plus, if I get out of control, you'll want to kill me, too" I said. They stood there. "Am I right" I opened my bag, "look I need to go but thanks for the constant stalking guys, same time tommorow" I smiled sarcastically and walked away

Justin was waiting at the bus stop. He had ran past me. " don't think for a second that I'm gonna leave".
Will jogged behind, "same, I'm not moving".
"Ok well.." I pushed Justin over and kicked Will in the groin, "give Parker my best" i saw a train coming my way. To the little cottage in the tree here I come.

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