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Authors note: MAKE SURE TO LEAVE COMMENTS!! I love reading you feedback and making sure the next chapters to come are better than before!now, let's get on with the chapter!

"Friends?" An angered Tharzius screamed. I step back, intimidated. "You not going to kill me" I stand tall. " ya, I know you know that. That doesn't mean I can't hurt you" Tharzius swished his hand and my stomach got pulled out of me. I screamed in pain as I looked at my disfigured organ in the ground. He uncrumbles the organ and sends it flying back into me, and then stitching it back up. I can barely stand. Startled, Parker runs from the bathroom. She wasn't supposed to see Tharzius. He straightens his jacket and sticks his hands out. " Tharzius, you can call me tom" . Parker takes a step back and runs to me. " are you ok?" She helps me up. " behind you" I whisper. Tharzius was close to Parker, a bigger grin than I have ever seen. "Leave her alone, you... stalker" Parker said. " you humans think your so powerful" Tharzius laughed, " and I have a reason to be angry. She is friends with Will now, FRIENDS!" Tharzius says. " your lucky I didn't ask to be his girlfriend so back off" I demanded. "Your love radar as I call it is going down tremendously . You are loving justin less and less. But you don't love Will anymore. You just aren't loving in general anyone" Tharzius explained.

"For me, that's a plus" Parker helps me sit on the bed. "Really? Because even though you don't live justin you still don't love will, making you still in transition" Tharzius said. Suddenly he grabs Parker and puts a knife to her throat. "What did I say if you were still with Will" Tharzius puts the knife closer to Parker. I struggle to get up but soon I'm in front of hem, " I did nothing, let her go". Tharzius puts a cut into Parker and the knife starts to slide down her neck. I lung for Tharzius and my strength put himself off his feet. Parker, grabbing the side of her neck, tumbled to the ground. "The tea" Tharzius stumbles. His body evaporated again as I grabbed Parker, desperately trying to get her up...

The scent of chlorine and alcohol filed my lungs as the nurses push Parker into an empty room. Will was the only person I called to come join me int he hospital. "Is she ok?" Will asked me " I hope so" I told him. " it wasn't a big cut, but it was deep".

A nurse walks up to Will and I, clipboard in hand. The nurse sits down next to us and hands me the clip board. "I understand that you were with her when this all happened" the woman said. "Um.... yeah" I said facing her. "I just want you to fill out the medical sheet for her, is that ok?" The woman said. "Ya, totally" I take the pen attached by a chain tot he clipboard and read the first question.
How was this patient hurt/harmed
I tapped the pen on the clip board thinking of something to write. An idea sprung....
She got some frames for the dorm so we could hang up some pictures and when putting the glass part of the frame on it fell and shattered. When Parker tried to pick it up she slipped and he neck met one to the sharp glass prices of the ground. We were able to remove the glass piece before we took her to the hospital.
Seeing what I had wrote on the paper the nurse called someone over. " make sure that the patient gets all remaining glass fragments out of her system" the nurse said. The other woman gave a puzzled look. Leaving me shaking. " miss we have already taken care of patient 32 and there were no glass peices left, or anywhere" the woman checked her charts. " like I said everything was taken out before" I explained.

"Ma'am, we understand that but it is next next to impossible to not have at least a bit of glass in her neck" the nurse took my clipboard as Will stood up. "Can we see her" he was eager. " um lemme ask her what she remembers if the incident". Lips pursed the two nurses proceeded to patient 32s room, a distrusting face appeared in Will. "What really happend?". "I....I will tell you later" I walked away to room 32 before things could get awkward. Will tagged along behind me.

"A sharp edge of desk scraped your neck as you tripped?" The nurse restated. "Yes ma'am" Parker sat up in the hospital bed, right before I ran through the door. "You lied" the nurse turned to me. Grasping for air I turn to Parker who has a worried look on her. " why did you lie" Will asked coming behind me. "Parker what did you say" I whisperd. " desk" she whispered back. The nurses observed everything. "Oh that. Well when we opened up the frames she tripped on the desk and then a glass piece went into her throat" I reassured the nurses and will. Swear beads formed on my forehead, and I was hoping the nurses couldn't notice the panic under my skin.

"This is true is it" the nurse rolled her eyes. She wactchd carefully as Parker nodded. " don't worry that's the truth". "Well it's a shame that it is" the nurse stated. I glanced at her name tag, Claire. "Well we only checked the exterior and if there isn't any there it might be lodged in her throat, we might have to cut her open to get some glass out" the other nurse talked to Claire. " Claire, ma'am, Parker is fine can we leave please" I asked. " no, we have to do more tests" Claire turns to leave the room. I Cruze her wrist. "She is fine" I reassured her. "1. Get your hand off me and 2 you came to our hospital to listen to our instructions, Well here they are" Claire tried to twist her hands from mine but I wouldn't budge. Parker got out of her seat and walked towards me. Will did the same. " I'll have to call security" Claire dragged me.

"That won't be nessecary" someone says from the door.  A man walks in, grabs the other nurse by the neck, and snap. A carcass laid on the floor. "Ill take that from you". The man removed my hand from Claire's, I was so shocked I wasn't as strong. "Tharzius?" Parker ran towards him. Before she could lay a punch on Tharzius a tiny cut appeared on her finger. "I can make that bigger if you want" Tharzius smiled. He took he trembling Claire in his hands and motioned us to get out. " that's it?" I questioned. "Might as well finished what I started" Tharzius explained.

"What are you going to do with her" I asked. Parker waited outside, even though Tharzius was doing us a favor, she couldn't bare to see him kill someone else. I had forgotten about Will who had stormed out of the room and into the men's bathroom to put together what he just saw. " I'll... take care of it" Tharzius smirked at Claire. "Kill, of course" I waked out of the room and next to Parker. She was waiting by the men's bathroom. Calling it for Wills name. " we know your in there" she exclaims. A familiar head pops out of the door. " who was.. that! You just talked to him like he wasn't a cereal killer while I witnessed him kill an inisant woman. What is this about? Did Justin send out an assassin to kill me!" Will shut the door, and I could hear him contemplatating what he thought was life. " will your being dramatic, get out here, we are your friends" I told him. " really? Some friends being friends with a MURDER" he shouted. People stared as he walked .
"I'll explain everything but just step outside" I explained. After a minute of silence he pops out his head . Suddenly tharzius appears again and Claire is not with him. " no, Tharzius STOP , your gonna scare him" I explained. Will ran back into the bathrooms and hid in the stalls.

About five later me and Parker decide to go into the men's bathroom to see what's going on. Will was asleep on a toilet with Tharzius holding an empty glass of what looks like milk. "Is he...." I gasped. " drugged, yes. He'll forget everything. I found this in the hospital actually, nice to have on hand" he told us. " good, so you didn't kill claire" Parker sighed. " oh I never said anything about Claire" Tharzius winked at Parker, "but I'll guess you just have to wait". With that, he was gone, and we were left with a sore stitched up Parker and a passed out football player.

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